Struck Down, Before Our Prime

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Pete slammed his car door shut in the school parking lot. He knew what he was going to say, he didn't need Melanie's help anymore. She'd come over last Thursday to come up with something but nothing made sense, he didn't know what he was apologizing for and he didn't want to come off as disingenuous. 

He knew now though, and just in time because he just seen Patrick part way with Rivers and now he was making a quick jog up to him, he was nervous. "Hey!" Pete called out, Patrick looked his way, it was too late to ignore him, and pretend he didn't hear him, shit.

"Um, Hi." Patrick said. He looked at Pete, god he was so much prettier up closer. "I'm here, I know what to say." Pete told him, "What are you talking about?" Patrick in a monotone voice. "I know what to say to you, for the past two weeks I've been trying to find the right words, now I know what I to say." Pete told him. 

"Okay?" Patrick brushed him off, trying to leave before he did something stupid like listen to him, and watch his mouth like he had been doing when Pete didn't pay attention or take him back. "No! I want you to listen." Pete took a hold of Patrick's shoulder's to face him. He let go of the boy, his hands now feeling fuzzy from the contact. He inhaled, "Hi, I'm Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, son of the Mayor. I hate the color yellow, and don't like the spacing between my eyes. I play hockey and football. I like scary movies and I have Jamaican in my blood thanks to the mother I never met. I'm and only child as far as I know, and I hate olives. Blue's my favorite color because of a boy I fell in with and I have to avoid some parts of town now because they remind me of him." Pete inhaled again. "I wasn't honest when I met him. I told him a lie, at first it was out of the strange danger, then it turned into protecting him from who I really was because it turned out he didn't like who I was." 

"The me that was all rumors and lies. The lie grew so fast I didn't know how to stop, that for some reason I believed it was better for him to think I was that instead of me, and after I took him on a date, I freaked out because someone took a picture of me with him, and I knew it was going to spread around like wild fire. And that my father would see, and that my father would want to meet him, and then my father wasn't going to approve, and instead of thinking I said stupid things that I didn't mean." Pete was staring down at Patrick with soft eyes, he couldn't read Patrick but he wanted something, anything.

"He knew I lying to him, and he just wanted the truth, and instead of telling him I froze up. But I wasn't lying when I told him I was in love with him, I wasn't lying when I told him when I fell in love with him, and when I was around him, that was really me. So now I'm here, telling him I'm so, so sorry, and if he could give me another chance, a longer chance to do it right..I'd do it right."

Patrick cleared his throat, feeling disheveled. "It's too late Pete...I'm with Rivers now, and I love him.." Patrick told him and turned to walk away. But Pete let out a scuff, "Then you're a hypocrite." Patrick turned to face him. "What did you just call me?" He glared. But Pete could only smile, it drove Patrick mad "You heard me, a hypocrite. I told you the truth, all of it, because I know it's what you wanted, you aren't even dating him, Ryan told me. You're lying about dating Rivers, and not only that, Rivers isn't even gay, Frank told me." Pete listed. "You talk to Frank?" Patrick asked. 

"Yeah, he's a nice guy." Pete shrugged. Pete stepped closer to him, "And I know you're lying about not being in love with me, because I can see when you stare at my lips.." Pete whispered to just him, sending shivers down the boys spine. Patrick's breath hitched, as Pete placed his chin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling his boy into a deep and cheesy end of RomCom/Adam Sandler movie kiss, where sparks would fly and people would cheer. 

Except no sparks, and no people, just the two, kissing deeply, but Patrick didn't mind. He just loved that Pete knew that RomComs were his favorite movies and loved it even more that Pete knew how to win him back. 

At least there was no cheering until he heard people from behind them, Pete and Patrick pulled their lips apart to see a small group of people, Pete smiled and waved them over. "My friends." He explained happily. Patrick smiled back as they came up to them, "Guys, this is Patrick. Baby," He squeezed the boys side. "This is Melanie, Conan, Frank, and Dallon." They all said hi, Melanie even grabbed his hand and shook it. "We heard so many great things." She beamed. 

"Wow, I'm...shocked." Patrick let out a laugh. "Why?" Pete frowned. "Well cause when I first met you, I'd seen you with the whole Fab Five and I thought they were your life." Patrick said. Pete shook his head. "Nah, I found better friends, if I didn't have them I don't think I would have gotten the nerve to talk to you again, or found the right words." Pete told him. 

"It's true!" Melanie said, and laughed. "He spent so much time stressing over every word it's crazy." She giggled. "You should have seen him the other day, he was watching you and he was practically drooling." Dallon laughed causing Frank to elbow him. "Hey!" Dallon yelled. "Oh Brother! Could you two-" Melanie yelled as they began to rough house, Conan laughed he watched. "He was flirting with your girlfriend, Conan." Frank blurted. "Oh that's it Weekes!" Conan said playfully and got in on the play fighting. Melanie began to freak out at them causing Pete and Patrick to laugh. 

Hayley came up behind Pete and poked him. "Hey um, Pete? Can we talk?" Melanie and Patrick turned to watch the girl, making her nervous. "Yeah. Will you wait a second for me baby?" Patrick nodded and pressed a quick kiss to Pete's lips and letting him go. 

"What's with those two?" Patrick asked jealously. "She freaked out on him at the movies, she thought Pete was trying to suck up to us after losing all his friends. Which wasn't true, me and Frank invited him with us because he was so upset about you, and he did something nice for us." Patrick smiled. "God I'm so in love with him.." Patrick muttered. 


"So what's up?" Pete asked once they were a safe distance. "Um..I'm sorry I got so mad at you, I just didn't trust you, and I was scared you were just trying to hurt me and my friends." Hayley said as she looked down and played with her hands. Pete smiled, "Hey, it's no big thing, come here." He pulled the girl into a hug. "C'mon, let's go watch those idiots fight." She laughed and walked with him back to their friends. 

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