Chapter Three

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"Alone, all alone. Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone." -Maya Angelou

I couldn't see and couldn't hold my breath. I was panicking too much. Someone's arms wrap around my waist and pulled me above water. The thing tried to pull me farther, but the person pulled me free. I got pulled onto the dock. I could hear voices before I blacked out.

When I came to, I could hear their voices. I wasn't still laying on the docks. I could feel soft blankets under me. Under that, a soft mattress. The voices were a little muffled. As if they were behind a door.

"Are we sure she's alright." That was the young authority voice.

I need to learn their names.

"We already gave her CPR. All the water was expelled from her lungs. She should be fine." That was the robot.

"Do we have to stand outside this door all afternoon?" That sounded like the strong older ninja. "She's passed out on the bed, she probably won't wake up until tonight."

"Well, we're staying out here until she wakes up. We have to make sure she's ok." That was the young authority voice again. I'm getting better at remembering their vocal patterns. "She was swimming pretty well, then she started drowning. Something must have been trying to pull her down."

"And that's where I jumped in a saved her. End of story, can we leave now?"

"What's got you so grouchy?" That voice was higher pitched. It must have been Jay.

"Because we've been babysitting this girl for who knows how long. Running after her in the city, saving her from drowning. She thinks we're going to kill her, which means she's probably not going to tell us about her powers. Now we're just sitting outside her room. It just seems like a lot for nothing."

"We should at least check on her." That was the girl.

"We've been 'checking on her' for three hours now! I find it pointless!"

"Then you can go train, but I would like to check on her and make sure she's safe." The young one sounded mad.

"Do what you like, I'm going above deck."

I heard footsteps leaving, then go above my head. I got up and looked out the window. I was in the air! But that's impossible! Ships can't fly! They float and sail!

An idea popped into my head as I looked at the window. I could fit through it, if I tried. I could stand on a box, or something. Maybe the bed. I had to get out here!

I looked around the room. The room had six beds, three on each side. Each bed had a different colour duvet and pillow. In the centre of the room stood a large coffee table surrounded by six coloured cushions. There were weapons hung on the walls and a single pin board on the back wall.

The others were going to be outside, until I make enough noise to tell them I was awake. I'll have to work quietly. Suddenly alarms went off.

I gasped as I felt the ship began to descend. My heart hammered in my chest and my mind raced. What was happening? What are those alarms? Why were we falling out of the sky? Were we falling? Were we going to crash?

"She'll still be here, after we make sure the city is safe," the girl said. "Let's go see who needs us?"

"Yeah," the leader said. "We need to make sure our city is safe. It might be the Sons of Garmadon, if any of them are left."

A few pairs of footsteps left the door. Maybe I won't have to jump out of the window. Maybe I can just walk off the ship while they're gone.

I waited until I felt us touch the ground. It was a smooth landing. We didn't crash and burn, like I thought we were. After we landed, I waited. A few minutes after we landed, I heard one pair of footsteps outside my door. I walked over to the door and saw a pair of feet dressed in black cloth.

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