Chapter 53

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For a moment, Jingheng Lin didn’t know what’s going on.

To be honest, even a slow man like Jingheng Lin, he could find the subtle ambiguity from the words … Though it was still possible that he just overreacted.

First, usually, commodore Lin was too busy to deign to chat with someone – after all, as an adult, he didn’t have much experience about “flirting” and “ambiguity”, not to mention keeping it in control; second, Bixing Lu was too vivacious of a man who believed everyone was his friend – Jingheng Lin was not sure whether he always talked like that.

Since Jingheng Lin was too shocked to continue the conversation, leaving Bixing Lu hanging in the air, it suddenly got into an embarrassing situation.

Bixing Lu cleared his throat before he continued: “Well…”

 “You…” Jingheng Lin said.

They almost started talking at the same time, and shut their mouths together, looking at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became super awkward.

By that time, outside the windows, the voice of the Self-Defense Force came, who was gathering outside the mech station. These people all had the same ferocious faces, tortured by a full day of horrible training. Under the command of Saturday, they shouted “Hail the Self-Defense Force!” three times, loud enough to shatter the frozen air of the main control room.

Bixing Lu got his mind back quickly, seizing the chance to make a forced smile while he reached to pat Jingheng Lin’s hand.

Jingheng Lin: “…”

 “You don’t know the old legend, don’t you? It has a rite – when two people begin to talk at the same time, they need to pat each other. The guy who moves at first will be lucky in money, as the other one will have luck in love.” Bixing Lu said with an implied meaning, “Let me share some luck in love with you. You’re welcome. ”

When he finished, Bixing Lu stopped looking at his face, standing up and turning away at a great speed – it seemed that he would be kissed by big bully if he left a little slower.

 “Wait a second.” Jingheng Lin stopped him.

Bixing Lu paused, turning his head back with mixed hope and worry. Jingheng Lin avoided his gaze and lowered his head to take sips of paled water. After a moment of thinking, he continued to finish his words: “Your friend… The one that took them to yell all day long outside.”

 “Saturday?” Bixing Lu said without thinking, “He is …”

Heterosexual” almost jumped out from his mouth, but he realized it quickly and shut his mouth before he made himself embarrassed.

“What?” Jingheng Lin raised one side of his eyebrows. Then he waved his hand carelessly, “Whatever he is, but I guess he probably misunderstands about the causality – tough training is not the cause for why the Silver Ten Squadrons are elites, it is precisely because they are elites that the Silver Ten Squadrons can endure tough training. He missed this point, and his people will all run away soon.”

Bixing Lu craned his head in from the door, beaming: “Commodore, is this a free offsite instruction?”

Jingheng Lin had already said too many words to him, feeling thirsty – he probably just ran out of battery, returning to a deaf-mute again.

Bixing Lu walked away with a light step. If there was no camera in the elevator, he could have danced with himself for fun.

For Bixing Lu, exploring Lin and this uncertain relationship were just the same as the first time he flew out of the atmosphere of planet Cayley or explore space – though precursors had already confirmed and eulogized each step, when he approached by himself, he still found that “Practice goes deeper than theoretical knowledge”, stirring his soul at each step.

Whenever he got something as a reward, he could be extremely excited and forget where he was.

However, the base was just like a bird’s nest in danger under a big storm. The frictions between those wet wings did offer some warmth, but the theme was still thunder and lightning.

It was not surprising that it didn’t go well when Bixing Lu told Saturday about Jingheng Lin’s advice – Bixing Lu found out that his chicken soup might be overboiled. 

To be honest, Jingheng Lin had said nothing wrong, because long-term and strict self-discipline had nothing to do with something like “spirit”. It was hard to develop, accompanied with circumstance, education, scientific and systematic management and self-control. One could not simply get it from yelling “Hail the whatever!” few times a day – 

But Saturday didn’t believe in “gifted elites” nor “in sequence, step by step” – if he did, he would have not simply chosen dozens of people and forced them to stand in front of Bixing Lu.

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