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*Zacky's POV*

"Hello?" I said groggily into the phone.

"Hello, sweetie!" My mums voice rang through the phone.

"Oh, hey mum. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you and Brian wanted to come over for dinner tonight? There's someone special I want you both to meet." She answered happily.

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked, shocked.

"Something like that," she replied uncertainly, "just come over at six!"

"Ok, love you mum, bye." I said, still half asleep.

"Bye baby!" She answered and I set my phone down.

"Who was that?" Brian asked with his eyes half open, putting his arm over me and pulling me close to his chest.

"My mum, she wants us to come over for dinner tonight. She has someone special for us to meet. Although, when I asked her if it was a boyfriend, she answered, 'Something like that'... What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"We'll find out later, won't we? Don't worry about it for now, just sleep." He said and hid his face in my neck.

"Ok." I replied reluctantly and fell back asleep.


"Wake up, idiot." I heard Brian shout while a pillow hit my face.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3:30PM, you've been sleeping for ages!"

"Damn it, I have to get up." I complained.

"Yeah, you do. Come on, get your ass up." He said jokingly.

"Ok, fine." I said and got up.

"You might want to get some clothes on before you come downstairs." He chuckled and I flipped him off, getting changed and following him downstairs.

"Here, I made you coffee." He said before handing me a cup.

"Thank you." I said, blowing on it and taking a sip.

"Did you turn on the heating? It's freezing!" I whined and he went to turn it on.

"So, what do you reckon your mum means?" He asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, at first I thought maybe they weren't official yet but then my mum wouldn't have wanted to introduce them if she wasn't certain it would last... Then I was contemplating whether my mum was dating a girl, but I'm sure she would have told me earlier if she was bisexual or lesbian... I'm just so confused." I sighed.

"I'm sure it's nothing like that. Don't worry about it, it's not going to be anything bad. Whoever it is, I'm sure your mum likes - maybe even loves - them very much. As long as your mum is happy, that's all that should matter." Brian confessed and I agreed, hugging him thankfully.

"Come on then, let's go." I said and grabbed Brian's hand before walking to the car.


"Hello!" My mum answered the door cheerfully and she continued to kiss Brian and I on the cheek.

"How are you?" I asked her as she motioned us inside the house.

"Good thank you, nervous, but good." She said warily, but I brushed it off, keeping ahold of Brian's hand.

But before Brian could ask my mum anything, a tall, dark man walked into the room.

"Hey, I'm Charlie." He said and held his hand out to me.

Letting go of Brian's hand, I shook his and replied.

"Hi, I'm Zacky and this is my boyfriend Brian."

"Hey," Brian said, shaking Charlie's hand.

There was something different about Charlie. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but his voice was substantially high and he had curves.

I didn't know boys had curves... Definitely not as big as his anyway.

"Come on, sit down." My mum ushered us to our seats.

The food had been served and there wasn't really any conversation at the table, but Charlie decided to change that.

"So, when did you two meet?" He asked.

"Well, I was at the park because... Well, Brian came up to me and asked if I was ok. We started to talk and that was it." I smiled and so did Brian.

"That's lovely!" He answered.

"How did you meet my mum?" I asked.

"Well, I was in the middle of getting some hormone pills from the chemist a few months ago and your mother over here accidentally knocked over some shampoo from the shelves. I helped her pick them up and we started to talk."

"Hormone pills?" I said out loud without thinking.

"Well yes... Charlie here is transgender." My mother replied and my jaw dropped.

"Wow, really?" I answered, intrigued.

"Yes... Well, I always knew something wasn't right when I was younger. I was always searching for an answer when I finally stumbled upon the term transgender. That's when I knew. My parents are fine with it and agreed to get me treatment... I'm having the surgery next month." He explained.

"Wow, that's amazing." I replied in awe and Brian squeezed my hand. My mum looked so relieved that we accepted it.

But, in reality, I was just thrilled that my mum was happy.


Dinner finished rather quickly and Brian and I left the house at around 8:30PM.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Charlie." Brian said and I agreed.

"You too, boys. Drive safely!" He answered and Brian and I headed towards the car.

He kissed me sweetly and we drove home in silence, content with our happiness.

"I love you." He said as we neared the house.

I smiled and looked at him, seeing him looking at me through the corner of his eye while trying to focus on the road at the same time.

"I love you too." I replied.

We were happy, and that's all that mattered.


A/N: Too cheesy? Hehe, sorry.

I like it when you guys comment, it makes me feel less alone. Comment please?

Hehe, hope you enjoyed! And I hope it wasn't too predictable...

- Felicity

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