Chapter 11: Tutor

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Anne's POV

Sometimes being top of the class has some extremely annoying consequences that Ms Stacy says I'll just have to live with: one of them being tutoring Gilbert Blythe. It's not like he doesn't listen or retain information it's just that he always seems to be staring at me instead of doing his work. I mean I'm sure that's his way of concentrating but it gives me that tummy feeling every time he does.

I walked to the Blythe/Lacroix (A/N tell me if I got that spelling right) residence and fixed my braids, brushed down my skirt and tried my best to look presentable. The door swung open when a grinning Gilbert said, "No need to do all that, Shirley Cuthbert, you'll always look beautiful to me."

I rolled my eyes before I remarked, "Don't need to go waiting by the door, Blythe, I'll always be coming for you."

Gilbert welcomed me in, and we got straight to work. Here we go again. 

Gilbert's PoV 

For some reason my hands were so clammy and I felt so hot. Probably because the amount of fires Bash puts on, honestly I swear this man quivers at me just mentioning cold.

We started our work and Bash brought in snacks from Trinidad. I glanced nervously as she took a bite of one. Her eyes immediately lit up and her face spread into a wide grin, even her freckles seemed to glow. "Where on earth did you get this most scrumptious heavenly dream from?" Bash laughed, then said, "Trinidad, the place with the best food. Don't get me wrong, Avonlea is my second home, but the food here is rather bland." 

Soon, after spending a few minutes with Bash, I hinted I needed to get some work done, and Bash left. It was just me and Anne. 

Oh God. It's just me and Anne.

My whole body freezes, I had no idea what to do, say, think. Anne just kept on talking, thank god she didn't notice. I don't even know why I care so much. It's not like I like her. I mean obviously as a friend, but not any other way. But how come whenever I picture my future, Anne is always right there by my side, being my candle in the darkness. Whenever I imagined children, they were all red heads with sparkling sapphire eyes, and whenever I think of myself in all the troubles to come, Anne is always the person who comforts me.

I snapped out of it and Anne had just finished explaining Venn Diagrams when she announced that she had to go home. As soon as I smiled goodbye, Bash came running in, teasing me about my non existent love for Anne.

"Blythe, listen to me, how could you be so oblivious? You're always beautiful, I'll always be coming! If that's not flirting I don't know what is!"

"We are friends that's it, they're jokes. I don't love her, Sebastian"

"Ooooh full name, now we getting serious. Think about it, if you asked your self who you would date out of all the girls in Avonlea, who would it be?"

"Um, Diana."



"You amuse me."


"Yeah, when pigs fly"


"BINGO! I'm telling you, Blythe, hold on to her. You ain't going to find a girl like her ever again. You'll find another Diana, Tilly, Josie but you will never  find another Anne and you know why? She's made for you."

"Yes but I don't love her. I'm sure she is one of my closest friends, but I wouldn't go as far as her being made for me."

"If you're still in denial, hold her close as a friend, and hold her tight, Blythe. I'm telling you, she's the one."

I replayed she's the one in my head and ran out of the door with my hat about to fall off and my coat dangling from one arm. I had to see Anne.

A/N sorry for the short chapter

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