Chapter 23: Operation Rescue Part 2

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*Wynonna's POV*

After turning back around the corner, I ask Lexa to walk me to the kitchen counter. She lets go of the grasp around my waist, and gently grabs my arm that was around her shoulder, and puts it back at my side. She steps away to lean against the wall that's beside me.

My hair envelops most of my face, not letting her glimpse the emotions running across it. I begin glancing at brands on the liquor bottles in front of me. I wasn't going to drink, I just needed a distraction.

Plus everyone knows that alcohol does not mix with antibiotics. I'm not Carl. Stupid Carl.

I hear a delicate sigh escape the woman from beside me, "Are you okay?"

I feel a lump begin to form in my throat, and my vision becomes slightly blurry. I swivel my head to peek at her for a couple of seconds, admiring the way she carries herself.

I almost didn't notice she was wearing my t-shirt.

I realized she was still staring at me expectantly, waiting for an answer, her eyebrows creased together, her arms crossed and her eyes conveyed concern.

I had rarely trusted anyone because they either ran away, screwed me over (no pun intended), or didn't want anything to do with me. Everything in me is shouting that she's just like those people, but my heart is saying that she won't. And for the first time in a long, long time, I'm choosing to follow my heart.

I jerk myself out of my thoughts, although I still haven't verbally answered her question, I think that'll be a good enough answer.

I shuffle towards her, mildly irritated at myself that I can't walk properly, for fuck's sake.

I nudge her arms open from it's crossed position when she notices what I'm doing and wraps her arms around me.  One of her arms is wrapped around the top of my back while the other is resting upon my shoulder, her hand caressing my hair.

She feels safe, she feels like home.

I can feel her chin on the top of my head. I rest my head on her shoulder with my arms around her waist. I close my eyes and breathe out, "Thank you."

After a few seconds of bliss, I open my eyes to see the rest of the gang looking at us with smirks and smiles. I lift one of my arms from Lexa's waist and flip them off. They all start chuckling and a voice emits from the computer, "What are you guys laughing at? I'm only limited to the screen."

After a minute or two, Lexa and I head back into the living room to continue.

I shift so I'm comfortable in my seat, and this time Lexa sits on the end of the couch while I sit next to her, close to the middle. I look towards JJ, "You said earlier that we should treat this as any other case? How do we do that?"

JJ  furrows her brows slightly, "We profile based on the crime scene, where the crime was committed, and suspects. We use behavioral and psychological analysis based on the evidence to characterize the suspects. And then we use that to link the similarities from recent or past crimes over a certain period. Usually, they're all connected by a signature, a unique part that typically doesn't fit a crime."

Holy shit, that's a butt fuck ton of work.

I throw my head back and groan, "I have no idea that your job was this extensive, thank baby Jesus that I can see bullshit a mile away with peacemaker."

I tilt my head back down and Morgan asks a question, "What's peacemaker?"

I gesture for Haught-to-trot to get Peacemaker for me, "Momma can't afford another torn body part, thanks Haughty. Peacemaker is my non-living baby. I kill demons for a living. Not something I had visioned for a career but you win some, you lose some."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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