Chapter Twenty-Two: Final Boss

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The three contestants entered the maze, being careful to check the path in front of them. Bombette tossed pebbles, Flavio just followed someone else, and Mr L picked up Solde's unconscious body as a tester. 

All three of them ended up getting pretty far, except for Flavio who had followed Crimm and thus ended up in a corner. The other two simply rushed ahead, proceeding with both speed and caution. Thanks to his rubber gloves blocking the electric shock, though, Mr L pulled ahead, rushing to Fortilla's bubble and busting it open with a hand... before walking back out without turning the maze off.

"OH COME ON!" Emelda yelled. "I guess we're stuck here a little longer..."

• • •


BOOMFanficALAtta: +15

Azure-Bluet: +0

NintendoJedi: +0

• • •

"Well, that's all of them. What's the plan now, Mr ForTheLoveOfTheVoidPleaseShutUp?" Mr L crossed his arms at Flavio, dropping Fortilla on the floor.

"Ah yes, the plan I created! Flavio's genius is truly astoundi-"

"Wasn't it to find Inky?" asked Bombette.

"You don't need to do any looking at all." A voice came from behind them. When they turned, the inkwell floated there, flapping back and forth. 

"Wha- were you following us this entire time?" Emelda gasped.

"It's really quite rude of you to go poking your nose where you don't belong. So I've taken it upon myself to end this." The usual smirk on Inky's face disappeared, replaced with a scowl. Whirling around and closing his wings, he summoned waves of Dark Paint that wrapped around all six Paint Stars. "Honestly, I can't thank you enough for gathering them all in one place like this! This makes my plan so much easier."

"That is the most cliché thing I've heard all week. Seriously." Bombette rolled her eyes for a moment. "And what's the point? We'll just bust them out again."

"Heehee! That's what you think." The waves solidified into a bubble, trapping all six within. Unfortunately for the Paint Stars, though, the bubble began to shrink, growing smaller by the second. "How can you be sure the one you're going to free will be on your side?"

"You're forcing them to squish into each other? Wow. There's evil and there's just straight-up rude." Mr L clenched his fists, preparing a fighting stance. "Come on now. Can't let this guy out-villain me."

"You will be struck down by the courageous and dashing Flavio!" added the purple-haired man, leaping behind the Green Thunder.

"Let's kick his butt!" Bombette lit her fuse, ready for a brawl.

"En garde, contestants. Your final challenge... starts now!"


Every Mario Party ended with a boss fight! Why shouldn't this one?

You are going to fight Inky with... wittiness, sarcasm, and any other charm you can come up with!

That's right! You're going to have to compete against two other users to see who can win me over! 

You'll answer a series of questions that will span over two to three chapters. All three of you will COMMENT your answer next to the question. 

Each answer will deal "damage" to Inky, who has 30 HP in total. Each question is worth 1 HP, but exceptionally good answers will deal 3 damage.

You can score points with:

- Comedy

- Nonsensicality

- Terrifying accuracy


- DO NOT PM. Comments ONLY.

- ONE COMMENT PER QUESTION! I want to be able to easily compare your answers.

- No plagiarism! If someone else took the answer you wanted, tough luck. Make a new one.

Good luck!

Round 1: Questions You Shouldn't Ask Me, But I Will Ask You

1. What is the name of my youngest pet budgie?

2. How old am I?

3. What color is the third book to my left?

4. Where do I live?

5. What username should I swap to using next?

6. How many questions wrong did I get on my last math test?

7. Middle name of my father's cousin's former roommate?

8. What is my next fic (after PMP) going to be about?

9. How much cheese do I like on my eggs?

10. Why am I here?

Point Loadout: 

+3 for Final Hit

1 per Hit

Paper Mario Party (User Interactive)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora