Promise Me

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Jungkook being Waverly's red was a major realisation. The fact that she was able to accept him as something that important while she was relieving her trauma of the past surprised everyone.

But they were happy. Because that was a big step for her.

So when she said that she was going it see him they were all for it. Except not at that very moment.

Waverly wasn't in the right mindset to be confessing her feelings to someone. That would cause her to push everything aside to focus on him when she really should be focusing on herself.

In the end things would be worse than they already were.

So as requested by Waverly's support team, a.k.a the boys, she was sent to have a serious talk with him.

Which was why she was currently sitting on his couch, avoiding his eyes as she prepared herself to tell him everything that was wrong with her.

"One day I went out to get ice cream with my mom. And on out way back we got into an accident. It totally destroyed her side of the car which lead to her dying. The only damage I got was that I ended up colorblind."

Jungkook listened attentively to what she was saying. Keeping his eyes on her figure that seemed as if it couldn't keep still.

She seemed surprised because he had no reaction to what she revealed. Looking at her with the same loving eyes like always.

"Later down the line my dad introduced me to this guy. The plan was for us to get married. Which I didn't mind but the guy was very mean. He spoke to me like I was dirt and treated me as if I was just burden that was dropped on him. He even did that in front of my father." Waverly scoffed as she felt her eyes fill with tears, refusing to waste anything on the two men that ruined her life.

"Eventually I had enough and ran away. I got out of my funk but it's back to haunt me." Their eyes finally met and Jungkook realised how hard it was for her to reveal this. It may not be the full story but it was written on het face that reliving what she went through was breaking her.

"I can hear his voice in my head and it's chipping away at my confidence that I built up for how many years. I try not to listen but its hard." A tear slowly releases itself from her eyes as she sniffles. "I'm telling you this because I love you. And if we're going to be together I don't want my past to affect us."

Jungkook took it upon himself to make his was over to her, pulling her into a warm embrace. Allowing for her to relax into her new safe space.

"I'm so happy that you trust me enough to tell me all of this. I'm happy that you can even admit what you're feeling. You're an amazing person. A beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for trusting me this much." He felt her hands ball up against his back before they released and she sighed.

"I love you. And we can get through this together. I'll be with you every step of the way. And so will Yoongi. And Jin. And Taehyung. And Jimin. And Hoseok. And Dahyun. And Namjoon even though he isn't around often."

Waverly took a deep breath as she looked up at the man in front of her.

They hadn't even known each other for 4 months yet she was exposing her deepest secrets and confessing her love for him. And in return he revealed that he would be there for her.

Even though he didn't need to.

She had plenty of people to lean on and he voluntarily added himself to the list.

"Will you marry me?" Jungkook leaned back to get a good look at her face. His eyes wide as the weight of her words sunk in on him.

"Don't you think its kind of soon?" He stumbled over his words, watching as she released herself from his hold. "I'm saying in the future. Of course we have to know each other more but I already know that I want to be with you forever."

She smiled at his dumbfounded expression and raised her pinky.

"Promise me you'll marry me."

A smile soon fixed itself onto his features as he locked pinkies with her. Trying his best not to fawn over how cute she looked with her swollen eyes and wet cheeks.

"I promise."

On that day Jungkook and Waverly locked their promise with a kiss.

And Jungkook worked with her to get her back to normal. Wanting for her to be able to the colors again. Even if it were only for a short amount of time.

To him he would never be able to fulfill the dullness she saw.

But to her, his color shined the brightest. Allowing for her to see all of the color that the world offered.

The colors of friendship.

The colors of trust.

And the Colors of love.

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