17: Challenges

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" Hey, I'm gonna head to the store with Josh, Sky, Nick, and Michael. Wanna join?" JoJo walked into Ben's room, which happened to be open.

" I would but, I'm gonna shower." He said.

" Okay." She smiled. He pressed a short kiss to her lips.

" I'll see you later." He smirked.

" Love you." She said blissfully.

" Love you too."


" Pop tarts! Don't forget Pop tarts!" JoJo shouted as they walked through the store.

" What is with you and Pop tarts?" Nick threw her a look.

" And chocolate!" JoJo completely disregarded his comment.

" Why don't you go get your chocolate, we'll go get fruits, veggies, ya know, food!" Sky said.

" Fine." JoJo sassed, making a beeline for the chocolate.

She grabbed the largest bag with the largest variety of chocolate she could find. When she returned she dumped the chocolate along with some Midol and pads into the shopping cart. The guys looked at the contents of the cart then decided making a comment was unwise.

" Hey Jo, you have any idea where the veggie straws may be?" Josh asked.

" Yeah, I passed them a minute ago. I'll be right back!" She took off back to the chip aisle.

As JoJo rounded the corner into the chip aisle, she almost collided with a man.

" Oh, I'm so sorry." She said as quickly as it happened.

" Oh, it's quite okay." The man smiled unsettlingly.

" A pretty thing like you should be more careful though." He added. JoJo slowly began to back up.

" Again, so sorry." She grabbed the chips and headed back to the guys.

" You good?" Michael asked as JoJo put the bag in the basket.

" Huh?" JoJo looked mildly stunned.

" You look a little out of it." Josh said.

" Yeah...yeah, I'm good." JoJo nodded.


The group checked out, heading back to the car.

" Here, I'll return the cart." JoJo said as they finished loading the car.

She walked back towards the store, putting the cart back.

" Hello again."

JoJo jumped around to see the same man from the store standing there in the dim light.

JoJo avoided eye contact, heading towards the car again.

" Hey!" He grabbed onto her arm.

" Let go!" JoJo shouted. She knew self defense but, her mind and body refused to work as one.

" No, you're coming with me!" The man pulled her against him, pinning her arms down.

" Help!" JoJo shrieked.

" Shut up!" He shouted. He pinned her up against the wall, she felt his breath on her neck.

The next thing JoJo knew, she was ripped away from the man and in someone else's arms.

" No!" JoJo struggled against, whoever held her. She swung, catching the person in the jaw.

" JoJo, it's me." Josh whispered. JoJo stopped abruptly, looking up to see Josh holding onto her. Michael and Sky had pinned the man against the ground and Nick was already on the phone.

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