Hold my hair!

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Sarah and Nat went out in the car together, they were meeting Chloe at a little coffee shop, not far from the apartments, as they were driving down the road they started chatting, Sarah's cravings had begun kicking in, "I am so excited for a caramel doughnut and a green tea", Nat burst out laughing, "what! You never drink green tea! This baby is sending you crazy!", the pair started laughing, "how was your pregnancy with Katie?" Nat asked.
Sarah scrunched her head up and gave Nat a confused look while she though for a second, "well obviously I didn't know until I was quite far along so ... I clearly had no morning sickness or cravings, I didn't have a bump until around 25 weeks, but this time it's coming Quick I can feel the bloating", Sarah said rubbing her tummy.
Nat shook her head at Sarah, "oh stop! Your hot! You have the figure of a super model!", Sarah smiled at her friend, "aww Natty! You're too kind! Just give me a few weeks and I will have sweat pants on, no makeup and il be carrying a sick bag with me everywhere I go, see how good I look then!" The pair laughed uncontrollably.

When they pulled in to the coffee shops carpark Nat saw Chloes car, "oh Chlo is here ealry!", Sarah's jaw dropped, "what! This has to be the first time in her life! She was even born late!", again the girls laughed as they headed inside.
"What up homies!" Chloe called out across the shop as she saw her friends walk through the door, "she didn't!" Nat said to Sarah as she hid her face.
Nat went to order the drinks while Sarah made her way over to her best friend, "hey there pregasuaurs how you feeling", Sarah immediately bursting into laughter, "Jesus Christ Chlo you are going to give me heart failure!.... I'm good though, craving a caramel doughnut and green tea though, ...when Nat decides to hurry up!", she said, slightly shouting the last part, earning a middle finger from her.

When the girls sat down Sarah took her doughnut from the tray and started eating right away, "really milking this craving bullshit aren't we?" Chloe said as she raised her eyebrows at her best friend, "hey! This baby will destroy my body either way so I am not eating carrot sticks and lettuce for 9 months!", her friends laughing at her joke, "but no in all serious girls I need your help, what do I do about the show? I need to tell Matt and Ross tomorrow", Sarah looked really scared at the thought of loosing her career, "you are totally over thinking this babe, yeah they may need to change the story line abit but look at how they spoke to you before, when Lily and Billy were going to have scenes, they were willing to change it for you if you didn't feel comfortable" Nat tried to make her friend see sense but it was going to take more than a kind comment from a friend.

The girls kept talking for what felt like hours about Sarah predicament, Katie's birthday, girl talk about their relationships.
"Why don't you email the duffers now and arrange to see them in the morning, Sarah I know you and I know you panic but this is a normal thing ok, I mean this in the best possible way but you are only pregnant they will figure something out it's not like you are jumping ship and leaving them with no Lily, there will be more than one option for your character", Sarah smiled at her best friend, she was always so straight to the point and said things how they were meant to be.

Sarah nodded at her friend and started typing out the email to the duffers...

Hey guys!

I am super excited to be doing season 3 with you!, but there is something I need to talk to you about.
Could we meet tomorrow? Anytime is good with me, just a 10 minute chat.
Get back to me.

Thanks guys!
Sarah X

After she sent the email the girls enjoyed the rest of their coffee and cakes, suddenly Sarah started feeling queasy, she got up from her seat and said, "excuse me girls!", before running from the table, the other two decided to give her a minute.

After 5 she still wasn't back so they crept in after her, "Sarah you ok babe?" Natalia called out as she walked in, they heard grunts coming from the middle stall, "Sar I'm coming in ok, watch your back", Chloe said as she gently opened the door.
Sarah was curled up at the side of the toilet struggling to keep her lunch down.
"What do you need me to do?" Chloe asked her, "oh god it's coming again! Hold my hair!!", Chloe did as she was told as Nat ran outside and called Dacre.

Call between Nat and Dacre

Hey Nat, everything ok?
Um yeah, no, I think Sarah's morning sickness is kicking in she's in the restroom of the coffee shop throwing up, do you want to come for her or shall I bring her home?
Aw man, thanks Nat il just take Katie to Joe and il come for her.
Ok see you soon

Once Dacre arrived the girls had managed to get Sarah outside and got her a paper bag to throw up in, she was sat in Chloes drivers seat facing outside, "hey beautiful" Dacre walked up to her and pulled her into a hug, "you want to go home?", she just nodded and jumped out of the car and leant into Dacre's side, "thanks Ladies il get her to call when she's feeling better".

When Sarah and Dacre got home she went straight to bed and Dacre got her all the things she would need- a sick bowl, water, dry crackers and ginger ale. Oh he did he's research he wanted to be there for her as much as humanly possible because of how alone she was during Katie's pregnancy.
Joe had Katie the rest of the day while Sarah focused on getting back to normal and ready for her meeting tomorrow. 


Wow just over 900 views

You guys are the best, going to do another time jump in the next few chapters speed things up a little!
Love u all! X

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