Playdate | 🇩🇪 x reader

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Little East Germany continued to read his book. It was oddly quiet in the whole mansion, not a single noise besides the chirping of birds could be heard. That was because their father, Third Reich, was out at the moment.

East Germany's twin, West Germany, was in her room, doing the work she was told to do by their sick excuse of a father.

Suddenly, East heard the gigantic door open, then heard the voice of their father and another country, who was known as USSR.

The little country ignored their presence, eyes still glued to the book he was reading. Then something caught his attention.

"Я скоро вернусь. Вести себя, да солдат?"

"Да, папа."

There was another voice? A female child, to be exact.

According to what East Germany had heard, he assumed she was USSR's daughter then.

He peeked his eyes out of the book he held and saw the two adults retreating from a distance.

He let out a small sigh of relief. The young country didn't even know that he was tensed up.

His gaze returned to the book until he felt a sudden add of pressure on the sofa.

He turned his head and was met with a little girl, who looked about his age. She clung to a cotton-blue teddy bear. East Germany also noticed that there was a dagger strapped around her knee.

'So she's trained as well...I guess that's what happens when you have military parents' East thought.

East greeted the girl a hello, but she only tensed up and scooted away from him.

East was rather confused, but then he came to the sudden realization.

'Oh right, I forgot she doesn't speak German'

The two children were enclosed in awkward silence, until the girl let out a small huff, gaining East Germany's attention.

The little girl then stuffed the teddy bear into the little German's arms.

East looked at her in complete confusion. He noticed that her cheeks were turning red.

Sweat comically rolled down his forehead.

'She's embarrassed...'

"(Y/n)..." she muttered, loud enough for the little German to hear.

"Oh...East Germany..." he introduced himself, receiving a bright smile from (Y/n), signifying 'Nice to meet you!'.

East Germany looked at the teddy bear, then back at her. He returned the smile.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed. Their fathers were coming.

The two children sat properly, acting as if nothing had happened. They didn't want to risk the consequences.

"(Y/n), иди сюда, Пойдем" USSR called, causing her expression to fall.

East didn't understand their language, but he guessed what it meant.

"Да, папа."

(Y/n) gave him a small smile, before making her way to her father, leaving the mansion.

Yayyyy, I'm actually pretty proud of this one :D.

Should I make a part two for this?

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