Chapter Fourteen: Not So Fun (Fighting Challenge)

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As Inky lounged in the air, watching his three participants, Mr L shoved Flavio on first. The floor instantly opened up under the Rogueport-ian, dropping him into the depths below. 

"Well, there he goes," the Green Thunder shrugged. "Aight, now we know where NOT to step." The moment he stepped on, though, he met the same fate and plunged into the depths below.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that ALL the squares were trapped? Whoopsies." Inky did a flip, laughing maniacally. "You fell for the oldest trick in the book!"

"Actually, there are probably several tricks much older than-" Bombette didn't get to say another word before she too was pushed in by the inkwell. "I'M GONNA BOMB YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!"

Unfortunately for Inky, though, her yell seemed to be able to dislodge several Prism Points from the cage, allowing the three contestants to grab them as needed.

• • •

Minigame Results time!

Here's a guide to all the "unsafe" squares.

Here's a guide to all the "unsafe" squares

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I'm not listing them.

Point Earnings:

TuliDream as Bombette: +10

BOOMFanficALatta as Mr L: +5

NintendoJedi as Flavio: +1

Back to story, now.

• • •

"Ugh... where are we?" Mr L stood up with a groan, adjusting his hat. "I can't see anything."

"Sucks to be you. My Bob-Omb sense tells me that we're in a dungeon, so we should get out."

"Bob-Omb sense?"

"It's called 'predicting the cliché moves of a cliché villain."

"Whatever dungeon it is, Flavio can conquer it. After he finds his vision."

Just as the three were about to go search, a voice rung through the halls - one belonging to a certain yellow star. "Yo, you gonna come and save us or something?"

"Where ARE you?" Bombette jumped at the noise, while Flavio again ducked behind her. Or something. She couldn't see him.

"Hey, my paint-telapathy-thing worked!" Solde's words appeared in their minds, bright and clear. "I can't see the others, but I can see you, and you just fell into some dungeon. Inky's probably got a death trap waiting for you here, too."

"What?" Mr L yelled. 

"Shut up! Are you TRYING to be caught?" 

As she said that, the lights turned on, revealing that the three were on a single square platform - and surrounded by a group of Goombas with an oddly dark aura. Some of them held Spike Hats, a few held spears, others held shields, and the last a broom because they were on cleaning duty.

"Well, good job. Come get me if you're not dead." 

12: Fighting Challenge

Yep, combat time! In order to win this one, you will be cooperating - you can either win or lose Prism Points completely depending on the outcome! 

This is a commenting challenge. I have made three comment threads, and in each thread, you will post a sentence with maximum 15 words, telling a story by adding onto the sentence before you. It doesn't have to be about anything in particular - I've given you all different starters, so go crazy!

Each thread represents one competitor. Depending on the amount of comments on one thread, the participant will be given points!

But there's a twist: you can only post in each thread REPLYING TO SOMEONE ELSE. 

On JANUARY 10th, 2020, 11AM EST, I will mark each thread closed and you will not be able to comment that day. (Translate times to your time zone as needed.)



- No replying to yourself. That gives you an automatic one point off, or worse. 

- No NSFW! Cussing is also not allowed other than *$*%&, which is one word.

- Posts after the due date are not illegal, but will not be counted in your score. Have fun!

Maximum Point Gain: 5 (and if the story is particularly good, I'll let it go up to 10!)

Minimum Point Gain: -5

Amount of posts before Prism Point is awarded to challenger: 5, so you've gotta make 50 comments on each to get to max pointage!

That's all! Guess it's time to check the-

That's all! Guess it's time to check the-

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Well, since Inky just HAD to go and ruin my scoreboard, you won't be seeing your scores unless you do the math yourself. Sorry about that. 

I'll try to get this cleaned, but with the sentient goop and all that, it's gonna be at least a LITTLE bit difficult. Give me... like... until the end of the book? Sorry, again.

...I will find you, Inky, and I will flush you down the toilet. Mark my words.

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