Chapter Twelve: Legally Illegal (Entry Challenge)

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Within a minute, Mr L returned, although his return had been predicted earlier as his smirk could've been seen a mile away. Bombette came back empty-handed, as did Flavio a few minutes later. As the group began their journey, Fortilla picked up the Prism Points Goomboss had left behind and tossed them haphazardly to the three contestants.

"You do know we don't need those now, right?" Tacolb gave her a side-eye glare.

"The party don't stop until I leave."

"I thought the party starts WHEN you leave."

Trying to ignore the duo firing insults at each other, the three "party" participants attempted to drown out the Stars' conversation with one of their own. Bombette spoke up first. "So, uh, how are we gonna fix this?"

"Well, Flavio will come up with a plan. Such is his wisdom." 

"You've got about as much wisdom as a walnut." Mr L shook his head. "I say we grab the inkwell and beat the living Underwhere out of him."

"The living WHAT?"

"Eh, don't worry about it."

A few minutes later, they arrived at their destination. It turned out that Inky had set up base off the island, but somewhere still visible from the Emerald Circus. Of course, the giant castle, with its brush-shaped spiralling towers, dark palette and giant ominous cloud surrounding it, couldn't be missed by Mayor Koopley looking at it from a pair of backwards binoculars.

"Yeesh. What an eyesore," Mr L said, eyeing the whole thing. "Even ol' Count understood the principle of not spamming everything everywhere."

"The heck did you just say about my epic castle you little piece of scrap?" came a voice from behind him. The group turned, only to see Inky floating in the air, wings crossed. "I'll have you know I graduated top in my class of evil fort design."

"Hm! Your style lacks taste," Flavio replied, keeping himself behind the other two "partygoers".

"Oh, is that RIGHT?" Inky flung himself at the trio, wings sharpening to attack, before flying up at the last second and causing them to flinch. "Let's see you say that again after I-"

"Stand down and release Huey," Fortilla said, keeping her eyes pinned on the inkwell. "Or we aren't going down without taking you with us."

"Aw, that would be no fun, would it?" Lazing back in the air, the bat-like creature did a little flip to dodge a yellow spear launched at him. "I mean, Huey got this whole party set up. I'm not gonna rain on it just yet."

"What do you mean by that?" Bombette crouched down, fuse lighting.

"Ohohoho. Just come on over to my fort, and you'll see exactly what I mean by that. If you get in, that is." With another few acrobatic manoeuvres to avoid being hit by more of Solde's spears (it took several other Paint Stars to hold her back), Inky flew off laughing towards his pathetic excuse for a castle. Seriously. I could design a better fort while half-asleep.

"So, assuming the party's still going..." Emelda pulled out a jar of "just in case" Prism Points. "You wanna help break in or what? We'll reward ya." 

"I mean, it's illegal to break into people's homes here on Prism Island, but it's on land not currently documented as part of our territory. Ah, what the heck?" Tacolb slammed himself into a tree out of frustration. "I don't even care anymore."

"Crime's fun, but..." Mr L's voice trailed off when he looked down at Bombette. "Uh, I'm going over there first." He then ripped another hole in timespace to summon Brobot and use said mech as cover.

"Uh... what?" The Bob-Omb looked up to see her fuse slowly burning down. "Oh cra-"

10 - Entry Challenge

Time to do some legally illegal things. And by legally illegal things I mean figure out a code. 

Puzzle time.

And not just any kind of puzzle time. It's MATH PUZZLE TIME. AHAHAHAHAHA.

So, uh, before I get stuck in memory lane thinking about these types of puzzles, well, here's the puzzle. I will give you several clues down here, and you will guess the answer. If you do it successfully without, at any point, using a calculator OR Google, tell me, and be honest. 

The answer is a 3-digit number, but any of the digits can be 0-9. For example, 004 is allowed, as is 052. Even 000 is a legal number.


- PM your answer instead of commenting, please!

- If you complain about math I'm taking points off your score. No buts. Delete your comments before I reply to them.

- You are allowed to use Google or a calculator, but tell me if you do.

- Your score will be tallied on how many guesses it takes you to find the correct number.

- Happy holidays! Enjoy my gift.


- It is a prime number.

- Its last digit is the largest.

- None of its digits are larger than 5, exclusive larger than.

- All of its digits are indivisible by numbers other than themselves, but two are not prime numbers.

- All three digits are different numbers.

Should be enough to get SOMEONE to the right answer within a week - there are only two numbers I can think of that fit the requirements. 

This one ends exactly 1 day after someone gets the correct answer, or 1 week, depending on which one's closer. If it's the latter, the closest number wins. If everyone manages to get the answer on the same day, it's up to who sent it in fastest.

Have fun.

DEADLINES: Since I won't be around from the 24th to the 26th, most likely, I'll announce if any submissions became invalidated during that time, or if someone gets it after than period, I'll announce if there's limited time left. Thanks!

Points Handout:

1st: 10

2nd: 5

3rd: 1

Current Standings:

TuliDream: 46

NintendoJedi: 41

BOOMFanficALatta: 38

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