Chapter 19: Flashbacks

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~ first day of school with Anne and Gilbert courting~

Anne and Gilbert stepped into the classroom and memories flooded their brain. Nobody suspected they were courting, they always would talk together, hug, play games and so on. Gilbert stared at Anne as usual and felt utmost content. He stared at her every single day, but, finally, he can now call her his, and she can call him hers. They sat together at the pond every school day, except when Diana would snatch Anne away and Gilbert was forced to accompany Moody, who was a good lad, but wasn't the same as Anne. With Anne, Gilbert would hang onto her every word, observe her eyes light up every now and again, pausing and waiting intently for Gilbert to nod his head. They would stay in each other's arms for what seemed like hours on end, neither of them speaking, just a comfortable silence embracing them. 

~ Ruby finds out ~

"HOW DARE YOU?" screeched Ruby, her face beetroot red as Anne face palmed. Gilbert raised an eyebrow at Anne and she nodded discreetly to him. Gilbert face palmed as Ruby started to ramble, "Gilbert was right where I wanted him and you waltzed in and messed up my plan! I had dibs on him first, he's mine! You're so ugly, why would he ever want you?!" Gilbert's blood boiled, he stomped towards Ruby "Ok now you've crossed the line! Anne is more beautiful than all of you girls combined, and the question is 'Why would she ever want me?' because I'm telling you now, this girl is way out of my league! So don't you da-" Anne covered Gilbert's mouth, "Thanks Gil, but that's enough we get it." Gilbert tried to start arguing again, but Anne would kiss  his hair every time he tried, which made him shut up. 

Anne smiled to herself as she said, "It feels weird having someone put me first."

"Well you better get used to it." smiled Gilbert hugging Anne and running his hands through her hair.

~ first 'I love you"'s

It was a cold winter day, and the wind persistently raged against the door. Anne and Gilbert were snuggled up beside a fire when Gilbert said, "I love you Anne," 

Anne's ages grew wide before stuttering, "I-I think I love you too."

Gilbert chuckled and lifted up her chin, "Think?"

"Know," she smiled, "I know I love you, Gilbert Blythe.

~ Matthew and Marilla dies~

Pain. Anne Shirley Cuthbert had been made an orphan once again. She felt no tears in her eyes, just a sense of hollowness. She cursed the sun for shining so deceptively bright as she stared as their bodies were lowered into their graves. She felt three squeezes and strong arms around her. She broke down in his arms, all this time she was strong and she just couldn't hold up the wall any longer. 

Gilbert held onto her crying about how much Anne was suffering. He just wanted to suffer for her, if only he could rip the pain away from her and feed it into himself. I was meant to protect her from this. Gilbert held onto her until she finally fell asleep and carried her to his house.

~ going off to college ~

Anne held tightly to Gilbert, tears in her eyes as she whispered goodbye. 

Anne stared at the floor, tears welling up in her eyes, "I totally understand if you fall for a pretty, obedient, modest girl in Toronto. I give you my consent to, I know that there will be other girls in Toronto who are more attractive to you and all these years I have been holding you back and-"

Gilbert put his finger to her lips, "I love you and you alone, I promise you Anne, I am forever yours." A flurry of red hair muffled his view as she hugged tightly onto him. 

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