Chapter 18: Oh Mother Nature

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Anne's POV

I woke up extra early today, me and Diana scheduled to meet in the woods. I felt like I never talked to Diana these days, after becoming closer friends with Gilbert. Ah Gilbert. He's such an adorable goofball. Wait what?! I snapped out of my hazel-eyed, chestnut-haired daydream and quickly got dressed and fled the house. I met Diana, who was looking so innocent and angelic.

"Oh Diana, my bosom friend, how positively radiant you look on this fine Summer's Day!" I screamed as I ran up to her. We embraced then settled on the floor. Diana had packed a most wonderful picnic and I relished in all the sweet delights that she bestowed upon me.

"Anyway, Diana, what shall we talk about today?"

"How about you and Gilbert?" I rolled my eyes. Oh Mother Nature, here we go again.

Diana continued anyway, ignoring my annoyed glare at her, "You and Gilbert are doing such romantical that me and Charlie don't even dream of doing! You hold hands, you stare in each other's eyes, Gilbert gives you piggy backs and kisses your hands, you watch the sunset on the beach with each other, you've even slept together! Twice!"

"For Mother Nature's Sake we're just friends! Get it into your brain, Diana Barry!"

"You are not just friends. When will you see that you love him and he loves you. As in you want to spend the rest of your life together! Tell me Anne, who do you picture as your future husband, the future father of your children? Gilbert!"

"Oh Mother Nature Diana," I whispered. Diana stared at me, her eyes full of hope.

"I-I think I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe."

Gilbert's POV

I woke up early, I was hoping to go extra early so I could apologise to Ms Stacy. I had got dressed and was on my way, going through the forest when I heard Diana and Anne talking about me. It wasn't eavesdropping, I told myself, It was just listening to a friends conversation.

"For Mother Nature's Sake we're just friends! Get it into your brain, Diana Barry!" shouted Anne. My heart sank deep down. I didn't want to be just friends. I loved her.

"You are not just friends. When will you see that you love him and he loves you! As in you want to spend the rest of your life together! Tell me Anne, who do you picture as your future husband, the future father of your children? Gilbert!" exclaimed Diana. I blushed, I doubt Anne saw me in that way, I'm way out of her league.

I peered around and saw Anne's face full of shock when I heard a sentence I never thought I would hear in my life.

"I-I think I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe." stuttered Anne. My heart suddenly leapt and I nearly blew my cover. She said she loves me. I felt like doing somersaults all over the world, I felt like I was dreaming on a cloud. I will treasure this feeling forever. I heard Anne speak again and I listened in, "I have to tell him! I can't live my life just being friends, and then he goes find a girl and marries her while I die alone as an old wench! I'll tell him today. Right here. After school. Yes that's what I will do! I really hope this doesn't tarnish our friendship. Oh Diana!"

Diana squealed with delight, "He loves you back I'm sure of it!" I couldn't get rid of the huge smile that was on my face. I headed to school and was sitting down as if I'd been there for ages when they came in. Anne was surprised to see me, to say the least. "Hey Anne! How are you doing?"

"H-hi Gilbert Blythe. Um, c-can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

I got up and followed her, taking my apple, even though I wasn't the slightest bit hungry. We walked over to the pond and sat on the log. We held quite a few memories here, that's for sure. "Gilbert. Can you meet me after school in the forest at our special tree?" Anne stuttered.

"Sure," I said, a huge grin settled on my face.

"So I'm just curious - Are we meeting before or after you tell me you love me?" I asked casually, taking a bite out of my apple. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth grew open, it was even as if her freckles were even shocked. "Oh Mother Nature," she murmured. I knew she wasn't going to say anything else. This is it. I'm going to tell her. "Um, Anne, may you accompany me on this magnificent summers day on a walk?" She nodded, I offered her my arm, and she snapped, "I can walk myself, Blythe!"

"Oooh, feisty," I said, "I thought you loved me," I pouted. She rolled her eyes and weaved her arm through mine. We walked for ages and I waited til we got to the forest when I got down on one knee. Oh God. Stop sweating! Honestly I need to check in to the doctors I think I have a gland problem! Stop getting sidetracked, Blythe! I'm going to do it.

A/N before I write this, this is a quote from Anne With An E with a lil added stuff from me.

"Anne. I feel I must unburden my heart. You are the fond object of my affection and desire. You, and you alone, are the keeper of the key to my heart. Please don't be alarmed. I don't expect your favour, but I can't in good conscience not reveal myself. I'm not engaged nor will I be, you Anne.(I chuckle) My Anne with an e. Ever since you hit me in the head with a slate, ever since you first held my hand, ever since I slept next to you for the first time and realised I want to start everyday seeing your face.It always has been, and always will be, you."

She jumped into my arms and whispered, "It always has been and always will be, you."

A/N just two more chapters to go! Thanks so much you guys! The next one might be really long so that's why if it takes long to update.

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