Chapter 15: Unconscious

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Anne's POV 

Water tickled the bottom of my feet. I was still asleep, I didn't notice anything. 10 minutes later I was submerged by freezing cold water. My eyes instantly snapped open. I looked around. The sky was blanketed by diamonds and a huge orb shining down at me. Then I saw him. My head was resting against his chest and my hand was cushioning his neck. I blushed, then quickly got up.

I shook Gilbert awake, we were still at the beach. "Hey there, Shirley," he grumbled, rubbing his eyes. His eyes grew wide when he realised where he was. I pulled him up, as he was still speechless. "We need to get home, Gil!" I shouted trying to snap him awake. His dazed expression disappeared, and he furrowed his eyebrows. I ran ahead, we had to be quick, Mathew and Marilla must be worried sick. I was in suck a wreck I was stupid enough not to check where I was going. I slipped on a rock. Time seemed to go so fast. I saw blood, then Gilbert face shouting something that I couldn't make out. Then darkness.

Gilbert's POV

Anne. Anne. Anne. I tried to wake her up but it was no use. It was all my fault. I bent down, and took off my shirt so it could act as a bandage. I wrapped my shirt around her head, then scooped her up, her red hair against my chest. She was bleeding. A lot.

I trudged to Green Gables, each step was a challenge. I had to get Anne back home, she didn't deserve this, it was all my fault. All my fault. If only I was more alert. I should've held her hand and she wouldn't have slipped. If only. I was mentally and physically exhausted and took up all of my willpower just to pick up my foot and put it down. I finally stood behind the gates of Green Gables. I fumbled with the lock then knocked weakly on the door. Marilla swung it open and I nearly fainted. She gasped with shock, grabbed Anne, then ushered me inside. She quickly settled Anne on the sofa, and ran to make some herbal remedy of some sort. I collapsed next to Anne on the sofa as I placed a blanket on her. I took her hand and squeezed it three times, urging it to be alright. Marilla gave me some of Matthew's clothes, I thanked her and quickly put them on. She told me I could sleep in Anne's room, but I refused, and set myself on the floor next to Anne.

I tried my best to stay awake, I really did. If Anne woke up, I wanted to be there to apologise. My eyes closed, this time they stayed like that. 

Marilla's POV

Anne. Thank the gods she had Gilbert. Who knows what would've happened without him. He is upset, I can tell, he stayed by her side all night. 

I woke up and immediately rushed downstairs to find Gilbert lying on the floor and Anne on the sofa. Their hands were millimetres away, almost as if they were holding hands. I raised an eyebrow, then rushed to Anne and lifted up the bandage. The bleeding seemed to have stopped and she was breathing, but she was still unconscious. I woke up Gilbert, and of course the first thing on his mind was Anne. He rushed to her, and he was immediately disappointed when I told him she wasn't awake yet. 

~ 3 days later, still Marilla's POV ~

Gilbert just won't go, no matter how hard I urge him. All his cheeks have lost colour and all he  would do is tend to Anne, only eating a few morsels of food everyday. He was still in Matthews clothes, he shook his head when I offered to take his place so he could go home. If only Anne would get better, it would be good for her wellbeing just as much as his.

Anne's POV

Pain. My head was raging. It burned, it scorched, it screamed. I sat up, rubbing my head. A body rushed forward and swung me around in the air and laughed. Gilbert Blythe. I could recognise that laugh anywhere. I saw his smiling face as he sat me on the sofa and pressed his lips firm on my hands. 

I grinned, thinking I was still dreaming, "My dream just got better." I pinched myself. Oh Mother Nature, I'm not dreaming. He threw his head back and laughed. He hugged me again and whispered in my ears, "I thought I lost you Carrots." I felt his tears on my ear, and replied, "I'm afraid your stuck with me."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marilla standing in the doorway. Oh my dear Marilla. I ran up to her, and hugged her tight, kissing her on both cheeks. Gilbert cleared his throat, "It would be most rude for me to intrude this happy reunion, I'll be off." Marilla immediately stopped him, "Fiddlesticks! You've saved my Anne's life, the least I could do is keep you for dinner. You know what, I'll invite Bash too!" Marilla was off, cooking, sending invitations to Bash, rushing all over the place. I laughed.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, the question suddenly popping into my head.

"3 days. You could see why I was so worried."he replied, staring at me.

"Well I'm sure you were the worst doctor ever!"

"Shirley. I think you're going to have to go to a Charlottetown doctor," Gilbert said, looking worried, then smiled, "You've clearly gone crazy." I ruffled his hair, then got up, before Gilbert pushed me down.

"Woah woah woah. Where do you think you're going, missy?" 


"You need to get some rest!"

"I've been 'resting' for 3 days I've had enough rest, don't you think? Plus I need to catch up with my school work. Tell me what's been going on at school."

"I haven't been going to school either!"

"Where have you been?! Missing school like that? You should've taken advantage and got ahead instead of messing around at home!"I exclaimed.

"Of course I was with you, silly," he chuckled, he came closer and looked me in the eyes, "I wouldn't ever leave you."

My heart fluttered and my whole body was on freeze. Thank god Marilla called, she saved me. I promptly got up, but Gilbert picked me up and sat me on the sofa again, and insisted I bring me my lunch. He came back in with two plates, then sat cross legged on the floor looking rather adorable. 

"Shirley, mind saying grace?" He clasped his hands over mine and I felt a shock. I knew he felt it too. I started, "Oh Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you so much for granting me a Gilbert Blythe to be my guardian angel. Do me one favour, make him less annoying." I opened my eyes to find Gilbert's staring at me. He smiled and said, "So I'm your guardian angel and your dragon slayer?"

"Oh shut up," I teased, then I confessed, "Thank you. I'd be dead without you and I am extremely grateful. Now I haven't eaten for 3 days and Marilla's roast potatoes are my happiness."

"You're my happiness," he joked.

"God, Blythe, you're even cheesier than this pasta!"

Gilbert's POV

I chuckled, God have I missed Anne Shirley Cuthbert. She looked at me unexpectedly, before murmuring, "Gil, one question."

"Anything for you, milady."

"Why do you talk with me and not any of the other girls?"

"Anne, from the moment I saw you I knew you were nothing like the other girls. Anne, you have the bravery of a lion, the beauty of a butterfly and the purity of a dove. You're special, I'm never going to find anybody like you, and I don't want to."

She blushed. I remarked, "Did I just make the one and only Anne Shirley Cuthbert blush?!"

She sighed, "You had to go ruin it didn't you?"

We both had a laugh, when Bash called me, saying we had to go. I theatrically bowed to Anne, "Farewell, my lady." and walked away, not taking my eyes off her as she curtseyed. We chuckled, then I turned to Bash with a huge grin on my face.

"Blythe, you're worse than I thought," was the only thing that Bash said on the whole journey home.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"That you have so hopelessly fallen in love with this Anne girl!" shouted Bash.

Something clicked, I don't know what but it just triggered something and my head was so bamboozled I looked up at Bash with wide eyes.

"Oh my God. Bash," I murmured terrified.

"I think I'm in love with Anne Shirley Cuthbert."

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