Chapter Eighteen: Gotta Go Fast (Time Challenge)

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In a few minutes, the group had finished their sorry attempt at putting the challenge back together. Since they were terrible at cooperating, there had been a silent agreement that each of them would work on their own segment in their own area. 

Of course, Mr L finished first, having much more experience as a mechanic than the others. With the last of his tools from Brobot (whose sacrifice would be remembered), he quickly put together another giant mech, using wiring from the floors and walls, and created a simple target-shooting challenge which would release the bubble on impact. He turned to the others to see Bombette attempting to decipher a book on engineering and Flavio simply piling up all the rubble around them by size. 

"So. How's your... projects coming along?" The Green Thunder narrowed his eyes.

Flavio took one look at the second mech, this one resembling Brobot but smaller. "Flavio has completed his part. This ammunition, it is so complicated, you would never understand-"

"Great, because I was going to throw your bunch of rocks at the targets up there."


"Mind coming over here?" 

Bombette looked up from her book a few moments later. "All right, I think... what are you doing?" She blinked for a few moments only to see Mr L in the cockpit of his new mech. With the press of a button, Flavio flew out a cannon from the side, crashing into the each target and eventually sending both him and the Paint Star to the floor.

"Argh! Why, I ought to-" the Rogueportian yelled at Mr L when he made a landing. Of course, he went ignored as Bombette caught Tarino, using Crimm to break his fall. That woke both Paint Stars up in seconds.

"Ow! What's going on-" 

"Shut up. I hear wings." the Bob-Omb frantically whispered. "Run for it."

As the sound of flapping got a little bit louder, accompanied by grumbling, Inky entered the room and saw it completely deserted... aside from everything they had done. He let out a quiet chuckle. "Good. Very good..."

• • •

Minigame Results:

BOOMFanficALatta: +10

NintendoJedi: +5

TuliDream: +1

• • •

"So, uh. Why are we running?" Crimm asked from Bombette's head. 

"Quiet." Mr L whispered, holding Tarino under one arm - who was squeaking protests that went ignored, mostly because nobody could even hear him. "We gotta get y'all out before Mr. Wannabeabadguy finds us out."

A few minutes passed before they found the next room containing a dark bubble. In between, they had run into the throne room again, a toilet, the kitchen, the laundry room where absolutely nothing was stored, another toilet, the fifteenth tower, the first toilet again, and then finally the room they now stood in. After all, navigation was more difficult when everything around you looked the same - pitch-black wall after pitch-black wall. 

This new room seemed similar to the one they'd started their first minigame in, only the floor was still there and seemingly undisturbed, no giant floor traps. The only other difference was that another Paint Star sat in a bubble on the opposite end.

"Uh, I heard you guys screaming when this fell apart. What even happened here?" Crimm floated over, looking at the tiles. "Weird."  

"It's probably safe to assume every tile is trapped one way or another," said Tarino, poking a tile with a blob of paint. It quickly burst into flames, causing the Orange Star to squeak and scramble backwards a bit. 

"You two... can free them, yes?" Flavio spoke up. 

"No. That Dark Paint was used to keep us sealed for a reason - no living thing can or should touch it. One of you will have to get over and break it." 

Mr L gave the others a look. "So. Who wants to go first?"

"There's no time," Bombette gasped, nonexistent ears up to the air. "I can hear him coming. We have to get over there somehow, and fast!"

16: Time Challenge

This is a team challenge! You are going to have thirty seconds to write as much of the lyrics of All Star as you can. The next person will begin where you left off, e.g.

Person A: Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, she was looking kinda dumb

Person B: with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead, well the years start coming and they don't

You three will decide turn order for yourself. I'll stand by and watch the chaos unfold.


- No lying about your time. I can see this stuff. 

- No typos. Typos will push your modifier down one rank.

Here's the point system for individual modifiers:

1 line: -3

2 lines: -1

3 lines: +1

4 lines: +3

5 lines: +5

6 lines: +7

7 lines: +9

8 lines: +11

8+: +15

Plus the base team score.

And I'll give you a bonus if you manage to get through the entire first chorus.

If you don't know the lyrics, familiarize yourself with a few Google searches. Then GO FAST!

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