Chapter 17: Hostile

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(I recommend watching the video to get an idea of who Lexa is if you don't already know.)

*Next Day*

*Waverly's POV*

Mmm, gotta love my blankets, and my bonus blanket.

Stretching my arms up, I rub my eyes. Turning my head, I see that Nicole is still asleep. I rub my hand over a patch of exposed skin where her shirt rode up to try and get her up. She groans, "Five more minutes." Then mumbles for a few seconds. I hear her breathing even out again.

"Hey, sweety pie, it's time to get up," I say softly as I try to get her up again. She just rolls over and buries her head in my shoulder. "No," she says in a cute husky voice that just makes me melt to a blob.

I lay there for a few moments and just soak it in, and suddenly Nicole brings her head up to say, "G'mornin cutie," with a smile on her face. I thread my fingers through her red locks a couple times before giving her a peck on the lips. I pull away to get up. "Noooo, come back," Nicole complains with a smile on her face.

She reaches for me as I get up, holding her hand. "Baby, come back to meeee," she says as she gives me the puppy dog eyes. I cover my eyes with my hand. "No, not the puppy dog eyes." I hear her get up and she pulls my hand away from my eyes.

She pulls me into a soft kiss, and I throw my arms around her neck. Pulling back I mumble, "I'm gonna go make breakfast for everyone, m'kay?" "Okay." I peck her lips one more time before grabbing an outfit and getting changed before I make breakfast.

*Nicole's POV*

I watch her go adoringly.

She's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do without her.

My phone starts ringing on the nightstand. "Hey Sheriff," I say as I answer. "Hey Kid, we uh, have a situation..." "We're on our way." I dress in my uniform before going down the stairs to inform everyone of what's happening.

We pile up in the cop car and Wynonna's truck. On the way to the station, we notice a revenant being thrown back out of the woods. Like literally into the air. "What the fuck was that?," Wynonna yells as we turned toward the edge of the woods. Emily, JJ, and I pull our guns out. Waverly loads her big ass shotgun.

How does one tiny person carry that?

"See you in hell," Wynonna says as she shoots the revenant, the flames engulfing him. "What." "The." Hell." "Was that." The four newcomers stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw it. "Pinch me," Vanessa insinuates. "Nope, not dreaming," responds Madelaine. They literally cannot believe what they saw.

"AHH," yells an unknown voice. It sounded like a war cry. When we turn the corner we see a woman dressed in all black, her hair in intricate braids with armor and sheaths with a big coat, swinging a sword. "Whoa," I whispered. When the unknown woman knocked down a revenant, the rest of them scattered.

She turned around and when we saw her face, it literally shocked us. She has these piercing green eyes with black war paint smeared around them.
She tilted her chin up and pointed her sword toward us. "Hey! Put the sword down, nice and easy," said JJ as she leveled her gun at the woman. The green-eyed woman snarled, and with a commanding tone she said, "Chon yu bilaik?" (Who are you?)

"Babygirl, what is she saying?," an urgent toned Wynonna yells. "How would she know?" says a suspicious Emily. "She studies languages for fun," adds the older Earp sister with a laugh.

She literally looks like she could just cut us all in half. I would let her. Yep.

"She's asking who we are. Osir nou na bash yo op," (We mean you no harm) Waves says defensively as she puts her shotgun down and her hands up. I see Emily look towards JJ with a look.

What are they doing?

"Yu know gon ai Kru sleng?," (You know of my people's language?)  asks the mysterious woman. "Sha. Ai laik Waverly. Disha ste Wynonna, ai sis. Disha ste Nicole, ai hodnes. Emo laik ai friends," Waverly responds. (Yes. I am Waverly. This is Wynonna, my sister. This is Nicole, my love. These are my friends.)

Waverly walks slowly towards her, with her hands still up. "What are you doing?," hissed JJ. "Something."

The green-eyed woman stands in a commanding like pose as she speaks. "Ai laik Leksa kom Trigedakru. Heda kom oso kongeda." (I am Lexa of the tree people. Commander of the Coalition.)

"Commander?" Waverly whispers with disbelief. "It is nice to meet you, Waverly." "So she speaks English, woohoo," says a sarcastic Wynonna. Everyone was surprised she could even speak English.

"Why are you dressed like a raccoon?," Wynonna adds curiously, oblivious to the disrespect written across the commanders face. "You think I look like a raccoon?" Lexa scoffs as she puts her sword back in its sheath and puts her arms behind her with an emotionless face.

Wynonna rocks on her feet as she holds peacemaker, "I have a feeling I shouldn't fuck with you because I might get myself stabbed or killed. Toodles." Wynonna shoots finger guns as she walks back to her truck.

Waverly rolls her eyes and smiles, turning to Lexa, "So, what are you doing here Heda?"


HEYYYYY YALL. Sorry, I was excited to write this that I've just been wasting time. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing this chapter. We all know Lexa deserved better 😭. To keeping her legacy alive, cheers 🍻. Let me know what y'all think. My cousin finally left and as much as I love her, I love having my bed all to myself more. Stay safe and sane!

-Mari 🌻

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