Chapter 1: Carrots

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Boy that Blythe boy really does it! You know at first I thought he would be quite the gentleman, him preventing Billy pestering me. It's only my second day of school, not just in Avonlea, but in all 13 years of my life, yet he insists in calling me carrots because of my unfortunate hair colour! He even pulled it for good measure! I mean it didn't hurt but it infuriated me so, my  cheeks even resembled my hapless hair and therefore I just had to wallop his head with my slate. It does not do justice to his insolent tongue but it still should show him not to mess with me. What's even worse is that he's undeniably, painfully clever. He even maybe, do I dare even think it, more intelligent than my wonderful brain. Oh how I nearly died of embarrassment when I was called at the front of the class, but I was determined not to show it and repeated in my mind, I hate you while staring into the eyes of Gilbert Blythe. And how true it is, I hate every lock on his head, I do. 

Gilbert's POV

There was a new girl, or should I say imp,  in our class today. Well, she is rather distinguishable to the other girls in our class, I must say, in her appearance and her personality. Her hair is the colour of fire, and her temper does justice to it! She's got quite a brain too, it may even be superior to mine, but hey, I've always yearned for competition, and with her absolute determination, she's perfect. 

Billy was disturbing her in the morning, and thinking that she was a timid, meek girl (she is nothing of the sorts, which I quite admire, but only a little) I defended her. She rushed off without a word of thanks and her face as red as her hair. "Any more dragons need slaying?" I shouted, a grin on my face. I do, though it isn't ordinary, quite like her hair. It reminds me of the burning sunset, or fire on a winters day. It's  kind of...cute.  Mind you, it's only her hair I like. Nothing else.

I tried to talk to her but she had quite made up her mind to not talk to me. I have no idea why, but there was something inside me that yearned for her attention, for some reason. I tugged her hair a little and yelled carrots. And, wow, talk about the unexpected! She whacked me in the head with a slate! She had to stand up at the front of the class, trying to look as if she didn't care,  but I knew on the inside she was disgraced. A wave of guilt washed over me. I tried to step in, I really did, but sir wouldn't have it. She stared at me and I can almost feel the heat of her blood boiling as she stared at me with those pure sapphire eyes. My heart dropped suddenly. So I made a vow in my head.

I vow to make it up to Anne Shirley Cuhbert. 

Author's Note: I hope you liked it! This is my first fanfic and I just finished AWAE season 3, so I just had to write Shirbert

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