Forget About The Dirty Looks

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Brendon was drowsy and hurt, everything hurt, his shoulder, his head, his eyes. Which he checked and he did indeed have a black eye again. Blood vessels in his eye we're even popped.

Every day he went through hell like that from Ryan Ross. He didn't know why either, he didn't try and cause problems with him, he nearly always tried to avoid him.

It must only be instinct to destroy him, like survival of the fittest, that's what high school was at Glennbrook Highschool. Everyone knew what type of school it was. Had a bad reputation, Mr. Way had been trying to change that for years, still isn't close. It would change if he stopped letting Ryan Ross almost kill him everyday. It would stop if he stopped spoiling his step daughter, if he didn't let his son cheat. Didn't let Pete Wentz get away with making that kid commit suicide last year.

His name was Dan Keyes. Last year he ended his life in May. Summer was creeping up on us and out of nowhere, the guy Ryan Ross was rumored to have slept with was just dead. He wrote a note, but nobody knew what it said, it was rumored to talk about how the endless bullying from the Fab Five made it not worth it anymore.

How Pete was especially ruthless to him, his words cut deep and he couldn't take it anymore. But the mayor covered it up and the rest of the Keyes's moved. It was an injustice.

It wasn't fair.

Brendon walked down his familiar road home, he didn't have the resources to get help for himself, not enough cash. Never enough cash.

He had tripped and fallen, landing face first. "Fucking shit." He whimpered and stood up, dusting himself off. He turned back to see what made him fall, a guy. Drunk as all hell just laying on the ground.

Brendon squat down, moving the guys hair out of his face.

Ryan Ross.

His blood ran cold as he backed away, falling onto the ground again, Ryan let out soft groans, he couldn't stand, not on his own.

Brendon angrily stood back up, marching home. Fuck him, fuck that guy, he did nothing but hurt him every single day of his life. He deserved no sympathy, not at all, not from him...

....and yet.

He stopped, hung his head in defeat, turning back and helping him up off the ground. "Easy now, you have to help me alright? I'm a little weak myself, my house is up the road, let's sober you up a bit okay?" Ryan just let out grunts leaning into Brendon. Brendon wrapped his arm around his waist and Ryan's arm behind his neck as he basically dragged him home.

Nobody did this for Brendon, why would he do it for Ryan? Simply because he doesn't hate Ryan, he can't hate anyone, everyone who has ever done him wrong, or royally fucked him over he has let back into his life.

Brendon opened the front door to his home. His mom was on the couch, watching television as always. "Hi Mama" he mumbled to her and tried to rush Ryan to his room. "You have a friend today, my dearest?" He turned "Uh yeah sort of, he's feeling under the weather today." He told her.

"Oh no, poor thing, he should lay down for a while." He nodded in agreement. She was an alcoholic and suffered from schizophrenia. She couldn't get help even if she really wanted it, which she really didn't. Her remedy was alcohol.

"Love you, Mama" She smiled "I love you too" She told him. He took Ryan into his room and laid down.

"Fuck, Ryan." He sighed.


The bell rang as Patrick was already late to school. "Shit, Shit, Shit." He mumbled under his breath as he rushed through the doors. He turned to see the clock, one second and the next he was running into some then falling to the floor, he was early. "Shit, I'm so sorry." Patrick scrambled.

"No biggy." The guy said, stretched his arm out for Patrick to grab. He reached for it and stood. He looked at the guy. "Hey you're Jason, from last night at the cafe right?" Patrick asked.

Pete smiled "Yeah, you remembered me?" Patrick nodded "Yeah, I mean, yeah." He chuckled. Pete felt his skin electrify. His heart bounded harder, and he began to sweat. "S-so you like the school?" Pete asked him. "Yeah, it's great." He smiled at him. "I just got here so.."

Pete looked away from him, as Nicole  came walking down the hall. "Shit." Pete mumbled under his breath, they looked in her way. "Babyyy!" She smiled once she saw him, pulling him into a deep kiss, Pete was too nervous to kiss back. "Where were you last night?" She asked and wrapped her arms around his neck. Patrick was just awkwardly standing there.

"Um, out." He cleared his throat and pulled her arms off. "Oh, okay, who's that?" She had finally acknowledge Patrick with an insulting glare. He waved "I'm-"

"He's a friend, leave him be, look, I'll talk to you later, c'mon." He grabbed Patrick's arm aggressively, pulling him away from her, he didn't want her near him. Poisoning his mind too.

"Ouch" Patrick whined, Pete loosened his grip once they were far enough away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rough." He said softly. "It's okay, what's with her?" He asked.

Pete was automatically feeling protective for no reason at all. "Well uh, she's a girl, that's all." He concluded "Oh okay..." He said awkwardly, he knew Jason was hiding something from him, but he chose to ignore it

"Hey is there anything I should know? Like, people who I shouldn't mess with, or avoid." Pete thought this was funny, because there was.


"The Fabulous Five." He chuckled. "The Fabulous Five?" Patrick asked confused.

"Mikey Way, Nicole Row, Awsten Knight, Ryan Ross, and the infamous Pete Wentz." Pete swallowed as he walked with him

"The Fabulous Five.
The rulers of highschool hallways.
The untouchable ones." He said it with such power and meaning.

"Mikey Way, one of the most popular kids at school, he could ruin your high school career, he's the class president, and his dad is the principal, rumor has it the voting was rigged so he could win like his older brother." He said simply.

"Nicole Row, she's Mikey's step sister, she's the baby and she definitely acts like one. She's gets what she wants, always wearing the most expensive clothing on the market and drives a Porsche. She's the one that spread that rumor about Hayley Williams, the one that made her mute. You'll know the one. She hangs on her brother like a clingy girlfriend." He talked, he didn't like the sound of his own voice, he was learning that.

"Awsten Knight, the school slut, he sleeps with anyone. He also sells all sorts of drugs, things you never even heard before, he's dirty, but nobody would ever say that to his face, because he's actually put someone in the hospital. He and Nicole love to spread rumors about people."

"Ryan Ross, he's captain of the hockey team and a hot head, there was a rumour going around that he slept with Dan Keyes his Sophomore year, but that rumor quickly died, and if he hears that you repeated that rumor in the hallway. You best believe he'll be waiting for you after class. He'd rather kill himself then admit he likes men, pretty men like Awsten Knight." He chuckled, Patrick smiled and chuckled back at him causing Pete to blush and look away.

"Pete Wentz, he's the son of the mayor and the boyfriend-ish of Nicole Row, they sleep around but in the end belong to each other. Rumor has it that he's had his way with many highschool girls, varying between all ages. When parents went to sue, the charges were dropped every time. He will hurt you in more ways you could handle and nobody has crossed him and made it out alive." He said those words, they were at himself. The rumors weren't true, girls wanted him, and when he rejected him they would cry wolf.

"He also made a kid kill himself." It rang in his ears, he admitted it. That was his fault, those were one of the feelings he felt the need to constantly numb, that he made someone die.

"You understand now?" He said, his throat was dry. "Yeah, I'll stay away from them, Pete sounds... awful" He laughed. "He is." Pete admitted again, he was convinced that he was unredeemable. That he will never be a good person.

The bell rang, Pete walked Patrick to class then walked to his own, and that was that.

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