Don't Get Sick

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"Sorry but it's closing time." The male who had replaced Waverly's waitress addresses the two, bringing them back from their own world.

"Is it really that late?" Waverly picked up her phone to see that it was indeed time for the restaurant to close. "Can you give me some to go boxes please." The male nodded before disappearing.

"Sorry for taking up all your time." Waverly apologized feeling as if she must have bored Jungkook with her stories. "It's fine honestly. I really enjoyed our time." She just smiled at him.

Once Waverly had all the leftovers packaged up for her boys, the two of them made their way out of the restaurant. "I guess this is where we go our separate ways." Waverly spoke to which Jungkook nodded but neither of them moved, eyes on each other. Again.

They had both enjoyed their unplanned meeting along with each others company. And although their dinner didn't have a title it surely felt like a date. At least to Waverly it did.

"Where's your car?" Waverly asked never moving her eyes from his that only seemed to pull her in. "I took an uber." She nodded before something crossed her mind.

"I was planning on going to the beach to see the fireworks." No she wasn't. But he didn't need to know. This was her time to shoot her shot and hopefully it would be a three-pointer.

Jungkook watched hopefully as she stumbled over her words. Spit it out. He didn't want to leave yet after how much fun he had with her. And he was hoping she was feeling the same way.

"Wanna come with?" She waited for what seemed like hours for his response which was just a laugh before he spoke. "Where's your car?" She laughed in relief before guiding him to one of the four cars in the parking lot.

The two of them buckled into Waverly's newest car surprising Jungkook with the new car smell that it still had. "We should get there before midnight." Waverly opened her glasses holder pulling them out and fixing them on her face. Seeing all the colors beyond them.

Yes, Waverly knew the colors of the lights and the order of them but just to be sure she never drove without her glasses, not wanting to be the cause of an accident.

"Did you just put on shades when it's pitch black outside?" Jungkook asked her amused. Waverly turned to him pulling her glasses down her nose giving him a wink before fixing then back into place.

Waverly drove with the sound of the radio softly playing and Jungkooks humming in a calming peace. Until the touchscreen showed that she was getting a call.

Baby TaeTae💜is calling.....

"Answer that please." Jungkook followed her instructions tapping the green icon on the screen. But what surprised him was the male voice that spoke once it was picked up.


"Yes Tae." Waverly spoke, waiting for his voice to come through the car speakers. "Dahyun told me what happened. Are you okay? Are you coming home?" He asked her in a worried voice. "We're all worried about you over here." He whispered the last part.

"I'm fine and I'll be back in maybe two hours." He hummed at her answer. "Where are you now?" Jungkook just listened along to the conversation. Plenty of questions running through his mind.

Did she live with this guy? Were they dating? Maybe it was her brother or something.

"On my way to the beach. Where are the others? It sounds kind of quiet."

Jungkooks eyebrows rose at that. There were more of them?

"In the backyard getting drunk off their asses while getting ready to light some shit up." Waverly laughs at what he says. "Make sure nothing bad happens since you'll be the only sober one." She ordered him her eyes drifting to Jungkook feeling his eyes on her. "And you make sure you have your glasses on. I want to see you in the new year."

"I'm about to pull in so I'll see you at home." The two friends said goodbye and just as Waverly pulled into a parking spot, barely any cars nearby. "Sorry about that." She turned to Jungkook who just gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Let's go." He tilted his head to the beach in front of them to which she nodded. The two of them walked slowly towards the empty shore.

"Um. That guy on the phone. You live with him?" Jungkook glanced at Waverly but she didn't even look at him. "Yeah." She answered truthfully. "Is he your boyfriend?" She snickered a little at his question.

"Jealous? We haven't even known each other for a day." She finally looked at him, her glasses stopping him from seeing her chocolate eyes. "Maybe a little." He answered, watching as she took off her shades a smile on her face, her eyes melting with his.

Jungkook watched as Waverly suddenly stopped walking, taking off her shoes as well as rolling up the ends of her jeans. He gave her a questioning gaze as she abandoned her phone, shades, and shoes before taking off towards the water.

He watched in amusement as she ran into the water definetely getting her clothes wet. "You might catch a cold!" He called out to her but she was in her own world, splashing around by herself. Sighing he removed his own shoes before joining her.

"Aren't you afraid of getting sick?" Jungkook asked Waverly. Eyes wandering to look at how her wet clothes clinged to her body. "No. Are you?" He shook his head at her watching as a menacing smile creeped onto her face.

"That's good." She stepped closer before pushing him. Body becoming one with the water. Waverly almost toppled over in laughter when she saw his reaction. "You think that's funny?" Jungkook pushed his wet locks out of his face.

"Very." She smiled at him right as he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder with ease. "Jungkook! Stop!" Waverly tried to get out of his hold but it was locked around her as he walked further into the ocean.

"Jungkook I'm serious."

Jungkook dunked the two of them into the water keeping a hold on Waverly. Gasping and grasping the air Waverly jumped trying to stand in the water. Having a but of trouble because of her height.

Noticing her difficulty Jungkook tightened his arm around her waist pulling her to him, her hands landing on his chest. Jungkooks hand gently wiped the water and hair from her face.

"You alright?" Waverly nodded eyes still closed taking in the feeling of being in Jungkooks embrace.

Jungkooks eyes stayed on Waverly waiting for her to open her eyes. And when she did their eyes locked and it was like a scene from a movie.

Waverly felt like gravity was pulling her to Jungkook, her mind screaming to take the opportunity and kiss him. And Jungkook just watched as she moved closer, grip tightening on her.

Gaze moving to her lips just as she licked them, saliva glossing them over.

Once their lips met fireworks went off, literally.

Waverly could feel the spark as she pushed herself into Jungkook, tounge coming out to meet his.

As the kiss got more heated hands wandered and hair was pulled before Waverly detached herself, Jungkooks lips trying to follow her.

Both of their eyes opened to look at each other. Smile growing onto her face before she looked down, biting her lip. "We should probably stop." She whispered out.

"Or we could stay." Jungkook moved his head to meet Waverly's gaze.

She just smiled at him. This was the start of something new.

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