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Brian was delusional.

He thought he had the world in the palm of his hands because he had Michelle.

Michelle was his partner of five years and his best friend since forever. In Brian's eyes, Michelle was perfection. She was pretty (pretty being an understatement; she was unmistakably stunning), she was one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet and she would immediately make any dull room light up by just the grace of her presence.

But that, of course, is just what Brian saw. Michelle was actually just a normal girl from Orange County, but Brian treat her like a princess, like she was the world.

But, in reality, Michelle was getting a bit fed up. Not because she didn't love Brian, because hell, she loved him more than anything else in the world, but at the moment Brian was being way more clingy than usual. He followed Michelle everywhere and wouldn't leave her alone. It's like he didn't have friends of his own at all!

Michelle drew the line when he started to follow her to the bathroom. She said, "Enough is enough Brian! You need to get out of the house. You following me around everywhere I go is getting pretty unbearable. Brian I love you, but I need some space, ok?" And he just nodded, being the deluded puppy dog he is.

She told him to go to the park and to get some fresh air which he quickly obliged to. He flung on his leather jacket and walked out of the door with his hands in his pockets and his head down, making his way to the park.

The park wasn't really anything special at all. There was rarely any little kids playing, just some teenagers beating some innocent nerd up in the corner or some druggies completely off their heads, wasting their lives away. But when Brian got to the park, he didn't see what he was expecting.

Instead of some innocent kid laying battered and bruised on the floor, instead of some druggy passed out next to a tree from taking a ridiculous amount of poison, there was a man sitting on one of the rusty swings, sobbing sorrowfully into his hands.

On instinct, Brian felt the need to comfort the man and figure out why he was crying, to find out if he was okay or not, so on a whim, Brian decided that the man was safe and slowly made his way towards the only other available swing and sat down.

He started to swing slowly, aiming to make as much sound as possible to try and get the man to stop crying and look up at him, but his attempt to silence the man failed so he tentatively reached out a hand and placed it on the mans shoulder.

The man gasped and quickly shot his head up, glaring at Brian.

"What do you want?" He said in a harsh tone; definitely harsher than Brian was expecting.

"I-I just wanted to see if you were okay. Y-you were crying a-after all." Brian said, stammering slightly.

The man let out a breathy sigh and shook his head slightly, "I'm fine... I'm sorry, I'm just having a bad day. I didn't mean to me harsh, I'm Zacky." He said softly and looked directly into Brian's eyes, holding out his hand.

Brian almost died there and then. Zacky had the most complex, majestic green eyes that drew him in instantly. He was lost inside the mesmerizing colours and patterns that adorned his face, but instead of looking too creepy with staring into his eyes for hours, Brian took Zacky's hand into his own grasp and said, "I'm Brian."

Zacky smiled and Brian asked, "So why were you crying, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My band MPA broke up. It's pretty pathetic, I know but I thought we were doing pretty well one minute and the next, we're not even together anymore!" He stated, seeming mildly angry.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Brian said feeling awkward. He was never sure what to do in situations like these, so instead he just placed his hand on Zacky's shoulder once again and started to rub it gently as a comforting gesture.

"That's ok, I suppose it wasn't anything special anyway." Zacky said, adding a bittersweet chuckle at the end.

"What does MPA even stand for anyway?" Brian ask inquisitively, trying to make conversation.

Zacky smiled fondly before answering, "Mad Porno Action. I have no idea what we were thinking when we called ourselves that... I suppose we were just trying to be funny." He said, laughing slightly.

"Wow, that would be a hit with the parents." I said, laughing along.

"Yeah. Gosh imagine their faces if they ever asked their kid what they were listening to. 'Jeremy what are you listening to?' 'Oh nothing, just some Mad Porno Action.' We'd probably be sued!" He said and by now we were cackling messes.

After a few more minutes we were wiping our tears away and Zacky spoke up again.

"Hey, would you like to go get coffee with me sometime?"

"Yeah, sure." I smiled brighter than I had in years and we exchanged numbers, with me completely forgetting that I had a girlfriend - and possible fiancé - waiting for him at home.

But in that moment, none of that mattered.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! :)

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