Context Clues Don't Do Much For You

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"Staaawwp" Patrick giggled, as Pete buried his face in Patrick's tummy, he decided a long time ago that he liked Patrick's giggles. He sometimes would wake in the middle of the night thinking he heard it. Of course, it was all just in his head.

"This movie is boring." Pete told him, just resting his head in Patrick's lap. "Yeah, I know, you said that. But you're the one who wanted to ditch that one day we were talking notes on it." Pete smiled at the memory, Patrick had never ditched school before then and Pete wanted to show him what the world was like.

Patrick concluded it was boring until Pete took him to get lunch and they hung out by the lake. Patrick was also grounded after that, the school called every time he was absent from a class, he missed every class.

Patrick grabbed his face and squished it. "You're such a bad boy Jason Martinez, you're a really bad influence one me too." He giggled more. Just then Patrick phone started to ring, he pulled it out, smiling with glee. "It's Brendon!" He said. Pete sat up. "What does he want?"

"Let's find out." Patrick answered, pausing the movie. "Hey Bren." Patrick smiled, resting back into the couch. "Oh no, will you be okay?" Patrick bit his lip. Pete grew nervous and impatient. "What's going on? Is he okay." Pete pulled on Patrick's arm.

"Oh it's just Jason being a brat, ignore him." He said softly. Pete and Brendon remeet the following Tuesday that Patrick was still new, Brendon was shocked that he really was friends with Pete, but both Pete and Patrick knew his name was actually Pete and not Jason. So Pete pulled Brendon to the side and asked if he wouldn't say anything, Brendon told him he'd think about it, but then Patrick pulled him to the side to inform him that he knew Pete's real name now thanks to him but he wanted to know how long it would take Pete to confess. So from then on, he was Jason.

"yeah, I will, do you want the- okay. Bye Bren, I love you." Patrick sighed "okay, see you Saturday." He hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket.

"What did he want?" Pete asked. "He asked me if I could pick up his school for today and tomorrow because he is wasn't going in." He patting his lap for Pete to lay on him, he did.

"You tell Brendon you love him?" Pete asked. "Course I do, he's one of my best friend." He told him. "Why don't you tell me you love me?" Pete pouted.  Patrick smiled down at him, "you never told me you wanted me to." Pete huffed. "Fine, I love you too, you're my bestest friend in the whole world, better?" He nodded, but it wasn't, he hated when Patrick called him his 'best friend' because he wanted to be more.

There was a lot of secrets though, and in a month and a half he thought Patrick would find out by now but he hasn't, still. And more so, Nicole hasn't tried anything yet, despite the fact that Pete hangs out with Patrick more then her and she barely knows anything about him. He won't tell her, he doesn't want them to meet because she'll taint his precious joy, he doesn't want that.

"What are you thinking about?" Patrick asked, running his fingers through Pete's hair. That was Pete's favorite, it started one night when Pete stayed the night once, Patrick was cold and so Pete offered to hold and cuddle him. When he woke Patrick was scrolling threw his phone and playing with Pete's hair.

"I was just thinking out cute we'd be together." Pete said honestly. "Oh shush, I asked what you were thinking, don't be a goof." Patrick chuckled. "No, I'm serious, we could be like, Bonnie and Clyde or something, you get to be Bonnie." He teased.

Patrick rolled his eyes, "I don't see it." He said, ouch. "Well, c'mon, think about it." Pete sat up, turning to face him. Patrick sighed, "Later, let's watch this movie." He told him and turned up the T.V.

Pete felt brushed off, he was the king, he didn't get brushed off, especially not by kids like Patrick. A part of of him wanted to get up and walk out, but he didn't, he sat close to him, grabbing Patrick's hand, and holding it tightly. He was nervous.

But Patrick was panicking, because it didn't take long for Patrick to like Pete more then a friend, but he convinced himself that since is Pete was part of The Fabulous Five, he could never like a guy like him.

He was wrong, and he couldn't be happier about it, but one thing, Pete still didn't tell him about his name, his real name. He's been 'Jason' for a month and a half, convinced Patrick still didn't know. Patrick was going to get mad if he asked him out and still had no intentions I'm telling him the truth.


Nicole cried into Awsten's arms. He rubbed her shoulder in an attempted at trying to comfort his best friend. "I'm here, let out all out." He told her softly.

"I'm so sick of him fucking leaving me high and dry for that fat ass ginger!" She yelled through pained sobs. "Do something then." Awsten told her. "Stop letting him tell you no, he's yours right? Make that ginger kid remember who Pete really belongs to."

Nicole nodded "yeah okay, I can do that, but what do I do?" She dried her eyes. "Well, one, we can beat the shit out if him, then maybe spread a rumor?" Awsten shrugged. She nodded "Yeah, let's do it, I'll steal Pete's phone, text the fatty to meet us somewhere and we can beat the fuck out of him."

Awsten smiled "Mmm, ya know I heard fat ginger let's greasy truckers cum all over for him for fives." He told her and giggled. "No, no, I heard fat ginger spread it for his dad." Nicole giggled as well.

"Oh you're so bad!" Awsten laughed. "Maybe we could get Mikey to bring his grades a bit?" She asked and pulled out a joint. "Yeah? How much?" Awsten lit her joint.

"Mmm let's say less then 20% for an average." Awsten gasped. "Pete will kill you if you fuck up that kid's life to much, ya know." Awsten warned, she rolled her eyes. "Good."

"How long you think all this will take?" She asked him "Two weeks, you need to get trust worthy people to spread the rumors, the grades thing should take two days, I can put weed in the kids locker and get him expelled. And you need Pete's phone." She smiled "I like that."

Awsten shrugged "I need to find Ryan, he hasn't been around today." He told her. "Ya know I noticed how unwell he's been looking. How's he doing?" Nicole asked, taking a long drag.

"He's fine, what do you mean he's been looking unwell?" Awsten got defensive. "Nothing, it's just that, he's paler and skinnier, and he looks like death all the time, and he doesn't focus on anything. He's like brain dead." She chuckled, but Awsten wasn't laughing.

"Ryan is fucking fine, he's healthier then a mother fuckin' nutritionist." He said angrily. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to piss you off, I'm just concerned, we're all friends, I care about Ryan too!" She raised her hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, whatever, don't talk about him, he's mine, as soon as he comes to terms with being gay, he'll be mine." Awsten told her. "Has he been getting coke from Mikey?" She asked.

"Because Mikey got hella coke from someone and him and Ryan looks the same." She asked curiously. "Mikey got it from me, he said he needed to it to focus on school, he's been getting it from me for the past month, Ryan gets his coke from me too, he gets it free because I love him." Awsten said.

Nicole nodded "We'll okay, I mean you know what's in your coke and if you're positive they're safe and healthy, then they're safe and healthy.." She smiled and passed the joint to Awsten finally. It went out so he re-lit it, taking a hit.

"I know they are, so don't worry about it."

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