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"So, what happened?" Zacky asked, he had refrained from asking him on the ride home because Brian was sobbing so much, but now they were sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate in their hands, which was keeping them warm as well as the blanked Zacky had placed on top of them both.

"I- I just, I wasn't expecting her to be fucking him, you know?" Brian said as he placed his hot chocolate down on the table in front of him.

"What do you mean, Bri?" Zacky asked softly, placing a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"M-Michelle... Sh-she cheated on me." Brian said, and as soon as he did, he burst into tears.

"I thought... I thought we were fine!" Brian sobbed into Zacky's shoulder and Zacky wrapped his arms around him, comforting him.

"Oh Brian, I'm so sorry. You are way too good for her anyway." Zacky said softly.

"But we loved each other!" Brian protested.

"Brian, if she really loved you she would have broken up with you before she got with someone else, don't you think?" Zacky suggested and suddenly - for Brian - everything was put into prospective.

"I suppose." He whispered, sniffling softly and not removing his face from Zack's shoulder.

"Look, Brian you're better off without her. You're amazing and you have so many characteristics that are so special. You are one in a million, Brian. Anyone would be lucky to have you and you deserve way better." Zacky said and kissed Brian's cheek hesitantly, resulting in a crimson blush rising on Brian's cheeks.

"Are you gay?" Brian asked loudly, not thinking obviously and quickly covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you but you keep kissing my cheek and I just wondered if... I mean I have nothing against it but I-,"

"Yes." Zacky cut Brian off.

"Yes what?"

"I'm gay. I mean, I'm sorry if that freaks you out but I never meant to scare you..." Zacky said embarrassedly, a blush coating his cheeks.

"No, it's ok. I just- it's ok." Brian said, relived that they'd got out of the way.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything, Zacky. I've only known you for two days and you're already letting me stay over. I'm a complete mess, I know, but thank you for helping me. Thank you so much." Brian said truthfully. He really appreciated what Zacky has done for him in the short space of time they've known each other.

"It's ok, Brian. Really." Zacky said and smiled at Brian, mouth wide and eyes shining with pride.

Zacky and Brian then spent that night cuddled up on the sofa, speaking mindlessly and ignoring the program on the TV as they were too caught up in each other and what each of them had to say.

It was perfect.


Zacky's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes and a back pressed against my chest. I looked down and smiled softly at the sight of Brian curled up next to me, sleeping soundly.
I never realized before how perfect he really was; he had chiseled cheekbones and the perfect, petite nose.

He was breathtaking.

But sadly, before I could gaze upon his beauty any longer, Brian yawned slightly and opened his eyes tentatively, taking in his surroundings.

"Morning," he mumbled quietly.

"Morning," I smiled, "how did you sleep?"

"I slept good thanks, you're really comfy." He said hesitantly and I chuckled.

"That's great to hear," I chuckled, "do you want any breakfast?" I asked, but before I heard his answer I heard a loud slam of the front door.

"Zachary!" My mothers voice sounded from the hallway, "Where are you dear?"

"In the living room, mum." I grumbled, not particularly happy with her disturbing our calm mood.

"Zachary I just popped by to- oh, is this your boyfriend Zack?" She asked upon spotting Brian by my side.

"No, I'm just a friend." Brian replied nicely but my mother completely ignored him.

"You two are such a cute couple! Where did you pick this one up Z, huh?" My mother asked inquisitively.

"We met at the park the other day." I replied, not denying or confirming anything.

"Oh, how romantic! Wait a second, I'm just going to get some food from the kitchen but when I'm back, you have to tell me everything!" She insisted and I just nodded and smiled, hoping she'd leave.

As she left to the kitchen, Brian nudged my side.

"Why'd you do that? We aren't even dating." Brian said, clearly confused.

"Look, my mum will get upset if I do. I'm not sure why, but she does. I think she just likes me to be with someone instead of being alone. Please go along with it, you really don't want to see my mum upset."

"Ok," he agreed and turned to my mother who was walking into the room with a tray of bread and ham.

"So, tell me everything." And Brian and I pretended we were crazy in love, answering all of her questions with a smile on my face and our hands interlocked.

For once, I wished it was real.

I wished Brian and I were really in love.

I wished Brian saw me in the way I saw him. But I decided to leave it for later, he seemed happy surprisingly, considering his girlfriend just cheated on him. I didn't want to ruin his mood, but I most certainly wasn't going to ruin our friendship.

It could wait until tomorrow.

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