Chapter 8: Death

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Gilbert's POV 

Chug. Chug. Chug. I gave my dad a squeeze and a comforting smile, pretending as if I wasn't a wreck on the inside. We were on our way to Charlottetown to go see a doctor. My father. He is. Sick. Maybe fatally. And there's nothing I can do about it, I thought, a single tear rolling down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, hoping my dad couldn't see it. He did.

"We'll be fine son. Don't you worry about me, I will always be in here." He whispered then pointed to my chest. "Just promise me a few things. Always go where your heart leads you and don't let anyone -anyone- tell you what is right or what is wrong. Only you get to decide that." I nodded as silent tears glided down my cheek. He kissed my forehead and sweared to me that he will love me forever.

It all happened too quickly. 

One minute he was squeezing my hand. 

The next he was coughing, people came running, shouting, I was pulled away I screamed but I couldn't hear myself, I didn't know, people were there, lots and lots of people, I couldn't see my father, I roared, tried to scrabble through the crowds once more only to be pulled back, lots and lots of people trying to speak inaudible words of comfort that meant absolutely nothing to me. 

Too fast.

The next minute he was dead.

 I screamed to the sky. I was pulled back inside. My anger, my sadness, my overwhelming feelings that I didn't know what meant all brewed up inside me yet I was compressed as if I was just a cushion to be pushed, prodded and placed wherever pleased people no matter how I  wanted to be pushed, how I  wanted to be prodded, where I wanted to go.

These thoughts screamed inside my head, raging against the walls of my head, beating me tormenting me, fighting me. I just wanted it to.


Chug. Chug. Chug.

The rhythm calmed me. The repetition. You could always rely the next chug would come. They wouldn't ever go. They would stay. Stay with me.

Chug. Chug. Chug.

Soon I had returned back to Avonlea. As an orphan. 

Everything I saw, everything I did reminded me of my father. Not to mention the people. All the apologies. All the pity sighs. All the I can't imagine what you're going through. All the sympathy hugs. I got them from everybody. Over. And over again. 

Chug. Chug. Chug.

Anne's POV

Drop. Drop. Drop.

The rain. The chaotic yet therapeutic rhythm that I would always lose myself in. 

Drop. Drop. Drop.

A scream. It interrupted the steady melody of the rain. A figure. Stood alone in the rain. Head up to the sky. Screaming. I ran outside, my hat and coat half on to find this figure in the fields.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

My feet squelched in the mud. And then I saw him. Gilbert Blythe. On the muddy ground. Screaming to the sky. In the pouring rain. I sprinted to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he cried into my shoulder and held me tight, gripping on to me as if his life depended on it.

I didn't question it. I just knew he needed support and that support will come from me. We stood there for at least half an hour, until he broke away and started to make his way to his house.

Gilbert's POV

Anne rescued me from the darkness, she is my rock. If only we could stay there forever, but I knew one of us had to let go, and that person wasn't going to be Anne. I broke away and made my way home.

Home. It's going to be so...empty. Just me, myself and I. I felt a warm hand wrap around mine and give mine a squeeze three times. I knew what she was trying to say. I've got your back. I squeezed three times back. It became kind of a code, or symbol.

She walked all the way back to my house. She sat me down on the sofa and tended to the fire. The fire roared, embracing us with warmth. Fires are beautiful. Each one is unique, yet so similar. Anne sat next to me, wrapping herself in my blanket. Her eyes reflected the fire as she stared at in amazement. Hours went by and we both sat there as the fire raged on. It was soon pitch black apart from the bright light from the fire. Anne was startled, gave my hand three quick squeezes then ran out the door in the direction of Green Gables. 

I fell asleep on the sofa, hugging tight to the faint smell of Anne, which got me through the night.

Sorry it was such a short paragraph. It's currently 11:30 and I got two exams tomorrow in school. Thanks so much guys. 

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