Cookies of Love

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Alec's POV

I was standing by my locker putting my stuff up so I could head to the game when Carlos walked up to me. 

"Hey, Alec," Carlos said. 

"Hey, Carlos. Are you ready for the game?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm nervous. I spent the majority of last night baking cookies. Do you want some?"Carlos asked nervously. He held out a small bag with two cookies in it. 

"Sure. Carlos, I believe in you. You'll do fine," I told him. He smiled and glanced down at the bag. 

"Are you going to try them?" Carlos asked, glancing between me and the bag.

"Well, I've got to go find my brothers and you need to get into uniform," I told him.

"No, no, I understand. Don't eat foods given to you by the Villain Kids. You don't need to try and hide it from me," Carlos said seemingly sad. 

"No, No, No. That's not it. Look," I say and shove a cookie into my mouth. I miss Carlos's mouth twitch, but his eyes show sadness. 

"This is good. Chocolate Chip? Hey, Carlos. I've never noticed how many freckles you have. It's like the stars are painted on your skin. And that adorable puppy-dog-look you get when you're sad or confused," I declared suddenly feeling like Carlos is my whole world. Carlos blushed. 

"I feel like I could sing about you forever," I told him. I started humming. 

"No, no. It's okay. You don't have to sing," Carlos said. I ignored him.

"Maybe I'm just a kid in love. Maybe I'm just a kid in lo-" I began to sing, but Carlos put his hand on my mouth. 

"I've got to go change. How about you find your brothers and we find each other after the game?" Carlos told me. I nodded and watched as he walked away to where Jay and Ben were along with Evie and Mal. Carlos said something to Jay and they turned to me. I smiled when Carlos made eye contact with me before he turned away.

"Alec!" I heard making me turn away from Carlos. I saw Eric running towards me.

"What in the Enchanted forest are you doing?" Eric said.

"I'm watching Carlos," I told him. 

"What? Anyways, we need to get to our seats. Andrew is holding them," Eric said grabbing my arm and pulling me to our front row seats. I watched as the players ran out onto the field and immediately I found Carlos and watched him. His number is 101, like the dalmatian count. For the majority of the game, he sat on the bench, but with less than a minute Coach put him and Jay in. 

The game starts and Carlos trips an enemy player and does an adorable dance taunting him. Jay shoots it but the goalkeeper blocks it. With 23 seconds left, the goalkeeper long shoots it and Jay receives. Carlos gets tackled by 21 on the opposite team and the anger inside me boils until Jay comes and picks him up. Carlos blocks a frisbee and dodges another until they are out of the Killzone. Carlos runs a little ahead of Jay and gets tossed the ball. He hits the ball with his shield making it fly into the air. Jay runs at Carlos as he ducks and picks up the ball. Jay throws the ball to Ben, who chucks it into the goal, winning the game. 

The announcer keeps talking about how Jay and Carlos were the ultimate reason for today's victory until he is interrupted. Ben comes over and takes the microphone.

"Excuse me! There's something I'd like to say. Give me an M!" Ben shouts, making an M with his arms. 

"M!" Everyone yells making an M. I did not because I was confused and watching Carlos as he did these moves. 

Alec White * Carlos De Vil*Where stories live. Discover now