Chapter 7: Emily

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Gilbert's POV

I laid in bed, tossing and turning, screwing my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, every time I closed my eyes, I saw Anne's face giggling and smiling. All I saw was Anne running through fields,  picking up wildflowers and ranting about the ravishing flower crowns she'd be able to make. I tried to shake these visions out of my head but they kept coming back. Ugh. It was soon sunrise and I needed fresh air, so I went for a walk early. I inhaled the countryside air and followed wherever my feet led me. 

Of course. I stood in front of Green Gables. Before I could think I swung open the gate and wandered around. A voice, Anne's voice. My ears were intrigued and I followed the sound until I saw her. There was Anne (remember the E) Shirley Cuthbert with her flaming red hair down and her nightdress talking to a tree. Wow. She looks even more stunning in the morning light. The sun's rays dimmed as her smile lighted up the whole of Avonlea. I sighed. What a beautiful view.

Anne's POV

I couldn't go to sleep. Thanks a lot Gilbert Blythe. I was so drawn to the beauty of the blossom tree and before I knew it my head was out of the window and I was talking to one of my dearest kindred spirit, the Snow Queen. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, and believe it or not, this was not uncommon for me. I searched the grounds and saw a boy with checked pyjamas, slippers and a brown hat on mesmerised by the sky. I gasped. Was he looking at me? The cheek of him!  I prayed for Mother Nature to forgive me for the crime I was about to commit, then snapped a twig off the tree and threw it at Gilbert.

"Gilbert Blythe! What do you think you're doing at this unheavenly hour!" I hissed down at him, as if not to wake up Marilla. I can just imagine the shock on her face if she found me awake. He replied with a red face of utter shock. "Um, well umm, the maths homework. Yes the maths homework. I was rather puzzled with it."

"The maths homework! I thought maths was your best subject."

"Um oh yeah. I was just really um confused. Can you come down and help me with it?"

I sighed. Gilbert Blythe could do nothing by himself. Really, I expected more than this from him, even Moody Sloane would be able to do the maths homework. I seized my homework then scampered down the tree, as I have done many times beforehand. Just as I was about to jump down, I lost my footing and before I could scream I was caught and held tight in the arms of Gilbert Blythe. I stayed there, rather comfortable for a few moments before I snapped back to Green Gables and leaped out of his arms, cleared my throat and brushed my clothes down. Oh Mother Nature. I'm still in my nightie. I tried to look as sophisticated as one could be in a nightie. I thrust my homework before me and explained long division as best as I could. It felt weird to actually be listened to, most of the time my chatter is considered incessant and unnecessary rubbish. But it seemed Gilbert actually would take in every word I said, clenching his jaw. I could tell he already knew perfectly well how to do long division, but I told him anyway.

Soon I clambered up the tree and stepped into my bedroom. I knew there was no use for me trying to go to sleep, so I pulled on my school dress, braided my hair into two perfect plaits, made myself a breakfast and ran out to Gilbert. "Why don't we go to school a little early today?" I asked, he stared befuddled at me but then nodded. While he went back home to get changed, I wrote a letter to Matthew and Marilla telling them that I had gone to school and they had no need to worry as Gilbert was there to accompany me. Just as I signed off my name with a heart, I saw the boy waiting patiently at the fence.

I ran outside and we both walked in silence, not the awkward kind, it was more comfortable and natural. We both felt as if there was no need to express words, just to be in the presence of one another. We were just about to step in the woods when we saw a girl that I had never met before. She was also walking in the direction of our school. As the girl turned around, her beauty immediately struck me. She had Diana's perfect lips, Ruby's luscious hair, Tilly's plump and rosy cheeks, Jane's infectious smile.

"Oh Gilly! How I've missed you so! I can't believe I even left you for a minute!" she exclaimed as she ran towards Gilbert and gave him a tight embrace. All colour in Gilbert's cheeks had flooded. This was too much for me, and for some reason I felt hatred and guilt and sadness and anger and confusion wash over me all at once. I ran to school, silent tears streaming down my face. 

Gilbert's POV

Oh God help me! Of all times Emily had to return from Charlottetown it just had to be today. When Anne Shirley Cuthbert  almost forgot that she hated me. I saw a blur of red run away, and I called desperately for her to come back. I pushed Emily away from me and ran to Anne.

"Gilbert! Come back! I need to tell you something!" I heard behind me, but I just ignored her. I saw the girls bathroom door slam shut. I sighed. "Anne. I know you can hear me. If it makes you feel any better, Emily means nothing to me,"

"Why would I care if she did mean anything to you anyway. It's really none of my business. Go back, she must be waiting for you. Go have a happy reunion with your girlfriend. I don't want to get in the way."

"She is not my girlfriend. I have somebody else in mind for that. Also Anne you will never  get in the way. You are the most passionate, clever, imaginative, beautiful-um handwriting, individual I know."

"Gilbert. Go back. Please." I sighed, then turned on my foot and headed out the door back to Emily. I don't even like Emily. I never have. She's just the past now, I don't need her anymore, I've got Anne. I finally reach Emily, who looked concerned.

"Emily, I need to speak to you. This isn't exactly the best time to come back. I don't feel the way that I used to feel, in fact I don't think I ever felt them. You deserve someone better than me." I said, avoiding the glare of her eyes. She choked back on her tears.

"What did that girl say to you? That ugly girl who you went running after!"

"Anne is not ugly!"

" Oh my Lord! You like this Anne girl, don't you? How is that even possible? What does she have that I don't, hmm? Answer me that because I don't understand how you, you the most handsome boy in Avonlea, love this homely girl! I've had enough. I'm not staying here to watch you humiliating me by loving her! I've seen enough. Gilbert Blythe don't go running back to me when you realise that you don't love her!"

I do love her, and I always will. As a friend.

A/N I had writers block again! Sorry...I'll try and make the chapters better. Enjoy💕💕💕. I hope you have a great day!

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