Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Do what you can with what you have, where you are."-Theodore Roosevelt

We looked at each other. "Does anyone have a plan?"

"It's simple," Lloyd said with a shrug. "We sneak in, find Genie, handcuff Abigail and we leave."

"And you're not counting all the pirate guards she has with her," Cole said. "We have to have a well thought out strategy."

Lloyd shrugged. "We'll just do what you did last time."

"I'm not getting locked in a cupboard again," Kai said. "No way."

"They'll expect us to do what they did last time," I said. "They're clever. Ish."

Jay snickered. "Yeah, pirates are pretty stupid sometimes."

"Jay, focus," Nya said. "What would be the best way of getting in?"

I looked at Jay and crossed my arms. He looked back at me blankly. I realised everyone else was looking at him too.

"What," he asked.

"You have the most experience with pirates," Zane said. "How do you propose we get in?"

Jay looked at Nya, then at the rest of us. "Well, I think some should do the ducts, and others stick to shadows. Kai and Lloyd, you two steal some uniforms. You're going to be our decoy to steal Genie back"

Kai and Lloyd saluted.

"Finally, we get to play dress up," Kai said.

"But Lloyd is awful at pirate speak," Nya said.

Jay didn't seem to hear her. "Cole, you stick with Thalia and Zane. You're gonna tunnel your way to where Genie is."

"That way when the coast is clear, we can get Genie back," I said.

"Exactly," Jay agreed. "Which leaves Nya and I, as the central command. We'll be out here watching who goes in and out."

I sighed and looked at Zane.

"This sounds like a solid plan," Cole said.

Jay grinned at everyone. "Ok team, let's do this!"

Lloyd and Kai ran into the cave. I looked at Cole and Zane. I took a deep breath and put on the mask that Zane had given me. Zane smiled, holding in laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Zane shrugged. "The mask is white, the rest of your costume is black. It just looks funny to me."

I punched his arm, then looked at Cole. "Ready to dig?"

"Ready when you are."

He grabbed a weird pair of gloves and slipped them onto his hands. They had large metal spikes on them. He then began to dig into the ground like a mole, making sure the tunnel was just big enough for us to fit in.

Hang in there Genie, we're coming for you.

"Thalia," Zane said as he tapped my shoulder. I turned to him. He hugged me tightly. "Genie will be okay."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm just nervous. Usually it's me in danger."

"You guys can come down you know," Cole said as he popped his head out from the hole. He already had dirt and mud in his hair and on his face.

Without another word, Zane slipped into the hole, then helped me down into it.

The tunnel was big enough that I could nearly stand. But I decided not to.

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