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*Brian's POV*

The next morning was relatively awkward, well, on my part. I don't think Zacky had any idea that I heard him confessing his feelings for me last night, but I wasn't sure whether I intended on it staying that way or not. On one hand, if I told him I knew it could make things incredibly awkward between us, but on the other hand, maybe it will make our friendship stronger?

I had no idea.

So for now, I was going to keep it a secret until he - if he ever - decides to tell me his feelings when I am actually fully conscious.

Zacky was hovering around the kitchen when I came downstairs - he had made us a platter of different kinds of food for breakfast and he was waiting patiently at the breakfast bar, motioning for me to sit down.

"I figured I'd make you breakfast since you let me stay." He said, breaking the silence.

"Thanks..." I started off, "but how did you find where everything was?"

"I'm a very good snooper." He chuckled slightly and he shoved a spoonful of tomato into his mouth.

"It tastes really good, thank you." I said while delving into a waffle.

"It's ok, I've loved to cook ever since I was little. It's hardly a chore for me." He smiled and I nodded, going back to eating the marvellous food he had laid out for us.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"I have to go to work at 10:30, but I will be back at around 1 for my lunch break... So I was wandering if you wanted to go to lunch with me?" He asked warily and I nodded, a little too eagerly for that matter.

"Good, be ready by the time I get back." He said and with that, I was left alone for the next 2 hours and a half, haphazardly trying to keep myself occupied by doing things like watching TV, having a shower and taking a quick walk down the lane.

Turns out procrastinating did me well and it was time for lunch not long later. Zacky picked me up in his car and we pulled up to a cafe called Refuel.

"It's a nice little Mexican place I stumbled upon when I first came here, I think you'll like it." He stated for no reason in particular.

"Hi, Gloria." He waved to the woman at the till who beamed happily at Zacky upon seeing him at the entrance.

"Ah, Zack! How are you, darling?" She asked happily, embracing Zacky.

"Good thanks, you?"

"Amazing as always... Who's this? Has Zacky fetched himself a new fella?" She asked over-excitedly, poking Zacky's sides humorously.

New fella? Huh, I guess he'd brought boyfriends here in the past.

"No, I'm just a friend." Was what I was about to say, before Zacky grabbed my hand and nodded triumphantly, answering Gloria's question.

"Ahh, you two are so cute! One second, you sit down on table 7 and I will go fetch you a menu."

"Why did you-"

"She will give me a free discount if I say I have a boyfriend, it's always worked in the past." He winked and chuckled.

Oh, so basically he was using me to get a free discount?

I suppose it was clever, as reluctant as I might be to admit it.

"Here are your menus, have fun, boys." Gloria winked and giggled giddily before walking away to the kitchen.

My eyes scanned the menu as Zacky asked me what I was going to order.

"I'm not entirely sure, but the chicken and mozzarella enchiladas do sound really good." I said, internally drooling.

"I think I'll have the chilli beef tacos, but we can share?" He asked hopefully and I nodded, grinning slightly.

After we had devoured our meals and said a quick goodbye to Gloria (not without her taking a photo of us holding hands, which I secretly enjoyed for a reason unbeknown to me) we headed back home. Zacky dropped me off and he headed back to work and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing what I did that morning.

Eating and procrastinating.


I was absentmindedly staring at Zacky while we were watching a movie which I had forgotten the title to.

Zacky had gotten home about an hour ago, looking exhausted and drained, so I decided a movie and a cup of tea would relax him a bit.

But as we got further into the movie, I started to nonchalantly stare at Zacky.
He was so breathtakingly beautiful and my fascination with the boy was starting to frighten me. I couldn't comprehend how beautiful he was, yet I still couldn't figure out whether I liked him or not.

I'd only ever had one boyfriend, and he was the only exception.

I'm not... Gay, am I?

Maybe I'm not as straight as I thought I was...

And without really thinking at all, I decided I should see whether my thoughts were deceiving me or not.

So I kissed Zacky.

And he kissed back.

Our tongues intertwined and the butterflies in my stomach went wild in anticipation. The way he gripped onto my hair was insinuating, the way he moaned into my mouth was the biggest turn on and the fact that he was Zacky made it all the better.

And when he finally pulled away, smiling, panting and gazing dazing into my eyes, I decided that maybe I'm not straight at all.

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