Chapter 12: Rooftops

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A/N This is probably going to be another short chapter, so sorry😕😕😕

Anne's POV

I brushed out my hair and let it hang down in curtains. I was in bed reading Jane Eyre but I couldn't concentrate, all because of Gilbert Blythe. Oh that boy really rattled my rattlesnakes. I walked over to the window and started to talk to the snow queen about all my troubles.

"Oh, Snow Queen! That Gilbert Blythe is getting quite irritating. I mean even when I'm asleep he still manages to sneak into my dreams somehow! I do not know why I have this feeling, this feeling that I like Gilbert, even though I've told myself so many times that I absolutely cannot love him for then Ruby's poor heart would be broken! I don't understand why, there is no way Gilbert likes me. If anything he likes Ruby, she's far more beautiful than I am. Gilbert would never love me, but I shan't care and I will keep my head up. But Gilbert is still there, taunting me in my head. Ay me!"

"Oh speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night," I heard from below me. Dread filled me, was Gilbert there the whole time! God if Marilla knew!

"Gilbert! What on Earth are you doing here?!"

"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out."

"Gilbert now is not the time for Romeo and Juliet!"

He laughed, climbed up my beautiful blossom tree and then whispered, "Oh Anne, you of all people should now! It is always the time for Romeo and Juliet!" he said theatrically, almost falling out of the tree, making me burst out laughing. He quickly covered my mouth with his hand, being careful of Marilla. My heart fluttered when I felt his hands on my face. I realised now how much of a kindred spirit he was! He clambered up onto the rooftop, then beckoned me over. I struggled to pull myself over the edge. I looked at Gilbert who was just sitting there watching me. He smiled before saying, "Does the Anne Shirley Cuthbert need assistance from the Gilbert Blythe?" I made a face at him, struggled more to get over before mumbling, "Yes..."

He grabbed my hips and whooshed me over to sit next to him. I giggled lightly, it felt so weird Gilbert's hands being on my hips. Gilbert, being as dramatic as he is, exclaimed, "You! Rooftop dragon! I have conquered you and saved the damsel in distress!"

"Hey! I am not a damsel in distress!"

"I apologise, milady, now tell me," he looked earnestly into my eyes, "Any more dragons need slaying?" We both laughed til our stomachs hurt and couldn't bear it any more. 

Gilbert's POV

Wow. That was the only word for it. She just looked so beautiful. The way the pure, bright light of the moon and the light of a thousand stars all reflected on her face. Her hair, my fire, my light in the night giving me warmth and comfort. The way her silky hair tumbled down her shoulders like waves.

I offered my hand, "Milady." She took it and smiled at me. I was not prepared for what happened next. She leaned her head against my shoulder and we both stared out to the sky. She whispered, "The sky is"

"Magnificent," I finished.

"Yes, magnificent." she said staring at me.

Anne's POV

His eyes seemed to shine brighter than all the stars. His face lit up, whenever I smiled, so I did it often. We stayed, there me leaning on his shoulder, his head leaning on mine for what seemed like forever. It was quite romantical, but only in a friends way, nothing else. I debated whether to tell Diana or not in my head. Soon, the sun began to rise, and it was time to go. Gilbert kissed my hand, then jumped down onto the tree. "Farewell, milady!" he shouted, and I chuckled as I crept back into my window. Then, on my bed, I saw a. 

Carrot. I snatched it, and Gilbert wasn't too far away so I threw it at him, square in the back. He exclaimed again, "Oh bother! I've been shot! Ah!" He picked up the carrot and bit into it, then said, staring at me, "You know, carrots are good for eyesight," He turned his back and ran home, and I watched him til I couldn't see him no more. I jumped on my bed, a stupid grin on my face, and went to sleep, my dreams all featuring a brunette prince.

A/N I know another short chapter, I will try and make the next one longer. Also I made Gilbert as more of a dorky kind of goofball, hope you like it!

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