The Collision Of Your Kiss That Made It So Hard

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Ryan drove back to his house, it had been a week or two since he'd been home, his dad was almost never home anymore so he never worried about the old fuck coming back.

He at least wasn't home when he got there. He went straight upstairs to his bedroom to get fresh clothes and cash he hid away, he wanted to buy something nice for Brendon.

He swung open the door, Awsten was sitting on his bed, biting his lip seductively, it was like the little tramp knew he was going to come by. "Why the fuck are you in my dad's house?" Ryan glared.

Awsten stood up, "Baby, I'm so ready for you now, I'm ready to give up my whole life to be with you, I forgive you for being with Piss. I'll let it go, because I know you'd do the same for me." He wrapped his limbs around Ryan, hungrily.

But Ryan was quick to reject him "You need to get the fuck out, because I don't have a long time before my dad comes back." He lied, he just needed to get his stuff, get out, go get his Brendon. "C'mon Ry, we'll make it quick, like old times, remember?" Awsten grabbed Ryan's jaw, pressing soft kissed to his lips that Ryan wasn't responding to.

"Ryan! You're supposed to respond! You came out as gay! You're mine now and I am not sharing you! Especially not with that twinks, whore Piss!" He growled and clutched onto his shirt.

"Fuck you Awsten!" He shoved him onto the bed. "Don't for one second think that you own me! You don't fucking own me, I'm happy! For once I don't feel fucking miserable, and I have Brendon to thank, I shouldn't have waited so long to be with him! And now I'm not, so get the fuck out of my way."

He went into his closest and grabbed an old backpack, then began to shove clothes inside. But Awsten couldn't lose, Awsten wouldn't lose, he got off the bed, beginning to kiss Ryan's neck hungrily. His spot, his weak spot, only Brendon really knew where that was, he was always so curious to hear all Ryan's sounds. He quickly learned that one.

"Fuck" He moaned unintentionally. "Mm I found something!" Awsten bit his lip as he continued. "Stop Awsten, please." Ryan pleaded, it wasn't working, why would it when Awsten wanted him to bad. Awsten knew Ryan was nothing without him, being with Piss was nothing, meant nothing.

"C'mon." Awsten led Ryan to the bed, pushing him onto the bed and crawling on top of him, pressing hungry, heated kisses to Ryan mouth. Ryan kissed back, just as heated and hungry, he shouldn't be doing this, he just won the best prize of them all, actual love and loyalty.

All of that goes down the drain when Awsten is grabbing him like that, grinding his ass into his dick, did it the way he knew how, and was so good at it too. "Brendon." Ryan moaned, because he was all he could think about, Brendon, on his knees with his full, pink lips. Awsten snapped his head up.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Awsten snapped. "I-I." Ryan blushed, he moaned his boyfriends name, his loyal and loving boyfriends name. "I gotta go Awsten, and so do you." He pushed him off him as he wiped hi mouth. He quickly grabbed his stuff and left.


Ryan pulled up to Patrick's in a hurry, he needed Brendon, he needed him. He knocked harshly on Patrick's door. Patrick looked like a mess, besides the fact he was bruised, he looked as if he was crying. "Hey- woah, you alright?" Ryan asked. "Never better, what do you want?" He pouted. "My boyfriend maybe?" Ryan tried.

"He left an hour ago, we got in a fight, he walked home." Ryan felt slightly annoyed. "Well thanks, you sure you're okay? I know we aren't really friends but I- ya know." Patrick rubbed his temples. "It just Pete, god, I don't know what to do. He keeps calling and texting, he said he wants to come over I just want him to leave me alone!" Patrick broke down into tears again.

Ryan was uncomfortable but he was going to try his best, he inhaled. "Pete's in love with you Patrick, he told me, he said, he's the one, he's the one I know he's the one. Pete's never liked Nichole like he loves man, this is the first time that I've known him where he's not trying to find someone to sleep with, he spends most of his time with you and the rest of his time is used trying better himself for you. You changed my best friend, yeah he lied about his identity, but you were a stranger, he didn't know you. And once you found out about the rumors and lies, you concluded that you hated him. Then Pete never had the chance to say who he really was, not without being scared that he'd lose you."

Patrick scratched his head. "Ryan, you're were babbling, I have no idea what you're on about." He told him as nicely as he could. Ryan let out a sigh. "Just talk to him, okay?" Patrick nodded and shut the door.

Ryan turned back to his car and went back home.


"Babe! Baby I'm home!" Brendon came out of the kitchen. "Come sit, love bunny, I'm making you food." Brendan said with a smile in his voice. Ryan smiled at him, God his boyfriend was gorgeous. "Yeah? What's on the menu?" Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon's middle, pressing kisses to his neck. Brendon giggled. "Dinner is done, I'm making cake" he bit his lip. "I think I'd rather have you for dessert." He bit his neck causing Brendon to scream and playfully punch his shoulder, laughing. "Babe!!" He squealed.

"Mm, yummy" Ryan smiled.  "I'm sorry you and Patrick got in a fight.." Ryan held him by his waist. "Yeah well, just because him and Pete are having problems, doesn't mean he needs to make them for us.." He concluded.

"Wait what?..what did he tell you?" Ryan sat on the counter. "He was all like, well it's not like I like Ryan either, he used to beat you up, like I don't fucking remember that! I do, but I'm letting it go! I'm happy we came around for each other, it's not like you'd ever do it again." Brendon began to dump the mix into a glass pan. Ryan felt guilty, looking away from Brendon.

He still couldn't believe that was, what? A Month ago? Almost two months? He didn't deserve Brendon. He didn't deserve to be happy.

Brendon looked his way. "Hey, it's okay baby, I really don't-" he tried to get Ryan to look at him but he couldn't. "Baby please." He said through a whine. "I can't." Ryan let out sob.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you so upset?" He pulled him close and kissed his head. "Bren, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I-" Brendon shook his head. "Stop, I don't want you to be upset." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Brendon..Awsten was at my house, and he kissed me, and he wanted to have sex with me, he was dead set on it. And then I moaned your name and it threw him off so I got up and left, I'm sorry."

Brendon just let out a laugh, he wasn't mad, well he was, but not at Ryan, not really, he hated that Awsten tried to take advantage of Ryan like that. He laughed because, the only form of rejection that Awsten understood was the sound of Ryan moaning his boyfriends name.

"Holy fuck I love you." Brendon muttered to him, pulling him into a soft kiss.

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