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A/N: Here's a chance for you to get a small insight into Brian's life and mind!

*Brian's POV*

I sat at the edge of the pier and looked down at the sea that flowed in front of me. It was a Wednesday and I had just finished school an hour ago, but as Zacky was still at work, I decided to take a walk along the harbour.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, inhaling the smoke. I leaned over the rail and looked into the water as I smoked, I didn't fear falling in. Although I have Zacky, this moment and place seemed perfect to just, disappear.

If I was to die, I'd want it I be quick and quiet, and here seemed like the perfect place to end it without a second thought.

I have no parents - my sister who abandoned me twelve years ago was my only living relative - and I don't have a job.

I really have nothing to lose.

If it weren't for Zacky and my friends, I'd be dead now.

And to be frank, I'm grateful that I'm still here. My friends and Zacky are the only people I really need to keep me sane, and I love them all to death.

I did love Zacky - I'd come to that conclusion a few days ago and I really, really liked the idea of falling in love. I wasn't afraid of being rejected, after all, I had nothing to lose. But Zacky was worth it. For Zacky, I'd drop everything I had and leave just to be with him. It sounds silly, but it's of the upmost importance that he is happy, and I'd to anything to pursue that.

Shortly after I finished pondering, I felt a presence of someone beside me, slowly sitting down next to me. I didn't bother looking to see who it was, I already knew it was Zacky.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hi," I whispered, blushing for no apparent reason.

"What are you doing here? I was walking home but I saw you here. Why aren't you at home?" He asked, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb softly over the skin.

"I just wanted to go for a walk. I love nighttime walks." I love you, I thought.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Family, friends, you."

"How come I've never met your family?"

"My parents are dead and my sister left me." I answered, no expression apparent on my features.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and kissed my hand, then my cheek, and then down my neck.

"It's okay," I replied, my voice shaky.

"We should," he kissed further down my jaw, "get you home."

"Y-yeah, okay." I half-moaned and got up, as did he and we started to walk home, but there was one surprise waiting for us which I was certainly not expecting.

"Michelle." I spoke in shock.

Why do people keep turning up at our door?

"Brian! Brian." She whispered sadly, running up to me with tears streaming down her face and cupping my cheeks in her hands.

"Brian I missed you so much! I'm sorry about what happened, I never meant to hurt you. I want you back, so much Brian." She rambled and I took her hands gently and displaced them from my face.

"Michelle, I'm sorry," her face fell, "Michelle we are over, and that's not going to change. I've met someone new," I said and grabbed Zacky's hand, "and he's all I could ask for. Our relationship has sailed, we no longer need each other, don't you see? You'll find someone new who you'll maybe love enough not to cheat on, but for now, we're not getting back together M."

"But Brian, we were in love!" She pleaded.

"Were, Michelle, not anymore. I-I love Zacky, and nothing is going to change that." I admitted and her face softened, finally accepting what I explained.

"Ok, I'm sorry Brian. I wish you two all the best." She gave a small smile and hopped into her car, slowly driving off into the night.

"Wow, I didn't think I'd be seeing her anytime soon." I said.

"I'm just glad it's over," Zacky replied and we walked into the house, upstairs and into the bedroom. We got undressed, under the covers and turned the lights off before cuddling into each other.

"Night, Zacky."

"Night Brian."

And after a brief silence, only one more thing was spoken.

"I love you too, Brian."


A/N: I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! I got a pink electric guitar and an amp!

What did you get?

Until next time!

- Felicity

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