Chapter 4: The Winter Fair

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Anne's POV 

I jumped out of bed, flung my window open, and as the cold air rushed in I shouted, "Good morning, Snow Queen!". A blanket of snow had covered everything in Avonlea, it looked so pure and untouched. I sighed, staring in the distance. I heard Marilla calling me, so I quickly put on my special blue dress and put my hair into two plaits while entwining white lilies (a white lily in each plait) that I had picked yesterday. I placed on my flower crown, also made of snow lilies, grinned at myself then skipped downstairs.

"Good morning, Marilla!" I exclaimed while pecking her on the cheek.

"Good morning, Anne. Now hurry and set the table before Matthew comes down."

It was soon time to go and we were about to leave the door when somebody knocked on the door.

It was Gilbert Blythe with a bouquet of flowers and a nervous expression. My tummy did that weird thing again. "Please may I escort a certain lovely lady to the winter fair?"

"Go on, Marilla," I said to her, sure that he was talking about my mother, "Me and Matthew can ride the carriage alone."

"Not me you, ninny!" exclaimed Marilla, "Go on, Anne, off you go."

"Wait what? Marilla stop pushing me out of the door!" I shouted, Gilbert sniggering behind the flowers.

Marilla's POV

Finally they're together. Maybe Anne will stop complaining about him now.

Gilbert's POV

She looks beautiful. I meant her outfit looked beautiful, she just happened to be wearing it...

I offered her my arm, knowing she most probably wouldn't accept it and I was right.

"Gilbert Blythe! I am perfectly capable to walk  without your assistance!" I knew it. We carried on walking and a sudden place came to mind. "Come with me," I whispered in her ear, then grabbed my hand in hers.

The stomach feeling started all over again, but I ignored it. Wow, she hasn't pulled away yet! That has to be an improvement. Wait why is that such a big improvement? I weaved in and out of the trees in the woods, my hand still gripping hers when we finally arrived.

Anne's POV

I was astonished by the beauty of Avonlea. Snow-topped trees, with snow lilies blooming underneath them while robins with the most scarlet bellies and chestnut bodies perched on top of the bare branches, chirping merrily. The chestnut reminded me of Gilbert's hair. I stared at him while he was struck with awe. He must've felt me staring as he stared at me back, right into my eyes. We stood there as if stuck in time, no one daring moving til we heard the uproar of children and the whirs of all fairground machines out into action. 

Oh Mother Nature. We were still holding hands. I blushed as red as a robins belly and pulled away. He took my hand again at once, and held onto it the whole way to the Winter's fair.

 I saw Matthew and Marilla waving at me, beckoning me over. I murmured a word of goodbye to Gilbert, and ran over to them, still shocked by events before. 

I skipped merrily around the fair, playing games here and there while greeting all my friends, well, friend, Diana.

"Hello, how come you arrived with Gilbert instead of Matthew and Marilla? Ruby Gillis is going crazy!"

"Why does Ruby Gillis care so much?"

Diana seemed occupied with something behind Anne, and there was Josie Pye arm in arm with a sniffling Ruby Gillis.

"Excuse me, Anne. Don't you dare even think about Gilbert Blythe again. Ruby here has had dibs on him for three years"

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. I didn't know. It won't happen again."

"Excuse me, ladies. You cannot, however in humane, have dibs on a person. And surely, I get to choose who I walk with. Sorry Ruby, though you are a most charming girl, you deserve someone better than me. I know a certain Charlie Sloane who is a most charming guy. Now, if you'll excuse her, Anne, may I have a word?"

Gilbert's POV

When we were out of earshot and sight of the girls,I bent down to her level and whispered in her ear, "Any more dragons need slaying?" 

She rolled her eyes and, loud enough for me to hear it, muttered, "Gilbert Blythe, you are impossible!"I faced opposite her holding something behind my back, a smile planted on my face, a puzzled expression on hers.

"I won this for you." I finally gave her the bag. In that bag  was a brown-no chestnut- and red fish swimming rather happily around each other. "They're desperately in love." I exclaimed dramatically, "I gave them to you because I know you'd give them the best honeymoon home ever" She squealed in delight, I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god she liked it. 

As she peered in, her snow lily crown fell off. I dropped to the ground, snatched it in my hand. I positioned as carefully as I could, concentrating every part of my brain onto putting the crown onto her ravishing hair. "Fit for a princess."

"Princess warrior!" declared Anne, looking up at me because of the height difference.

"Yes, but surely warriors can slay their own dragons?" I teased, looking down into her ocean blue eyes.

"Gilbert Blythe, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you really are impossible!" and with that she whacked me in the head and she stormed off, pulling Matthew and Marilla from their conversations, and made their way to the carriage. I chuckled and walked away, replaying what just happened over and over again.

"Hey, Gilbert! What you daydreaming about, or should I say, who are you daydreaming about?" 

"Oh shut up, Billy ! I never said I was thinking about Anne!"

"Neither did I," he smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes, ""Out of all the girls, you, Gilbert Blythe, the most handsome boy in Avonlea, who could sweep any girl off her feet, choose the orphan?"

"She's not just an orphan!" I shouted rage bubbling from deep within.

"Yeah, she's weird, feisty, dramatic, stupi-"

Before I knew it I was charging at Billy punching him repeatedly in the face. He kicked me in the mouth, but I felt no pain. I shoved him to the ground.

"If you ever, and I mean ever, talk about Anne like that I will make it my personal business to do worse than a few punches. Got it?" I hissed in his ear, my whole body seething.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I won't."

With that, I got up, brushed myself down, and pushed past the crowd of girls and boys around us. I ran out of the fair and back home to tend to my lip. I knew everybody was staring, but I didn't care, justice had to be restored, and if it destroyed my reputation, so be it. 

Anne's POV

I finally got home from the fair, and quickly grabbed one of Marilla's many vases and emptied out the contents of the bag into it. I stared at them as they circled each other. They are desperately in love, I thought a genuine smile on my face .

A/N: sorry for this really rubbish chapter...

Scarlet and ChestnutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora