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"I thought we were having a girls day? Last time I checked they don't have boobs." Waverly looked at the four people in front of her, a narrowed look on her face. "I live here." Jimin justified himself and her eyes moved to Taehyung.

"I want to hear about you boyfriend too." She rolled her eyes at him.

They both knew that she would tell him anything she told the girls anyways. "Boy friend. With a space."

Her four friends looked at her, silently telling her to continue. "We just aren't official." She shrugs off the unasked question with the same answer she's given everyone that asked.

"Well why not? It's very obvious that you two like each other alot. What's taking so long?" Seraphine speaks for the group who nods at her reasoning.

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want the media to know that we're together yet." Taehyung shakes his head at that. "There are so many articles about you two already."

"Maybe he doesn't want to put a lable on us." She mumbles to herself but Dahyun easily catches what she said. "Or you don't want to put a lable on it." They all look to Dahyun, surprised at what she said. But the more they thought about it, the more they realised could be the reason.

Once again all eyes were on Waverly. Waiting to see if she had anything to say. But she sat there in silence. Her eyes casted down, not wanting to admit all the thoughts that ran through her head whenever she considered being in a relationship with anyone.

You're the reason she died.

No one loves you.

Everyone will be more happy if you leave.

Why are you so selfish?!

You're a slut.

No one will ever love you.

You're unlovable.

Stop being so needy.

You should have died.

Waverly felt to room closing in on her as tears escaped her eyes. Slowing rolling down her cheeks.

They all watched with soft gazes as her body began to tremble, sniffles escaping her. Taehyung made his way over to her, kneeling to see her face. Frowning at the amount of hurt was showing on it.

His hands were gentle as they cupped her cheeks, thumbs wiping away her tears. "It hurts." He voice was shaky as she spoke, her eyes moving up to meet his. "My heart hurts." Taking in a deep breath he pulled her to him.

And just like that the waterfalls came.

Everything that Waverly had pent up inside of her. All the pain that she had been experiencing since she was 14, was finally escaping.

Giving her a chance to breath.

"I wish I was the one who died. I wish my mom was still here." Her cries were loud as she clung onto him. Her hands fisting the shirt he was wearing. "No you don't."

"Yes I do! I should've died! She should still be here! Why do I have to live like this?!" Taehyung pulled her back to look in her eyes, keeping a strong hold on her gaze. "You were meant to live Waverly. She risked her life for you to live! She loved you!"

"I don't wanna live!" Her scream created a silence in the apartment. Jimin having taken Seraphine to the other room as she broke down, not wanting to see her friend in the state she was in.

"I don't want to anymore." She watched as tears rolled down Taehyung's cheeks. He tightened his grip on her, keeping her tightly wrapped in his arms. His own cries escaping. Dahyun's shaking arms wrapping around the both of them.

"I don't deserve to be happy. I don't deserve him."

Colors of Love || AMBW || J.J.KWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu