He Is My Red

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The crew was bustling as they shuffled around to take pictures.

Waverly had been drowning herself in work all while avoiding Jungkook at the same time. Trying to get her thoughts together.

What better way than to get outside.

She was shooting an outdoor ad for the first time in a long time. Unfortunate for her it looked like it was going to rain so everyone was rushing around trying to get everything in order. Hoping that they would finish before even a droplet could fall from the sky.

She was happy to be out. After countless photoshoots and advertisements that were held indoors, this was a breath of fresh air.

"Rain!" One of the stylist called out as she felt a droplet fall onto her forehead, urging everyone to protect the cameras along with their model.

An umbrella covered Waverly's head before she could even confirm that it was indeed raining and she was lead to sit under one of the many tents that were set up.

She was silent as she watched the rain drizzle down, thoughts rushing through her mind.

About Jungkook.

About her mom.

About her friends.

About him.

The person who was causing her to have these feelings.

Henry Davison.

Her ex-boyfriend. Her ex-fiance.

The two were set up by their fathers, or at least that's what Waverly thought.

One day Charles introduced his daughter to the son of one of his colleges. His name was Henry and he was two years older than her. She was 14 while he was 16.

For a while they were friends which eventually bloomed into a relationship.

For her entire high school life she was dating this person. If anyone asked she was in love with him and they were soulmates. He was the light in her life that showed her the color that she was missing in her world

Everything was perfect.

Until he graduated.

Waverly was a Junior while he started college. She always thought that nothing would be able to come between them.

But unfortunately the colors started to fade.

He became abusive. Verbally.

He would degrade her and always put her down. Making sure that she knew how much of a waste of space she was. And the worst part was that he did it in public as well as in private.

Even in front their fathers.

And the two never did anything.

Always turning a blind eye.

Eventually the vibrant colors that he had allowed her to see disappeared into the grays and blacks that surrounded her. Pushing her into a darkness that she couldn't get out of.

She had always wondered why her father never stopped him. Telling him not to treat his daughter that way.

After all he was her father and he was supposed to protect her.

But then she found out why.

Why her father allowed for the person to pull her down.

He was offered a deal from Mr. Davison.

Give me your daughter to be the wife of my son, and in exchange I will give you a higher position in my company.

Mr. King happily made that deal with Mr. Davison. Signing away his daughter to be the wife of a boy she had never met.

A little while after Waverly found out this information she realised that the ring she wore on her finger wasn't one of love. Her 17 year old heart wasn't ready to be married to someone who didn't even appreciate her.

Someone who made it their job to put her down every second of every minutes of every day.

She couldn't marry him. She wouldn't.

At the time Yoongi was her bestfriend. They had met in elementary school but were separated during her 7th grade year when he went back to Korea. Yet they didn't let that interfere with their friendship.

Telling Yoongi about what was happening to her was one of the best decisions she had ever made.

They came up with a plan for her to leave after graduating but before the wedding could happen.

It was the perfect plan. All they needed to do was carry it out successfully.

Which they did.

Waverly left 2 days after her graduation and one week before her wedding. Making sure not to leave any sort of trace behind her.

For the next few years she lived with Yoongi & his parents who had taken her in without question. He protected her and gave her all the praise he could to get her back to her old self.

Succeeding in a way.

Of course she had her moments but for the most part her colors were back. Maybe not in their brightest form but they were there.

Until she met Jungkook. The two have gotten closer and Waverly felt as if all the colors she had been deprived of seeing were found in him.

She was completed.

Previously she had Yoongi. Her blue.

Taehyung. Her purple.

Hoseok. Her orange.

Jin. Her pink.

Dahyun. Her yellow.

Namjoon. Her green.

Jimin and Seraphine who both contributed to her indigo.

And now, she had Jungkook. Her red.

He was the missing color that fit perfectly.

"That concludes the photoshoot. Expect the pictures to be in the magazine within the next month." The director smiled at the staff who all began to pack their things away.

But Waverly took that as her que. She rose to her feet and quietly made her way through the drizzling rain. "Lee!" Her arm was grabbed by Jin, who had been watching her sit lifelessly for the last 20 minutes.

"Where are you going?" His eyes softened as he met hers, noticing the determined look in her eyes.

"I'm going to get my red."

Colors of Love || AMBW || J.J.Kحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن