Like A Bed Of Roses

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[Another Month Later]

Pete intertwined his fingers in Patrick's as they waited for their food. Patrick could feel butterflies deep in his tummy. Pete pulled his boys hands to his lips rubbing his hand against his cheek. Patrick blushed a deep red.

"Brendon said Ryan's weird again." Patrick told Pete as he rubbed Pete's hand with his fingers. "Yeah?" Pete asked. "Yeah, he said that he's acting all spacey, and that he keeps getting texts from Mikey and Awsten. He thinks Ryan might have cheated on him with Awsten." Patrick informed. 

"What's with Ryan and not giving up on those fucking two. Honestly, I thought he was trying to get clean?" Patrick ranted. "I'm not sure, I'll talk to him though." Pete said. "Speaking of those people, Nicole tried to call me when I went to get gas yesterday, I swear she just doesn't know when to quit." Pete laughed, he felt sort of self conscious.

People had been staring at them since they walked in. They whispered and chattered about them, Patrick knew they were because people had never just stared at just him when he walked in anywhere. It made him more nervous, but Pete had either been ignoring it, or he hadn't noticed it.

"You should block her number ya know?" He told his boyfriend of roughly a month. "Yeah, I will." He pulled out his phone to do so.  

"Jason, can we get our food to go? I'm super uncomfortable here.." He bit his lip. "You don't want to stay?" Pete asked worriedly. Patrick shook his head, "I- um, I'm nervous." Patrick told him. "Why?" He asked. Patrick shrugged "I just don't like it here, I feel uneasy." Patrick continued.

"It's okay, we can get our stuff to go, we can go home." He stood up and kissed Patrick's head and then walked to the counter to ask if he could get their food to go. Patrick nervously tapped on the table as he looked around, and just then, someone snapped a photo of him, flash and all.

The bastard was so obvious about it that even Pete saw, but before Pete could do anything the guy ran out of the restaurant. Pete attempted chasing after him but the guy was long gone before he could even make it out.

Now Pete was nervous, his father hadn't been aware of who he had been dating for a month or what he had been doing with him. Pete was going to die, not physically, but socially because his father had crazy stupid rules. One being that Pete wasn't allowed to date of people his father didn't know or approve of.

And his father would never approve of Patrick, he'd think Patrick was too lower class for him, that he had a distinct middle class look that would make his father look cheap, and make his son look cheap. He'd be annoyed at Patrick's lack of confidence that Pete found adorable. He'd think Patrick was too opinionated on some topics, that Patrick talked a lot but said nothing at all. Which isn't true to Pete. His father would tell him that Patrick's parents weren't good enough. He'd say Patrick was simply not good enough for his son.

He was going to lose the only person he had ever truly loved.

The food came quickly in boxes so Pete grabbed Patrick's hand and lead him out of the restaurant. If this was going to be his last moments with him, he was going to make them last. "Why don't we pick out a movie, or maybe I can take you to the cliffs." Pete told him. "Let's go to the cliffs tomorrow, I just want to cuddle and go home." He told him.

Pete nodded opening the door for him, then closing it once he was in. If this was his last time with Patrick, he wanted to at least- he wanted to at least sleep with Patrick, just to have something to remember him bye.

Oh God saying bye was going to hurt like hell.

He got in the car and inhaled a shaky breath. "So I was thinking, um." He began, Patrick turned to looked at him, "What were you thinking?" Pete inhaled again. "I was wondering if you wanted to intimate, tonight." Patrick almost let out a laugh, he couldn't think of anything he wanted to do less. "No Jason, I'm not ready or that yet, I love you but we as a couple aren't ready for that."

Pete nodded, understandable, he wouldn't have asked normally if nothing bad was going to happen, but something bad was going to happen. And he just needed Patrick before he was out of his life. "I'm sorry." Pete said.

"That's okay baby, I understand, you just thought it was a right time because my parents are out, and it sounds really fun, but I promise we can wait for a little longer, cause to be honest I know where you're coming from." Pete heard him but he wasn't exactly listening.

He was too nervous "Let's get going." He muttered and turned on the car, maybe his father wouldn't be so harsh on Patrick, he was always telling him that he hated Nicole. Maybe his father would be happy that it was anyone but her. But then again, he didn't know, maybe falling in love with Patrick was a bad idea because if he lost him, he wouldn't be able to fall out of love with him.

Patrick noticed Pete in deep thought, he looked upset. "Are you really gonna get mad because I said no to sex? Jesus Jason. Sometimes you just have to accept when no means no." He muttered to his boyfriend. "And if you're gonna make this relationship based on sex then I don't want to be with you-" 

"No! It's not that, it's that..I don't know..maybe going out with each other is a bad idea.." Patrick widened his eyes. "What?" Pete didn't mean it like that. "NO! I- Shit!" Pete cursed. 

Patrick let out a scuff. "Alright then, we won't date then." There goes that. "No, babe that's not what I meant, let me explain." Patrick shook his head. "Forget it." Once Pete had parked outside Patrick's. Patrick tried to get out of the car but Pete kept locking the door. "Can we please talk? That's not what I meant." Patrick crossed his arms angrily, rolling his eyes not wanting to look at him.

"Please? You know that's not what I meant. What's with us all of a sudden? Why are we fighting like this? We never fight, We've never argued." Pete pleaded as he reached out to put a hand on his leg. Patrick shook him off "Fuck you! You're a fucking lying scum bag, just trying to use me for sex, you never loved me! You liar Pete fucking Wentz!" He growled. Pete's eyes went wide. 

"H- How did you know?" Patrick scuffed. "I've known! I've known since my first fucking day! You really thought I was stupid, didn't you? oH hE'lL nEvEr FiNd oUt! I have a dumb ass for a fucking ex boyfriend." He growled at Pete. "E-Ex?" Pete whined. "Yeah! Ex. And the worst part about you is that you were never going to tell me who you really were, were you, it's been a month ans fucking still!?" Pete couldn't find his words, he didn't know what to say. He had nothing and everything balanced at the very tip of his tongue. Jason was a very stupid name anyway. 

Patrick had got out of the car as Pete was lost in is thoughts, he never wanted to talk to him again. That was for sure. 

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