Chapter 6: Sleepover

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Anne's POV

Diana, my bosom friend, had invited all the girls over for a sleepover, which meant I got to live in a mansion for a whole night! I couldn't wait, we had been discussing it for at least 3 break times and I could barely wait a second longer. With my hand clasping my bag, I watched the clock tick -  tock closet and closer to 7:00. I kissed Matthew and Marilla, then made my way rather hurriedly to Diana's. I blew a kiss to Jerry and then ran off to Diana's house, thinking up magnificent ideas of what we could do there. This was my first ever sleepover, so I was determined to let certain people, Gilbert Blythe,not ruin it. 

Problem. To go to Diana's house you have to pass the Blythe residence. I took a deep breath then started to stride past the house. I nearly got to the end until I heard a voice behind me. I winced.

Gilbert's POV

I was just reading Romeo and Juliet. Oh how Romeo loved Rosaline so much, yet how she refused to love him. Unrequited love. I thought of Anne, and just like that, she came marching past my house, with her chin high and an air of importance. I grinned.

"Love is a smoke made with the fumes of sighs,

Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes,

Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.

What is it else? a madness most discreet,

A choking gall, and a preserving sweet,"  I recited rather dramatically. I could almost feel her rolling eyes. 

"This is not the time for Romeo and Juliet! When can you get it into your head, I don't like you!"

"My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,

Because it is an enemy to thee;" 

"You are impossible, Gilbert Blythe!"

"Oh wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"

This really pushed her over the edge. She snatched an apple and  snapped, "Hey Romeo! I wonder who this apple will hit. It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate" She hurtled the apple in my direction and with that she stormed off, her face as red as the apple which was in her hand just a few moments ago.

When she was out of my sight, I dropped to the floor and murmured, 'Ah, dear Juliet,

Why art thou yet so fair?'

Anne's POV

Gilbert Blythe is the most incredibly irritating creature I've had the misfortune to encounter. His life mission is to make my life as miserable as possible, yes I am quite sure of it. I banged on Diana's door, my temper still burning up. Diana swung open the door and exclaimed, "Oh Anne! Whatever is the matter?"

"Gilbert Blythe," I huffed. Diana raised an eyebrow before sneakily remarking, "These days whatever question I ask you the answer always ends up being a certain name of a certain boy."

"What are you trying to say Diana? Are you seriously suggesting I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe?"

"Wouldn't dream of it, though you might be."

Our conversation was interrupted by some rather loud sniffles. We turned to the doorway to see a Ruby Gillis wailing, "Are you really in love with Gilbert Blythe? I knew it, nobody will ever love m-meeeee!"

We all ran to Ruby, comforting her as I assured her that I do not, and will not, ever, love Gilbert Blythe. She started to calm down after that so we started, as all friends do, to gossip. I think gossiping is rather pointless and idiotic, but Ruby relished in the stuff so I felt inclined to join in. Tilly Andrews was so excited she was about to burst until she gasped "Ruby, your going to love this! You should've seen the way Gilbert looked at you. His eyes were so full of romance I almost fainted!"

"Oh Tilly, don't be stupid! He wasn't looking at Ruby, he was looking at Anne, like he always does," blurted Jane before she could stop herself. My face blushed.Jane's eyes widened as she realised what she had just said and then said, "I mean, I'm sure he was just looking at Anne because of their rivalry, he probably just wanted to bring Anne down. Oh don't cry Ruby!"

"Oh if only Gilbert Blythe loved me! He looks like he just stepped out of a story book," exclaimed Ruby, gazing into the distance.

"What book, Romeo and Juliet?" I said sarcastically, then chuckled

"Oh speaking of stories, Anne won't you please tell us one?" pleaded Diana.

I am never able to refuse my bosom friend's request so I began, "There once was a most beautiful girl with auburn hair, the colour of fire. She was very strong and could fight her way through every obstacle that came in her way. 

But one day, she failed. A ferocious  dragon had invaded their lands and she was chosen to slice the dragon's head off his neck. She fought like the most experienced warrior, but with the agility of the youngest soldier. She was what the kids called a princess warrior. Though she tried her utmost best, she just couldn't do it. 

Word went round that the princess warrior had failed her task and was stranded in the Cave of Misery and finally it was whispered to a boy, a teenager. He worked in the orchards and farmed the best apples in all of Tavonsea. He had the most wavy, chestnut hair and hazel eyes that seemed to always have a twinkle in them. His smile could light up any room and all the girls in Tavonsea were in love with him, apart from the princess warrior, of course. She wouldn't get tied up with all that love nonsense.

Anyway, he set off to the Cave of Misery with just a pocketknife and a bag of apples for the journey. He traveled day and night til he finally stared into the mouth of the cave, the entrance lit up by stars. He gulped, but then thought of the princess warrior and set foot in the cave

It wasn't long til the boy found the dragon asleep. He searched the room and found himself staring into the most sapphire eyes. They belonged to a certain girl tied up with a piece of fabric around her mouth. The girl gestured to the dragon.

With a newfound courage he slayed the dragon and then freed the princess warrior. He fell on one knee, and presented her the dragon head. The two fell into the void of each other's eyes. They were desperately in love with each other. They got married and they all lived happily ever after. The end."

Diana sneaked a look at Anne and gave her a rather amused smile before saying, "I think that's enough for one day. Let's all go to bed before Minnie May comes and begs us to play with her."

I insisted I sleep next to Ruby, I wanted to assure her that there is nothing romantical at all between me and Gilbert, just pure hatred. As soon as I sat next to her, she started going on about Gilbert. "Oh Gilbert just makes my tummy turn. Whenever I see him I just melt inside and I have a massive goofy grin on myself. I must look like a fool but I can't help myself."

"Wait a second! You get that sickness in your stomach!"

"It's true. I'm love sick," Ruby swooned.

"I'm sure it's not love. I'm sure it's probably hate or some other feeling," Anne assured Ruby, but more herself than anyone else.

"Don't be silly, Anne. I am absolutely sure it's love."

Anne couldn't sleep after that, she tried all the tricks in the book. Am I in love with Gilbert Blythe as well?! I counted 1000 sheep, and all 1000 of them had Gilbert's face on them which was so absurd that I couldn't help laughing out loud, but quickly stopped as I realised that everybody else was lightly snoring. 

I stared at everyone, if only I had Diana's lips, shaped like the most perfect Cupid arrow. If only I  had Ruby's beautiful hair, as golden as the sun on a hot summers day, each lock most delightfully curly. If only I had Tilly's rosy cheeks, they make her look so happy and healthy. If only I had Jane's beautiful eyelashes, they stretch as far as the sky on a clear night. If only. Then maybe Gilbert would like her. I mean not hate me. Actually I want him to hate me. There's nothing romantical at all between me and Gilbert Blythe. There's nothing romantical at all between me and Gilbert Blythe. There's something romantical at all between me and Gilbert Blythe. There's something romantical betwee... I dozed off, my drooping eyes finally dropped.

A/N sorry I kind of had writers block soooo yeah...sorry. We're doing Romeo and Juliet in English so I had a copy. All the quotes are from the book, and if you didn't know rosaline was the girl Romeo originally loved, but rosaline refused his requests.

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