I Feel Young, Dumb And Perplexed

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Brendon dragged his feet as they felt like weights. His stomach dropping to the floor along with his heart. This was it, it was time to tell Ryan to goodbye. 

Ryan was sitting on the roof of his car, his eyes looking wide and crazy, he must have gotten high already, Jesus. Brendon inhaled deeply as he approached him. Ryan smiled seeing him. "Hey baby, you ready to go? We can do whatever you want tonight? You wanna watch a movie? Maybe we can have sex before dinner if you're up to it or we can study, I was thinking I could go on a jog around the block to keep in shape for hockey next yea-"

"RYAN!" Brendon blurted, watching him made him sick. Ryan fell silent, not even realizing he had been talking so much. "Ryan...We need to break up.." Brendon told him as tears began to well up in his soft brown eyes. "W-What?" Ryan's face fell, Brendon didn't mean this, he was just mad at him. But he didn't look mad, he looked hurt, oh god he hurt him again. "No, No, No, please, I can change." Ryan began to panic. Brendon shook his head. 

"No, Ry, listen to me." He grabbed his face in his hands. "It's not you, it's both of us, look at me. Ryan, you aren't made to be kept in, you're made to be free, be crazy. Trying to tame you is just- it's just absurd. We want two very different things.. You love me, I believe you when you say it, and when I hear it. But I don't make you happy baby. I know when you're with me you wish you could be out there with your friends....so go..you go.." He let go of him. A tear falling from his eyes as he began to walk away from him.

Ryan felt his whole world come crashing. Why couldn't he just pretend better? Love Brendon harder? He slumped down to the ground wanting to cry, but he felt empty. He had nothing inside again. 


"Oh! Let's get Skittles!" Dallon called pointing to them in the glass. "Please don't touch the glass sir." The man behind the counter said in annoyance, "Yeah Dal!" Frank slapped his hand. "Hey! ouch!" Dallon yelped. "You two act like little kids!" Melanie called out, Hayley was dying of laughter as she watched the two and Pete was paying for another bag of Skittles. "We get everything?" Pete asked them. "Yeah we should be good." Melanie said and kicked Dallon in the butt to make him stop rough housing with Frank. "This movie better be good for me coming here when I needed to study..." Dallon said getting the Skittles Pete payed for. 

"Hey shh look." Hayley poked Dallon as Conan was walking by, Melanie instantly froze, as she watched the attractive boy walk by. She had a crush on his since middle school, they sat together in fifth period but they have never talked and he seemed to have never payed attention to her. Once he had walked away she seemed to have gone like jello. Pete saw the boy walk past too, and Melanie's reaction to him. He smirked. "Someone's in love." He teased. 

"Me? No pff, yeah right." He smiled at her. "Why don't you talk to him?" Pete asked. "What? No, I can't he's way out of my league!" She whined. "She has, he just ignores her. If you ask me, she can do way better." Dallon chimed in. "Oh yeah, like who? who in the world is better then Conan Gray?" She turned to face him in a sassy tone. Dallon lifted his eyebrows playfully, "You're looking at him." She just scuffed, "Yeah right, now come on, Mr. I need to see the ads before the movie starts." She said and stomped off to the room where they were playing their movie.

Dallon chuckled as the rest followed her. "So Pete...why did you come..?" Hayley asked. He shrugged. "Frank and Melanie invited me.. so I figured why not.." She didn't have anything to respond with but it was clear she didn't like him being there. And why her friends would invite him without telling her was sort of frustrating. Melanie said he offered to pay snacks, and Frank said that he was sad. But that guys girlfriend had messed up her whole life and had been the reason for her attempted suicide. He had no right. 

They got into the theater, it was empty besides them, which was strange because it was a brand new movie, a scary movie at that. Who didn't come and see scary movies? "Is anyone else coming to watch it?" Dallon asked and sat next to Melanie and Pete. "No." Pete told them. "I payed to have this theater just to us." He smiled, Dallon cheered along with Frank and Melanie. "Hell yeah, man! That's awesome!" Dallon high-fived Pete. He laughed, but Hayley wasn't having it. 

"Are you fucking kidding me! Why don't you buy our families too? HUh?" Pete went pale. He just was trying to do something cool for his new friends, he didn't mean to upset them. "I-I'm sorry." He whispered, he felt like closing in on himself. He got up quickly and went walking out of the theater. 

"What hell Hayley? Why would you say that to him?!" Melanie scolded her and went chasing after him. "Seriously, what's wrong with you? He was doing something cool for us, why can't you just take a chill pill." Dallon added. "Because! His girlfriend is the fucking reason I almost killed myself last year! And you all fucking invited him and didn't even bother to tell me!" She snapped back. "Jesus Hayley! I know it's traumatic for you but we have all been bullied by him or one of the Five! He's just trying to apologize! He's been broken up with that stupid bitch since Friday because he fell in love with that Patrick kid! He's not mean he just hung around the wrong people!" Frank informed her. 

"So what? Now my feelings don't matter because he's rich?!" She yelled. "WE NEVER SAID THAT! We are just trying to make him feel better!" Frank grabbed Dallon and they walked out as well. 


Pete rushed out of the theater quickly, he wasn't wanted anywhere he went. Nothing he did for anyone was good enough, he can't make new friends and he can't go back to his old ones. He was a fuck up. "Hey! Pete right?" The boy from before said. "Yeah? and you're Conan?" He nodded. "You're part of the Fab Five right?" He asked like he didn't know when he knew he did. "Not anymore, I don't like people like them anymore." Conan nodded. "That's good, I'm proud of you for making a brave choices." Conan said as he wiped the counter. 

"Hey Conan?" Pete said. "Yes?" He responded. "Melanie, the one with black and pink hair? She really likes you, you should get her number, text her, take her out, because shes amazing, one of the sweetest girls." Pete said. Conan smiled "Really?" Pete nodded, then walked out of the theater, getting into his car and driving off. 

Home maybe. 

As Melanie walked into the front of the concession stand, she groaned in frustration to see Pete had already left. "Damn it!" Conan had been watching her with adoring eyes, she really was such a beautiful girl after all. "Hey." Conan called out to her. She went a deep red. "M-Me?" She asked, he nodded and she went to him. "I was um, wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me next Friday? I would love to take you out." She blushed harder. "I would love to." She beamed. "Perfect, give me your number so I can text you." 

"Hey where's Pe- Oh." Frank then quieted himself seeing that his best friend was talking to her crush. "Here you go." Conan smiled and sent a little heart emoji. She internalized her squeals, gee Conan was so cute.    

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