chapter 16

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Once I was seated across from Silus at his desk he began to explain..

"I was in love with Anna from the moment I saw her. We were part of the first class of first years when her father started the school. She was so beautiful. Dimitri and I spent most of the year competing for her attention."

"She toyed with us of course. Once she had started the dark magic we began to date. I was unaware of what she was doing. After nature rejected her, she disappeared. I never heard from her again until the massacres started."

"She killed every witch along with anyone else who got in her way. When the witches decided to create her prison world they knew I could set the trap. When she escaped in the 50s, she found me. She convinced me that being locked away had changed her."

"Then she disappeared again. Almost nineteen years ago she showed back up begging and pleading. She really did seem to be a different person. Like an idiot I fell for it. I didn't even know she was pregnant until she attacked the school. When you were born I knew you were mine. Giving you up was hard, Josie."

"But you have to understand there were so many people who would have killed you. No one knew I was your father. They just thought I wanted to save you like I did Ian. When you walked through my office with Evelyn I knew who you were. Tasting your blood only confirmed it. I have thought about you every day since I left you at the orphanage."

The pain in his eyes was genuine. He studied me quietly waiting for my response. Honestly I wasn't sure what to say. I'd been so focused on my mother that my father had been right under my nose.

"Am I supposed to keep this a secret?" I finally asked quietly.

"I think it's been kept secret long enough. I will make sure the professors know and we will go from there."

I nodded stiffly. This didn't seem to play out like I'd seen in movies. We didn't rush into each others arms. There was no tearful reunion between father and daughter. Just awkward silence. I was just about to leave when he spoke again.

"I would like to get to know you if that's okay, Josie," his voice suddenly sounded raspy with emotion. All I could do was nod as I left his office.

Homesickness washed over me even stronger than it had before. I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed Mary's number. She answered on the first ring. The children's laughter in the background only heightened my homesick feeling.

"How is everything, sweetheart? I was so worried since I hadn't heard from you!"

"Everythings okay, Mary. I've just been so busy. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner."

"Its okay, darling. Did you find out anything?"

"Well I've met my father."

"Wow how did that go?"

I filled her in on every detail. From the amulet belonging to my mother, the most hated supernatural villain, to my vampire father. She silently listened until I finished my long drawn out explanation.

"Goodness, Em. I'm glad you're handling this well. I always knew you was special but this surely does top all I've ever heard!" She laughed. I savored the sound of her laughter. She was so special to me.

"Lizzie, please stop grabbing the phone. You'll get to talk in a minute!!" Mary snapped. A muffled protest answered back.

"Its okay, Mary. I'm looking forward to talking to her."

"Josie! I've been worried sick! I thought you had crossed over and died!" Lizzie's small voice rang into my ears like a scolding mother.

"I'm sorry, Liz. I made it through okay though."

"So you're half vampire?"


"You know I read in the library about vampires and they aren't allergic to garlic like everyone says. So if you're afraid to eat pizza don't worry, it's safe."

I almost burst out laughing. I had missed the little brainiac so much.

"Thanks, Lizzie, that's good to know." I giggled.

"When are you coming to see us?" She asked quietly. I could still hear the other children chattering away in the background.

"Very soon, I promise." I murmered as I held back a yawn.

I made sure to talk to each child before saying my goodbye. Each one had a story to tell me that involved their turn with Mr. Bear. After the call was over I sank into my warm bed. Chloe's was still empty. I wasn't surprised. The parties that were thrown here seemed last all night.

As tired as I was, I couldn't get my mother out of my head. She wanted me to stop her. Had the darkness consumed her that badly? Was it causing her to be unable to control herself? Despite how I felt I knew in my gut that when the time came I would have to kill her.

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