Chapter Fifteen: Bond-ing Experience (Sneak Challenge)

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The group prepared for combat, both parties standing on one edge of the platform. Mr L started the fight with a Spring Jump, knocking several Dark Goombas off the platform before stomping on a few of them, finally pulling a hammer out of nowhere and using it to smack what appeared to be the last Goomba off the platform.

Unfortunately, in all that action, he had completely forgotten the broom Goomba. With a charge, they swung the broom at him and knocked him into Bombette, who had her fuse alight and had been charging at the Goomba. Both collided with an explosion, sent screaming into the surrounding pit.

Flavio now stood alone, completely unarmed aside from his hat. The Goomba with the broom started for him menacingly, and a few moments later, the Rogueportian gave up and jumped into the pit with the others.

• • •

Minigame Results:

NintendoJedi: +0

TuliDream: -1

BOOMFanficALatta: -1

• • •

"Second fall of the day. This isn't going well at all." Bombette stood up, shaking water off her fuse. "Wait. Why am I wet?"

Mr L summoned Brobot through a wall, climbed up, took a flashlight from the driver's seat, and un-summoned Brobot back through the wall before closing the giant rip in spacetime. Upon turning on the flashlight, it appeared that she had landed in a large pool of water. "Don't worry, it doesn't seem to be the stuff that covered the Goombas. Speaking of which, they're all around you, and clean. I guess." 

Turning the beam again showed an exit - a small tunnel just big enough for the Green Thunder to fit in. As long as he removed his cap, of course, which he wouldn't and end up having to learn the hard way when the ceiling brushed it off and he had to go pick it up.

"So. Looks like you failed." A sigh echoed in their minds. "This is technically for the better, though. I'm still on the floor above, but Inky knows that, and he also knows he dropped you in the room up there. I saw his 'minigames' - he had a lot more planned, but down here you can probably find a path to one of the others."

"Let us keep going, then, no?" Flavio stood up from the other side of the rectangular pit. "You can lead the way."

"Yeah, uh, about that, you probably want to be careful." Solde chimed. "He has spies everywhere, so if you want to get through, you're gonna have to sneak through undiscovered."

"Oh, don't worry. Sneaky is my middle name," he replied while the other two rolled their eyes and continued onwards.

The chamber eventually led to a circular chamber, six exits around the circumference. They had just walked in from one marked with what appeared to be a cartoon sun with six points. Before Mr L could shine his flashlight on the other doors to check what was inside, though, a tiny red laser dot appeared where it hit. Then what felt like a hundred lasers turned on, completely surrounding the room. 

" can go first," Flavio added.

"Hah. Well, if all of you die, we'll just... sit here." Even though they couldn't see her, they could practically see the scowl on Solde's face. "G'luck."

15: Sneak Challenge

For this challenge, you're gonna have to sneak on this chapter while I'm asleep or doing homework or something. Iunno. Just do your thing.

Make a comment according to the rules below! I'll let you know when I see it. Try to go as long as possible without letting me get to it!


- Your comment will be left on this paragraph. You just have to comment this exact message: "Sneaky is my middle name", with or without period or quotation marks.

- You can continue making comments after I find your last one! I will only count your best time. However, you are only allowed to have one "active" comment at a time, which means one un-replied comment PER PERSON. We can also do replies to the same comment if you want. 


- Unofficial participants go HERE because I know there's at least one. You will not be counted but if you get a really good time you can flex on other people. 


1st: +10

2nd: +5

3rd: +1

This challenge runs UNTIL JANUARY 18, 2020, 12AM HKT. 

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