Now Everything I Say Is Taken As Offensive

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Ryan groaned, as he turned. "Fuuck.." his scratchy voice managed. "Morning" Ryan shot up. "Who the fuck- Urine?" Brendon's face went blank.

"Brendon actually, I found you on the side of the road, drunk, you stayed the night, I made you food. Mama said greasy stuff helps with hangovers, want it or not?" It was a burrito. "I-yeah...sorry.." Ryan said.

He reached for the tray and sat it in his lap, Brendon opened a small bottle and shook out two pills. "Here you go." He sighed and set them on Ryan's tray. "Sorry I didn't wake you up for school, I didn't think you wanted to go anyway. You needed your rest." Brendon said.

Ryan took a bite of his food, Brendon looked bad, his black eyes was horrible to look at, it was a dark, dark blue, and his eye was blood red. It was awful to see. It made Ryan feel guilty, and even more so because the kid was actually helping him.

"Is it good?" Brendon asked, he smiled brightly. Ryan took another bite from his food and nodded "Mm yeah, you make this?" Ryan asked him, he nodded. "Yeah, I like to cook, I'm not like, amazing or anything, but yeah.." He nodded.

Ryan felt more guilty now, Brendon was actually nice. He set his food down on his plate, swallowing the two pills down with his orange juice and looked around the room, it was mostly empty, he had a bed and a dresser, a lamp, a couple old records and a record player and an empty closet. "Where's all your stuff?" Ryan asked.

"This is all my stuff..." Brendon frowned. "I got my records, that's all I have, all I need."

"You like Marvin Gaye?" He asked. Ryan snapped "I'm not fucking gay." Brendon shook his head. "No, no! Marvin Gaye. Not you, he's a singer, you know him?" Ryan shrugged, he didn't really listen to records, he had a phone.

"He's made some pretty iconic music." Brendon said. "Yeah, doesn't really change the fact that I still don't really know who he is.." Ryan blurted rudely, Brendon didn't mind, instead he let out a little laugh. "Right, I'm sorry." He grabbed the record. "You mind?"

Ryan shrugged "Sure, it's your house." Brendon smiled. Turning on the record player. He took the record out of it's sleeve, it looked scratched, and old, warped. "I-it's a little messed up, but I found it in the trash, and- and I fell in love with the sound." Brendon explained.

This all just made Ryan feel worse. "Sure pal, just play it." Ryan was uncomfortable, he wanted to leave, he felt like he was being cornered by nothing but shame and guilt. "Go ahead." Ryan insisted. Brendon carefully placed the wobbly record on the turn table then moved the needle, carefully placing it on top of the spinning record.

Brendon sat on the floor waiting for the music to start. Ryan looked down at the wooden floor, finally noticing it's where he slept last night. "It's beautiful, right?" Brendon turned to look at him. In all honesty, Ryan hadn't been listening, he was too busy thinking. "Uh- yeah, it's amazing, Brendon.." He mumbled.

"I know, I know it is." He said in an overwhelmed sigh. Ryan got off the bed, and sat with him on the floor. 

He just wanted to mute out the world, just be with Brendon. It was his way of being sorry. The least he could be.


"I haven't seen Ryan all day, he hasn't called or texted me. I'm worried." Awsten said shifting his weight from one foot to another, he was on the phone.

"I'm sure he's just playing hooky, you know how he is, babe." Nicole said, she was smoking a cigarette as Pete kissed her skin, down her back down to her ass causing her to giggle and squeal.

"Will you let me know if you hear anything? Ryan's not like that- it's not like him to just take off and not say anything, especially to me." Awsten heard pounding on his font door, he looked out the blinds to see Mikey, flipping him off from outside. "Fuck. I'm gonna go, Mikey just got here, I'm gonna smoke a bowl and I'll be back later." He said.

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