It's Not So Pleasant And It's Not So Conventional

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Pete had been sitting with his closest friend out of the Fabulous Five for years. The other three were fake, they were nothing at all, but Ryan was different. He knew that much.

"What's up buddy?" Ryan asked him, Ryan had looked different, worse actually, he was so skinny and so pale, but everyone knew that, but he was also acted different, like lost, and when he wasn't lost he was high, like he was trying to forget or something.

"I'm done with Nicole, and done with the whole Fab Five thing. I can't do it, people I love are getting hurt now and I didn't sign up for that!" Pete said honestly. He pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke, he offered Ryan one but he shook his head. The only one who didn't smoke.

"Well leaving the Fab Five isn't that easy Pete, we have a reputation, that's why we're in it. But I understand, I need to get out too. I fell in love." He told Pete. Pete didn't laugh at him like he expected him to, Pete understood.

"Who's the lucky gal?" He asked him, Ryan laughed. "Brendon." He told him, he laughed at himself. "She sounds hot." Pete teased and took a drag. "Oh yeah, he is." Ryan laughed too.

"So you're finally admitting to the big gay?" Pete asked him. "Don't be dumb, but yeah, I slept with him again last night. He just felt so right, like he was made to be mine. I knew I'd get here, just didn't know long it was gonna take." Ryan told him.

"I get that, I thought it was gonna be me and Nicole til the end of time, it wasn't. I met him, at a cafe, at like, ten o'clock, and from then I knew like, I felt something for him, and then I hung out with the kid, and I just.. I know, I know that I need him. I have such a need to be by his side, it's strange, I'm basically still a stranger ya know..."

Pete told him. "Why's that?" Ryan asked. "He's been to this school for a month or so and he still hasn't figured out what my real name is." He told him and finished off his cigarette. "He thinks my name is Jason Martinez." He laughed.

"That's strange, why does he think that?" Ryan asked, though he knew the truth about it all. Brendon and Patrick are close, and Brendon was his boyfriend so Brendon told him everything. "I stupidly told him my name was Jason, and then from there I just never told him. I feel like an idiot." Ryan shrugged. "Maybe next time you won't be so cautious." He laughed. "I'm not sure if I want there to be a next time. He's the one."

He let out a sigh "We should go back inside." Ryan patted his back then stood, Pete put out his cigarette before standing up too, and following Ryan inside. "Ry, I love you man." He hugged him "I love you too." He smiled and patted his back.

Ryan was his best friend, that was all.


The last bell rang at the end of the day, Patrick wanted to go home, he didn't want to be at that school anymore. He grabbed his stuff that someone brought to him from the bathroom. Pete was there now, but Patrick refused to even look at him. It didn't help that Pete kept following him like a stray dog.

"Baby, please, let me help you." Pete tried but Patrick just pushed him away. "Don't fucking touch me." He snapped. None of this would have happened if Pete was honest, and loyal to his girlfriend, and not only that, it would have never happened if he would have broken with her ages ago. But Pete was a coward.

"Patrick, please." Pete followed the limping boy the best he could. "Whatever." He grumbled. "Ryan and Brendon are giving me a ride home. So don't feel bothered." Patrick limped out of the front steps of the school, leaving Pete feeling crushed.


"Thanks guys I appreciate you driving me home." Patrick mumbled as he opened the car door. "Hey wait Pat-" 

"It's Patrick." He correct Ryan. "Right, sorry, well you aren't mad at Pete right?" He asked him.

"Am I mad at him for lying to me for a month? Yeah, am I mad at him for not breaking up with Nichole months ago? yeah, am I pissed off at him for dragging me into something that should have never happened? yeah! So Yes Ryan Ross, I'm mad at Pete! Not to remind you, but he still thinks I think his name is fucking Jason!" Patrick got out angrily and slammed Ryan's door shut.

Brendon let out a sigh. "I should stay and talk to him.." He looked down at his hands. "I understand, I wanna go pick up some stuff from my house anyway. I'll pick you up in an hour." He leaned over and kissed Brendon's head. He smiled softly.

"Ya know, we never talked about being together?" Brendon looked up at him. "Yeah, I know, but I didn't think we needed to." Ryan chuckled. Brendon smiled and pulled Ryan close, kissing him deeply. "Alright boyfriend, I'll see you in an hour." Brendon got out and went to Patrick's door. Ryan watched him walk away, he unrolled the window to catcall his lover then drove off.

Brendon flipped him off playfully and went inside rushing to Patrick's room. Patrick was laying in his bed listening to music. "Hey, can I come in?" Brendon asked. Patrick rolled away, "c'mon man. I know you're mad because Pete's a liar, but I don't know what you expected from Pete frickin' Wentz, the guys a shitty person!" Brendon sat on his bed next to Patrick.

Patrick sat up after listening to him. "But he's not Bren! You don't know him like I do, okay? Pete's sweet, and charming, and caring. He just, he thinks I'm stupid! I swear he does. Like I don't know! Of course I know." Patrick pulled his hair.

"I think I like Pete, maybe that's why I'm so mad at him, maybe I'm frustrated because I love the guy, and I know I shouldn't because he isn't honest." Brendon shrugged.

"I don't see how you could, he's such a douchebag." Brendon grumbled. "It's not like I think so highly of Ryan either, he used to beat the shit out of you, do you not remember, or have you just forgotten because he's been sleeping with you." Patrick said bitterly.

"How FUCKING dare you! That's in the past, I forgave him, and I'm moving the fuck on, because he doesn't do those things anymore, he can't even picture laying a finger on me. So don't you fucking dare Patrick!" Brendon spat.

"Don't try to correct my relationship with my fucking boyfriend when you don't have your shit together either! At least he's trying! Pete's straight up being fake with you, and has for fucking weeks. I stayed here with you as a friend to help you, but fuck you if that's how you thank people!" Brendon stood up. And walked out Patrick's door.

Patrick instantly got up and followed him. "Wait, Brendon, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Patrick grabbed his wrist. Brendon turned.

"Listen, you get your shit figured out with Pete then come talk to me, because apparently you aren't as much of a bitch when you're with him, which is so ironic to me. I'm walking home." He pulled his arm away and walked away leaving Patrick at a loss for words.

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