Chapter 15: How?

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*Vanessa's POV*

"What do you mean there are more of us?" I ask confusedly. A black-haired pale woman and a blue-eyed blonde woman step forward.

"I'm Emily and this is my co-worker, JJ. We work in the FBI. We're aren't actually from here, and it's going to be hard to explain or even understand," explained the dark-haired woman. "I don't even understand either," mutters JJ.

"You got that right," Wynonna says kind of loud.

"What she means is, they aren't actually from this world," says another woman with brown hair, looking younger than the other woman next to her.

She's wringing her hands nervously. "Also my name is Waverly, this is my sister Wynonna and that's my girlfriend, Nicole. Nicole is an officer of this Police Station," she adds as she gestures to them.

"Why are we here then?" asks Madelaine as she crosses her arms.

Can I just say that she's acting a bit like Cheryl, and I am not complaining one bit. It's like she has an on and off button.

"And how did we get here?" she adds again sharply. "Whoa, take it easy Cherry, that's a lot of fire there," says a sarcastic Wynonna as she hops up on the table.

"I'm sorry, she kind of slips into character when she gets defensive," I explain but with a slight smirk on my face. "Character?," JJ asks with a brow raised.

"We are actresses. I play a character named Toni Topaz and she plays Cheryl Blossom in a TV show called Riverdale," I explain.

"I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this. I'm just tired and wanna go home. When I need to, it helps that I channel Cheryl when I'm being defensive about something," explains Madelaine. I smile sadly at her and rub the middle of her back up and down.

"It's completely understandable," softly said by Waverly. She has a sympathetic look on her face. Nicole stands behind Waverly, holding her hand.

Man, they are so adorable. It's literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. Well maybe not the cutest cause you know, Madelaine is pretty darn cute. 

"Does anyone know why we're here?," asks JJ. She holds herself like she's waiting to just jump right into the work.

"I wish Reid was here right now, he'd know just what to spew about," says a sighing Emily. "I think I might know why you're here actually," Waverly says meekly. "Well not why, but I think I can gather how your here," she adds. It's like the gears are turning in her head.

"We'll lay it on us, title of your sex tape," Wynonna snickers the second part quietly. Nicole hits her with her shoulder.


"Do you want to tell it or do you want me to?," Quietly says Waverly. She's looking down. "I'll do it, baby girl," Wynonna says as she kisses the top of her younger sisters head. Waverly goes to Nicole and just hugs her really tight.

I wonder what it must be for them that's so hard to talk about.

I pull Madelaine down to sit next to me on the couch. The others get the memo and sit down on the other couches or chairs.

Wynonna comes and stands in front of us. "I know this will be kind of hard to comprehend at first when I tell you because I didn't even believe this shit when my daddy first told us," she says kind of laughing but sadly.

"My great-great-grandfather, Wyatt Earp, killed 77 outlaws back in the old west. They reincarnate every time the oldest child of the Earp family turns 27. Every Earp heir since then hasn't been able to kill all of them. The last Heir before me was my dad, Ward Earp. He died. I am the last Earp heir or at least I was. When I was 12, the Seven came onto the homestead. They shouldn't have been able to but they did," she takes a breath before she continues.

"One of them took my older sister, Willa. Daddy was in the house that night, momma had left by then. He was telling me to stay in the house and to protect my baby sister. One of the Seven came through the front door and snatched him. They just left the door wide open, so I took Peacemaker off the table and I pulled the trigger thinking that I would kill one of them. Instead of hitting the revenant, it hit my dad. I killed my own father," she explains some of the story and a watery laugh comes out as she says the last sentence.

I- she was right. I can't even comprehend this. To have accidentally killed your dad when you were trying to save him. To keep your whole family safe and for it to have ended up so badly. To clean up this giant mess.

She has tears in her eyes but she continues. "A couple of months ago, when Willa was found alive after we've been searching for her for so many years...she betrayed us. She betrayed us with goddamn Bobo Del Rey. Bobo is a revenant that's been a pain in my ass. Willa was supposed to be the heir, not me. Willa went over the Ghost River Triangle line with Peacemaker and opened it up for demons to enter and escape. She went willingly. I brought Peacemaker back over the line and I had to shoot my older sister too," Wynonna says with a hoarse voice.

I grab Madelaine's hand tightly. It's like she can read my thoughts, and she pulls me closer so I'm leaning onto her with my head on her shoulder. She rubs my back with her free hand. I squeeze my eyes shut. A tear escapes my eye.

I haven't even known these people for even a day but I'm crying for their loss. It must've been hard to kill the people that you love, or anyone really.

I just wish that somehow I could take this back for them, so that they could be happy and not have to have a burden all the time, carrying around a curse.

Waverly gets up to console her sister. The younger Earp wraps her arms around her sister as she cries softly. Everyone turns the other way to give them some privacy. I take a look at JJ and Emily.

JJ and Emily both have a look in their eyes saying that they understand the loss of family and loved ones. Emily move her hand to hold JJ's.

I turn to look at Madelaine and she's looking past me like she's thinking about something. "Hey...are you okay?" I ask softly. Reaching out to hold both of her hands, she says, " I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost you." "You won't ever lose me, okay?" I say with determination as I look into her eyes so she knows I'm honest. She nods and pulls me in for a quick kiss. It's a promise.

I nod tat Emily and JJ toward the door so we can give Wynonna and Waverly some privacy. They take the hint and get up off the couch and walk towards the door.

I pull Madelaine up with me, and I put my hand on Wynonna's shoulder and hope she understands without me having to say anything. Madelaine and I walk towards the door but not without looking back and seeing Waverly stroke her sister's hair as Wynonna cries in her lap.

I close the door.

I wish them all the good this world has to offer.


Heyy guys, how are you? This chapter is longer than the other ones so I hope you guys like it. Sorry it took me a bit longer than I expected to write this chapter. I know it's kind of sad and I didn't intend it I be this way but stuff happens. I don't know when I'll update next because 2020 has been a crappy year for us all. My Abuelita was in the hospital a couple of days ago. She's doing better now. Its happened twice now. Anyways, stay safe and sane. Peace 🕊.


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