30: Josh's Girl

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The gang sat in Ben's and Josh's room, playing games and talking. Bexley and Josh slipped out into the hallway for a moment. The second they got out there, Josh crashed his lips against Bexley's. She eagerly responded.

" I've been waiting all day to do that." He muttered.

" I'm not complaining." She said, slightly out of breath.

" Anyway, you said you needed to tell me something." He smiled, kissing her forehead.

" Not if you keep kissing me." She giggled as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

" Making up for lost time." He chuckled, kissing her nose.

" Okay, I'll stop." He smiled.

" Anyway, so, ya know how they need to fill an understudy spot since Stephanie is leaving soon?" She started.

" Yeah." Josh nodded.

" Well, I may or may not have auditioned...and I got the part." She said. Josh looked at her with shock.

" Really? I'm so proud of you!" Josh grinned.

" Wait, that means...you'll be travelling with us!" He exclaimed.

" Yea." She giggled.

" I take it you told him?" Stephanie smiled, walking down the hall.

" I'll miss you Steph." Josh smiled.

" I'll miss y'all too." She grinned, walking into the party room.

" I'm really proud of you." He kissed her head.

" Again with the kisses." She giggled. He leaned down, kissing her deeply. The door next to them opened.

" Ah! My eyes!" Sky screamed, slamming the door.

" Welcome to a day in what your life will be like for the next few months." Josh chuckled.


" You're staying on the Tour!" JoJo squealed as her and Bexley sat on her bed.

" Yeah. I'm taking over as Katherine's understudy since Morgan will play Katherine." Bexley laughed.

" That's incredible!" JoJo tackled her friend into a hug.

" Whoa, why we squealing?" Ben and Josh walked in.

" I thought we closed the door?" JoJo faced the door.

" We did." Bexley nodded, looking slightly horrified.


" Bex!" Josh flopped onto her bed.

" Wake up Jo." Ben landed next to her.

" How do they keep getting in here?" Bexley mumbled into her pillow.

" They're like children. If they want your attention they'll find a way." JoJo replied, hiding under her covers.

" The sun isn't even out yet." JoJo peeked out from under the covers.

" That's because it's four am." Josh replied.

" We don't tell them this, they'll yell at us." Ben said. Josh merely shrugged.

" You're options are go back to sleep are walk yourself out the door." Bexley muttered. The guys shrugged. Ben spooned JoJo who was way too stubborn to move. Bexley turned to face Josh, curling against his chest.

" I don't care if you sleep, just stay quiet." JoJo said, her hands finding one of Ben's.

" Yes ma'am." Ben mumbled against her neck.


" Why is it, one moment you say you're gonna go wake up the girls, the next you're asleep in their beds?" Sky's voice broke the dead silence in the room. Ben rolled over to see Sky, DeMarius, Michael, Nick, Nico, Anthony, Chaz, Jeff, and Dan standing at the foot of the beds.

" We wanted to live past tomorrow." Josh mumbled.

" Be quiet, I'm sleeping." JoJo reaching over blindly, throwing a pillow. She surprising hit an unprepared Michael in the face.

" Nice shot." He nodded.

" Jo, it's 8." Jeff stated.

" They came in four hours ago to wake us. Way too early." Bexley stated, throwing another pillow blindly. This time she hit Nick.

" Why are they so good at that?" Nick asked.

" Why are they some similar?" Nico shook his head.

" Great minds think alike." Bexley muttered not pulling away from Josh.

" Yes." JoJo pointed to Bexley, not opening her eyes.

" Come on guys, we have a show at six, we should go do something." Sky chuckled the pillow back at Ben and JoJo.

" Fine. Fine." JoJo groaned. Bexley reached blindly for her glasses on the nightstand.

" We'll meet y'all in the lobby by 8:45. We expect to see you there." Nick threw the pillow at Josh who was still holding onto Bexley, who still couldn't locate her glasses. With that, they left.

" Josh." Bexley muttered, not being able to find her glasses.

" Can't see?" He chuckled, reaching over her to grab her glasses, which were just out of reach.

" So, you really can't see, huh?" JoJo asked as she and Ben sat up.

" No, I can see enough. Just it takes a minute for my eyes to focus in the morning and certain materials are harder to see without my glasses on. I once lost my old glasses for a week when they were just sitting on my black shelf. Since they were black, I couldn't see them." She smiled, sitting up.

" Huh. So, that's why you didn't seem blind when we went swimming yesterday." Ben nodded.

" Yep. I could see enough to not run into things." She grinned, climbing out of her bed to grab and outfit out of her suitcase.

" Okay, boys out. Go get changed." JoJo shooed them out. Josh kissed Bexley's forehead on the way out, as did Ben to JoJo.


" I tHiNk I'lL tRy dEfYiNg GrAvItY!" Jeff screeched.

" Is it always like this?" Bexley leaned over towards JoJo.

" Yes." She nodded.

" Oh joy." Bexley sat back against her chair.

" Hey." Josh smiled as he walked over.

" Hey Dork." Bexley grinned.

" JoJo!" Ben bounded up to her.

" Yea?" She cocked an eyebrow.

" Hi." He grinned.

" Hey babe." She smiled.

" They want something." Bexley leaned over towards JoJo, eyeing the guys.

" I concur." JoJo nodded.

" What could it be?" Bexley muttered.

" Can we go bowling tonight?" Josh asked.

" What is it with you and bowling?" JoJo chuckled.

" He loves bowling. Always has." Bexley laughed.

" Of course we can." Bexley turned back to her boyfriend.

" I'M GONNA WIN!" Both boys shouted at each other in sync.

" Oh boy." The girls muttered.

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