Chapter 17: Campfire

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Gilbert's POV

I don't know how, but Josie did it. She managed to convince all students to sleep out in the forest tonight. She even managed to convince our- well their parents and my Bash. I'm not surprised if Josie grows up to be a con artist. 

~ that night ~

Everyone was gathered around a huge fire. It reminded me of Anne's most wonderous hair. My eyes diverted to her, I just couldn't help it. She was able to look beautiful, whether she was wearing a beautiful gown with puffed sleeved and a million ribbons or a nightie. Wow. She caught me staring at her but I didn't pull away and neither did she. Billy started screaming for attention and we all stared at him, eyebrows raised.

"Horror story time!" he shouted, looking more happy than I've ever seen him.

"In the depth of this very forest in Avonlea, a ghost roams. He searches only for children, especially those with a huge mind. He sucks their soul out in the dead of night, you never see him coming. If you listen closely, you could hear the screams of the children riding in the wind. They scream, as the trees rustle, as a twig snaps, as an owl hoots. These are the signs. He's coming to get you," finished Billy dramatically, his face illuminated by pure elation and the fire. I felt Anne grab my hand and I squeezed it 3 times. I reassured her, reminding her it was only a story, it was all in her head. She nodded feebly, and I squeezed her hand again.

Anne's POV

I should never have come, the ghost is going to get me! Damn me and my huge mind. I scrambled for something to hold and felt a hand. I grabbed it desperately, relieved as I felt three squeezes. I heard little whispers in my ears comforting me, and I just nodded. I heard my name and snapped towards it.

"Hey little mouse! Getting frightened by the ghost? Is he calling to you, mouse? Squeak squeak!" My heart started racing, my breath quickening as I ran into the forest. The wind taunted me with the voices of my past.

Hey, little mouse!

Squeak squeak

You'll never be loved.

No one will want you, you're stuck here, in the orphanage where you belong.

Squeak squeak

Anne...Anne! Anne! Anne! 

I halted and slumped on the floor, blocking my ears from the noises.

"Stop it! STOP IT!" 

I felt two arms wrap around me brushing my hair, whispering, "I'll make it stop. Don't worry. You can get through this." My breathing slowed down.

"Good job. I'm proud of you. Keep going." My breath slowed as he smoothed my hair and held me close. I realised that it was Gilbert and I sobbed into his chest. I don't know what came over me. I mumbled words of gratitude, "Thank you, thank you so much."

"No problem, Shirley." 

"We're back on a last name basis. Trying to break my heart, Blythe?" 

He chuckled before replying, "No, I would never," he tucked a strand behind my ear, "but it breaks my heart every time I see you cry." 

I took his hand, by the time we got back all the stories were finished and it was time to sleep. I huddled into my blanket, urging my brain to fall asleep, but it kept on snapping every time the tree rustled, a twig broke or an owl hooted into the night. Which, as you could imagine, was often. I just couldn't bring myself to go to sleep. I looked around, nobody was awake. I checked once more, as I climbed next to Gilbert. I hugged him, my head burrowed in his chest. I suddenly felt calm as I observed Gilbert Blythe. He looked so calm, so peaceful. A smile stretched on his face and one eye opened, "Can't sleep either, Carrots?"

"No," I winced as an owl hooted, "My imagination is a blessing and a curse." He pulled me closer and my eyes finally closed. 

Gilbert's POV

The sun's rays shone into my eyes, shadows from the trees scattered on the floor. My eyes squinted as I woke up, and felt a presence. I looked down and a head of red lay on my chest and two arms stretched around my body. Anne Shirley Cuthbert is hugging me! Oh god! Anne Shirley Cuthbert is hugging me. I pleaded with my brain to calm down. I stared down, the rays hit her face beautifully, illuminating her hair, which little flowers were peeping out of. Her orange eyelashes fluttered.

"Morning, beautiful," I whispered to her, not realising I said it out loud til she replied with, "Morning, handsome." She suddenly realised what she said as her eyes shot open. "If I wasn't so sleepy, I'd get up but your chest is an unusually comfortable pillow," she slurred, still half asleep. I chuckled as she lay her head down and continued to lightly snore. I felt my eyes dropping, and I fell back into a deep slumber.

SPLASH! A crowd of classmates circled around us as we groggily woke up. Anne was still on my chest, telling them to leave us alone. They jeered calling us lovebirds and so on. It's too early in the morning to deal with them. I cuddled back with Anne, attempting to go back to sleep. Of course they didn't let us. We woke up later, with our arms wrapped around each other. We quickly pulled away rather embarrassed. 

"You two lovebirds finally awake?" teased Billy. 

"Oh shut up!"

Cole approached us, handing a piece of paper, smiling. "This was all you." It was a drawing.

Anne's head was in the crook of my neck and my face on her head, my lips touching her feisty hair. We were holding each other close, both of us smiling so peacefully. I slipped the picture into my bag.

I turned to look at Anne embarrassed. Both of us became increasingly interested in the forest floor, until it was time to go, where we awkwardly hugged goodbye then went off.

Until we realised that we go the same way.

Boy, that was awkward

A/N I'm so tired.

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