Have Some Composure

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"That's right little fag, get- in- there!" Ryan growled as he used his foot to shove Brendon down into the trash can. "Ryan, leave Piss alone, we have shit to do." Awsten whined into Ryan's ear. "Yeah, yeah, in a second." He shoved him off and took another heavy shove to Brendon who was definitely passed out by now. 

He spit onto Brendon hair, "See ya tomorrow Urine." He kicked the trash can over, and walked off with Awsten, they walked down the hall to the doors when they spotted Nicole walking down the hall was well with her Prada sun glasses, and her arm wrapped around Mikey's. They were close, closer then Mikey was to his 22 year old brother, Gerard, who's described only as an absolute asshole. 

"Boys, have you seen my Petey?" She lowered her sunglasses to look them in the eyes. "No, but I'm sure he's fucking that Melanie Martinez in the janitors closet." Ryan snickered, Awsten chuckled too. She glared at them, "Like you aren't in the closet too, Ross." She shot back and smirked at him. 

Ryan instantly harden with anger, "Suck dick and die, you stupid bitch." He growled at her. "Oh I have, and I know you have too." She eyed Ryan and walked away with her brother still locking arms with her. 

"You been fucking your brother lately?!" Ryan shouted to her. "See you later, Ross!" Mikey called out to him, making his blood boil. "Fuck them!" He growled. "C'mon, I'll take care of you." Awsten told him. Leading him out to the car. "You're really shitty at being casual, Awsten." He said angrily.

"Shush, or no blowjob." Awsten told him. Ryan angrily grabbed him by the throat, "You shut your damn, dirty mouth about those things or I'll fucking-"

"Oh daddy, harder~" Awsten moaned out, only gently prying his fingers into Ryan's grip. Ryan let go, disgusted. "I fucking hate you." He mumbled and just walked away from him. 


"You going?" He shrugged. "I'm sure Nichole is somewhere looking for me, right?" He chuckled and pulled on his skin tight V-cut T-shirt. Ashlee wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his neck. "I know what you're trying to do."

"Yeah, and what? I want to keep you, is that a crime?" She snapped. "Yeah, actually, you know where I belong. That'll never change." He stood up and looked in the mirror to fix his hair. "If you won't let me have you then why do you keep skipping school to see me, hm?" She glared at him through the mirror. 

He turned to face her, "Cause you're a good fuck." He grabbed his cigarettes from his back pocket, taking one out to light it with steady hands. He inhaled in a dark cloud and blew out in her face. "See ya around, sugar tits." He tossed her a twenty then left the room quickly.

He walked a couple blocks down to a 24 hour cafe to find his piece of mind. He sipped on his pitch black coffee, his steady hands were a facade. He could hardly keep them still as he drank, or smoked, he hadn't felt steady for as long he could remember. 

But nobody was allowed to know that, it would be showing weakness, not even his closes friends were allowed to know that he was unsteady. That he hid behind meaningless sex, drugs, and alcohol to numb himself from something he couldn't understand. 

Nobody knows that he is lost. 

"Here son, get me one of those moka, espresso thingies you kids drink." An older gentleman said, he had pulled Pete out of his mind. A younger kid took the money, laughing and saying. "Why don't I just get you a regular coffee? Cause people don't drink whatever the hell you just made up." He laughed again and shook his head as he stood in line. 

He had this soft feel to him, he looked young and innocent, probably a freshman. Dweeb. "Ya know dad, I start school tomorrow..." The younger one said. "What about it?" The older man asked. "Well...I mean I did just get my licence and I was wondering if by any chance in the world.. Please take the car!" He begged.

The man scuffed. "Patrick, we've talked about this alright, you don't get to drive, you almost crashed mom's car. You're lucky you're even alive Mr." The man said. The younger guy groaned, "You suck. I'm gonna start my first day, as a junior, in a brand new school and you won't even let me drive?" He argued. 

"Nope, now get me the coffee, your mom's waiting in the car." The kid groaned angrily. Pete had been so tuned into their conversation, by the end of it he was focused on only the red head, he didn't notice the older guy walk up to him. "Excuse me, um, me and my family are a little lost. Would you mind telling me where we could find Rangler Road? We've been driving around for hours." 

Pete nervously sat up, shooting his eyes towards the man. "Rangler Road? Oh, yeah uh, it's uh, do you know where Sam's is?" He said. The man nodded, "Take a right, then it should be two or three miles down that road." He cleared his throat. 

"Hey thanks." The younger guy interrupted. "You a highschool student?" The man asked. Pete felt hot and crowded, he began to sweat. "Uh-" 

"Dad, seriously, c'mon, don't be lame." He snapped at his dad, he must have still been mad at him about the car thing. Which Pete didn't know why he cared, he didn't care. 

"I uh, yeah I am." He said. "Nice! This is my son Patrick, he's startin tomorrow, he's a junior." The man pulled his son close crushing him into a hug. "DAD! Stop!" He pushed off him. They had a good relationship Pete could tell. "At Glennbrook right?" Pete asked, just focused on Patrick's eyes. There was something so meaningful about his eyes, his baby blues haunted him. 

He didn't understand. He knew Patrick felt it too because he stuttered before looking away. "I-I don't know, maybe, I-I don't really remember." He scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "We should get going, c'mon Dad." He said, not daring to look Pete in the eyes again.

Patrick didn't feel it, he was just intimidated. 

As they were walking out the door Patrick turned around, looking him deep into his eyes. "I hope to see you again, um.." 

"Jason..." He said he had been debating whether he should mention his real name but it was already to late, Patrick nodded. "Jason." He smiled. 

Then he was gone. Leaving Pete to fill the silence with his thoughts. And the image of his eyes, a delightful color.

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