47 | Dreams of Father

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Lexi walks through the woods before coming upon a grave she knows too well. She kneels beside the mound of dirt and places a hand over the soil. "Hello, there," she chuckles with her voice getting rougher by the moment. "It certainly has been a while, hasn't it?"

When she looks up, her heart skips a beat. "No...that's not right."

A large stone tombstone stares at her.

She traces the name with her fingers. "No, you can't be dead." She jumps to her feet. "I-I just saw you—you can't be dead!"

She turns away from Derek's tombstone to gasp, a stake thrust through her chest. As blood dribbles from her mouth, she faces Mikael. "Hello, girl," he coos. "Miss me?"

Lexi jerks her head up with a gasping breath, looking around the compound with wide eyes. Elijah comes up to her with a frown on his face. "Still dreaming of our father?" He asks as he offers her a hand.

She places a hand over her heart as she stands, smoothing out her black dress. "At least the Other side is dying," she says, despite her racing heartbeat. "We'll be rid of him soon enough, right?"

Linking her arm with his, they join Klaus just outside with Hayley waiting. All of them head to the church to start Father Kieran's funeral procession. "How was your talk with Ms. Correa?" Elijah asks as they begin to follow the casket through the streets.

"Cold," Lexi replies as Hayley coughs. "I do not trust her. I'm almost positive she is responsible." Hayley coughs once more, placing her hand in front of her mouth. "Are you all right?" Lexi asks. "You look—"

"A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" Hayley asks.

Elijah smiles to himself. "I'm sure she was going to say that you look lovely."

Hayley's gaze drifts to Francesca Correa ahead of them with a tissue held against her face. "Do you think I was the target of those bombings?"

"Of course, you were the target!" Klaus exclaims. "Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill. I would string you up for all your worshipers to see."

As Lexi nudges Klaus' side, Elijah says, "I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us."

"Perhaps, try a different approach, Nik," Lexi says with a small smirk and a hand placed against her chest. "Just a suggestion—maybe fewer references to murder?"

Klaus smirks. "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will for the sake of my child."

"One bad dream, and suddenly, you want to be a responsible daddy!" Hayley exclaims.

Wrapping an arm around her, Klaus brings Hayley close. "Let me put this into perspective. My father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him. This cycle of misery ends with my child."

Hayley yanks herself away from him. "You forgot one thing in your little attempt to plead your case. She's not your child; she's ours." With a grimace, Hayley walks away from the Mikaelsons.

"So heartfelt, Nik," Lexi grins before she frowns, her hand moving up to her clavicle.

"I bloody hate funerals," Klaus mutters.

Elijah glances at Lexi with narrowed eyes. "Alexis, are you feeling all right?"

"Just chilly," she lies, tucking her arms closer to her and pulling her jacket against her skin. "Maybe I've finally gotten a cold," she chuckles before a cough rises from her throat. "Actually, would you excuse me? I'll be back soon, I hope."

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