Chapter 20: Information Part 2

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*Wynonna's POV*

Seconds before Lexa pushed me out of the way, I could hear it. The gun, the gears moving slowly within the chamber as it was being pointed at my head.

It all moved in slow motion, I felt like I couldn't hear anything. Once I hit the ground, my senses came back all at once. I can feel this burning pain somewhere.

Looking over to my left, I see Lexa, lying there for a split second. She turns her head towards me, "Go, I can handle the rest of them. They need you," urging me to go to the homestead.

"Be safe," I say back, as she pulls me up, standing right in front of her. She gives me a nod as she steps back to pick up her swords and twirls them while running at the rest of the revenants around the homestead.

I grab peacemaker from the snow and shoot what's left of the revenant, muttering under my breath, "See you in hell."

I run past the barn with adrenaline pumping through my veins.

God, Lexa was right. We were supposed to go to the barn for more guns but I guess things never go according to plan.

As I'm running by, I see a couple of revenants with multiple arrows and bullets through their heads and shoulders.

When she said she was kick-ass with a Bow and Arrow, I thought she was just being humble about it but even I can admit that was precision.

As soon as I reach the door, I fling it open and close it behind me as quickly as possible. Turning around I find guns pointed at me. "Holy Jesus Wynonna, you almost gave us a heart attack," Says Waverly with an exasperated look on her face.

I thwack the guns so they're not pointed directly at me. "Sorry 'bout that, Babygirl. I had to make sure that no one had adultnapped you guys." "Adultnapped?" Waverly and Nicole asked confusedly.

I furrow my eyebrows and wave my hands around trying to explain, "Like kidnapped? Except you guys are adults sooooo adultnapped?"

Waverly makes an 'O' face. Nicole just looks ready to be done with my shit. "Anyway, doesn't matter, you guys stay and I'm gonna go check on the others," I say as I walk backward, pointing my thumbs behind me towards the stairs.

Running up the stairs, I make sure to check each room so we don't have any more surprises. I find Emily and Madelaine.

As I swing the door open, an arrow goes flying past me, lodged in the door frame.

I look towards Madelaine and Emily to glare at them. Throwing my hands up I say loudly and frustratedly, "For fuck sake, will you guys stop trying to kill me every time I open a goddamn door?," as I place my hand on my hip.

Emily looks sheepish as she lowers her gun. Madelaine looks slightly guilty for almost killing me. "Sorry, didn't know it was you." "Well no shit, I might as well have a ringtone that announces when I walk into a room."

I stopped glaring at them, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're good, no ones came up here yet. We've been getting them all down there," Madelaine says as she gestures to the revenants with Arrows sticking out of them.

"I saw that, and I have to say that is mighty badass Ginger #2," I give her a high five with a smirk on my face.

"Thank you."

"I have one more group to check on, so don't die?" I question awkwardly as I slowly walk towards the door.

"Captain, yes, Captain," The ginger salutes with a smile on her face despite the fact that people are trying to kill them.

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