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The next day, Brian got a phone call from Zacky asking if he wanted to get coffee that afternoon. Brian had actually made plans to go out for dinner with Michelle, but he quickly cancelled those plans so he could spend more time with Zacky.

Michelle didn't mind, she was just glad that Brian still had friends and wasn't going to be hanging around her 24/7.

Brian was just happy because he got to see Zacky. He doesn't know why, but whenever he looks at Zacky, or whenever he hears his voice (like on the phone this morning) he gets butterflies in his stomach, somewhat like the ones he felt when he first met Michelle, but much, much stronger.

Brian quickly slipped on a Misfits T-Shirt and pulled on his black skinny jeans speedily and he hurried downstairs, flinging on his coat and grabbing his motorbike keys and helmet as he left, not caring to leave Michelle a kiss, but with just a measly, "Bye!" And a slam of the door.

Now that did bother Michelle. Brian probably knew it would too, but all he was worried about was if he was going to get to the coffee shop on time, or if he looked good enough to impress Zacky.

He wasn't sure why he felt the need to impress Zacky, but that's what he felt he should do and there is no point in trying to deny it, so Brian just embraced it.

As Brian hopped off his motorcycle he immediately spotted Zacky inside the coffee shop, sipping tentatively on a mug on what seemed like hot cocoa. Brian smiled fondly at the image and made a mental note to remember it forever, for some strange reason unbeknown to Brian.

He walked inside the coffee shop swiftly and took a seat opposite Zacky, startling the latter slightly.

"You scared me," Zacky chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, I forgot to say hey," Brian stated and Zacky rolled his eyes.

"So, how have you been? I haven't heard much of you since last night. I know it wasn't long a go but I was just wondering how you were doing." Zacky asked, half focusing on Brian and half focusing on blowing his steaming hot cocoa.

"Well when I came back home my girlfriend was out, so I just decided to watch TV and eat pop tarts. Productive, I know, but I'd call it 'living life to the max'," He said smirking, making big gestures with his hands as if the slogan was placed on a bilboard. Brian had noticed that Zacky cringed slightly when he mentioned his girlfriend, but he just brushed it off as nothing.

"So what about you, do you have a girlfriend?" Brian asked curiously and Zacky immediately tensed once again. Brian immediately apologized and said, "Sorry, rough time with an ex girl?"

Zacky nodded uncomfortably, almost as if he was hiding something. But of course, Brian was being oblivious and delusional, so he just brushed it off.

Brian didn't actually get a chance to take a good look at Zacky when he walked in, but he only just realized how marvelous he looked in his casual attire.

He was wearing a white button up shirt and a black bow tie with a black jumper on top and some black skinny jeans. His hair was scruff fed just enough to look messy, but not enough to look like he'd just woken up. He wasn't wearing his septum piercing or his snake bites and his eyes were as bright and vibrant as they were yesterday.

He looked absolutely magnificent.

Zacky blushed slightly as he caught Brian's stare and looked down in embarrassment, before glancing at his watch and cursing silently.

"Sorry! I have to go. It was really nice seeing you but my work starts in 5 minutes and I can't be late!" He said hurriedly.

"I could drop you off if you like?" Brian suggesting, forgetting he only had one helmet.

"No that's ok! I have my car with me. I'll call you later!" He said and stayed still for a second, debating silently before he planted a chaste kiss on Brian's cheek and scurried out the door.

Brian thought he was in Heaven.


Brian was miserable on the ride home as it had decided to rain halfway through the drive, but his misery soon turned to happiness as he remembered how Zacky kissed his cheek. He wasn't sure why Zacky did it, but it was probably just a friendly gesture.

Friends kiss each other on the cheek all the time! Brian always kisses Val, Michelle's sister, on the cheek whenever she's around, so that's probably why Zacky kissed Brian's.

Speak of the devil, as Brian pulled into his driveway he saw Val's Ford Fiesta parked behind Michelle's Smart Car that her parents got her for Christmas last year.

Brian took off his helmet and opened the door to the house and immediately spotted Val, waiting on the other side of the door.

"Brian, you can't be here right now!" Val immediately whisper shouted.

"What do you mean? This is my house." Brian said, puzzled at Val's sudden outburst.

Val sighed and said, "Look, there's no easy way to say this Brian but... Mich is cheating on you."

"What? Stop lying to me, Val. I'm going upstairs to see my girlfriend now, ok?"


"Bye Val!" Brian said, cutting her off. But Brian had made the wrong decision.

"It isn't what it looks like!" Michelle screamed as Brian opened the door on some random guy fucking his girlfriend on their bed.

"What the hell? What is it supposed to look like then?" Brian screamed, absolutely fuming.


"You know what? Just shut up, I don't want to hear it. I'm going to stay at a friends tonight and I want you out of this house by tomorrow morning, okay?" He said calmly, but firmly.

Brian quickly stormed out of the room, gathered some clothes and his bag and made a phone call.


"Zacky? Can you please come and get me from my house?" Brian pleaded desperately.

"I don't even know where you live. Why do you need me?" He asked, clearly tired judging by his gravelly tone of voice.

"I'll send you my address, just, please. Something bad has happened and I need somewhere to stay. Please Zacky, you're my only hope." Brian begged.

"Ok, hang on. I'll be there soon." He said and hung up, and in that moment when Zacky walked in and gave him a hug, Brian had never felt safer.


A/N: Sorry, I didn't know how to end it but I hope it's ok!

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