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A/N: Sorry, I'm terrible at writing long chapters as you may know, but I will try my best to make this one relatively long.

I'm just having major writers block and I have no idea what to write!


*Zacky's POV*

I didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening when I felt Brian lips crash into mine. It was so forceful yet so passionate and sensual that I had no idea what to think or do, so I did what anyone would do when they were kissed by their crush.

I kissed back, and it was probably the best decision I have ever made since moving out of my abusive sisters house, but that's a different story.

We kissed passionately until I pulled away, panting and smiling slightly as Brian slowly crawled off me.

"Wow, that was... Unexpected." I managed to breathe out.

"Yeah, um... I'm sorry." Brian said regretfully.

"Why? I really liked it, Brian, and I think you did too." I said, referring to his flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, I guess I did." He said chuckling uneasily and scratching the back of his neck.

"I know you like me, Zacky." Brian said suddenly.

"How?" I asked, instantly confused.

"You told me last night in your sleep. I wasn't supposed to tell you I knew, I was going to wait for you to tell me on my own but it turns out I can't keep my mouth shut." He said, almost irritably.

"Oh, yeah. Well it's true, I do like you, a lot Brian." I whispered, hoping he would react in a good way.

"I- um, I like you too, Zacky." He mumbled and I instantly beamed.

"You do? Are you serious? I don't want this to be just based on the kiss Brian, I need to know if you really like me for me, not just a rebound because of what happened with Michelle." I said and sighed, Brian just sat still, contemplating his answer.

"I like you for you, Zacky. You have never and will never be a rebound for Michelle, she was a mistake. But you Zacky, you are everything I've ever wanted and all I will need. You are incomprehensibly beautiful and you have a personality to die for. You are breathtaking, Zacky." Brian finished and I was completely shocked.

He thought that highly of me?


"Zacky, would you like to go on a date with me on Wednesday?" Brian asked me hesitantly.

Wednesday, that's two days away.

"Sure, I'd love that." Brian grinned cheerily and gave me a curt not before literally sprinting up to his room.

I followed him up shortly after the movie had finished to find him passed out on the bed. I tentatively climbed in next to him and pulled the covers up, drifting slowly asleep with my arms wrapped around the one I liked.

"Followed dreams reaching higher, couldn't survive the fall."


*Brian's POV*

I woke up to an empty bed and a note on the side of the dresser.

"Just gone to work and you looked so peaceful, so I decided I probably shouldn't wake you.

Breakfast is downstairs on the table!

(It's only milk and cereal, don't get too happy ;) hehe sorry)

I'll be back around 3:30, dont miss me too much!

- Z"

But maybe being alone wasn't the best idea.

I started to unintentionally spiral into a deep dream.

I dreamt about my brother fighting in the war, I dreamt about Aaron, the boy I thought I once loved. I dreamt about Michelle for the most part, I dreamt about how we were the perfect couple, how we were always the talk of the town for all the right reasons, but that soon got turned upside down.

And before I could help myself, I was trembling and crying, sweat drenched my body and I felt hands being placed upon my shoulders.


And my eyes shot open.


"Brian what the hell was that?" Zacky asked me and I took a glance at the clock on the wall.


Was I really dreaming for that long?

"I just had a nightmare, I'm ok, I promise." I told Zacky, my voice still wavering.

"Tell me what you dreamt about, please?" He asked cautiously.

Evil thoughts can hide,

I'll help release the mind.

I'll peel away the skin,

Release the dark within.

"Maybe another time." I answered uneasily.

"Please, Brian." Zacky pleaded.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, I just need to relax." 

And I walked upstairs into the study area, plopped myself onto the chair and started to pray desperately. Praying for some sort of release and for the memories to go away...

Hate to twist your mind, but God ain't on your side.

And I halfheartedly drifted to sleep, resting myself on the work top.


A/N: Too many A7X references in there, oops. I couldn't help myself! xD

Sorry, what happened in that chapter was unintentional, it just kind of happened so sorry if it's really bad because I'm starting to have second thoughts about this one :3

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